Putting the Pieces Together – I’m Worth It!

A funny, funny reminder that I’ve been getting almost daily since September on my mobile devices… this ONE particular video’s title is “Are you WORTH It?” LOL!

A veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved requiring ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning, typically presented as a game.

The universe speaks to me in riddles…because usually it’s only then that I finally choose to listen.

I ask for clarification instead of creating chaos in my life. It’s fun, easy and helps me  on my path…..keeping me moving forward, albeit stumbling at times. My mantra has come to be,”Please show me the things that I don’t want to see in myself.”

There have been several things recently, that I have been stubbornly ignoring ….so it seems.

Here’s what I was manifesting to clue me into looking closer:

  • Phone / Computer glitches.
  • A particular word or phrase appearing over and over to me.
  • A particular incident crossing my mind several times.
  • An out-of-the-ordinary physical symptom.
  • All of the above!
Debi's painting
One of my paintings…

Right now, I am currently remembering (after reminders from the Higher Self) to::

  • Make painting a priority…it’s what brings me the most joy! Stop being stingy with myself! I am worth it!
  • Take care of my physical body! (I am a complete work in progress here, kids!) This is the one body that I have here on Earth right now…value it and it will value me. I just recently figured out that I have been getting “nudged” to take yoga for the past 5 YEARS apparently! Which brings me to….
  • Be patient with myself! Relax…laugh at myself. Life is not so serious. I laughed when I saw all the ways Spirit had attempted to show me the things I wasn’t ready to see at the time.

So yayyyyy for seeing the bigger picture no matter how long it takes. We are all a work in progress. There is no competition in spirituality….. especially when it comes to myself.

By the way….my to-do list is getting smaller than my to-be list. I just made blooming baked apples and the house smells super-delicious. I am drinking a big glass of lemon water and am now off for a walk in the sunshine on this crisp fall day with my sweetheart. Do you know why? Because I am worth it!!!

Debi Weinstein









Debi Weinstein
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

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