Tag: creation


Going Within to the Source of All Things

A few years back I had a vivid dream. Though it wasn’t lucid, I had a moment when I knew I was dreaming and realized I was somewhere “real.” I floated in a plasma like atmosphere.  It was quiet. Filtering through the space, a soft light glowed around the edges of shapes and from the colors of the “atmosphere.”

Nebula and galaxies in space. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

The planes of the ground, horizon and sky all vibrated iridescent of purple, blue-magenta and some red-pink tones. There were shapes that looked like rocks. Other objects that painted the landscape but I do not recall and of course I did not think to write it down after the dream occurred. I thought at the time that it was such a vivid and life transforming experience that I would remember all the details.

While those details have faded, I’m left with awestruck feeling of being somewhere out of this world. I felt as if I were Hubble’s telescope, where the lens would view. In the dream, I thought that I had arrived at this place by traveling outward and going ‘up’ high and great distance away. I thought of the location like, if one left Earth, this place would be way out in the galaxy somewhere. That is the impression I have had all along until a few days ago.

Dreams can be attention getters. They have that essence of familiarity from this existence, however small, but hyperbolized, painted with sparkles and consist of super-hero like attributes. On top of that a hefty handful of quantum stew elements, marinated in all the effects that Hollywood, Disney, NASA, and Tesla combined could possibly muster, set the stage for our dreams.

While in a vivid dream state, it may seem like, yes, this is the way it is, this is truth. But coming back and waking up and revisiting it with the 3D lens, it makes no sense. It is magical, mystical, and hopeful, but as well is also confusing and leaves one in a state of understanding that there is so much more to ALL of this that must be explored.

But back to a few days ago, when the where that I was, was turned inside out. For some reason, I am on a super-hero kick as I am watching Netflix and clicking on the “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “The Avengers,” and “Ant-Man and the Wasp.” Ant-Man is unique in that he can get very, very small. Quantum level small. A small world he collapsed into was déjà vu to the vivid dream I described earlier.

Upon seeing this and connecting it to that dream, a knowing bell rang inside of me. It occurred to me that my assumption of going out and far may not have been so. When in deep water, up and down can easily get confused. Balance and equilibrium can feel off and we become challenged to orient ourselves. It seems possible that traveling outward and inward have that same phenomena. I may not have gone out to Hubble’s eyesight at all, but instead traveled inwards with the lens of a quantum microscope.

In a sense, that feels right. My sense of orientation was off, and I was inward and at the beginning. I was at the place of the building blocks and the source of all things, where it’s all connected and tangled to all that is. It is a place to go to make adjustments when things run amok on this larger than life stage. Whether it be a health issue, or a seemingly out of control situation, or an engine on the fritz, this is THE PLACE to be to fine tune at the core and heal and resolve.

The greatest part of this whole exploration, is that it came around full circle to home, where we’ve all been and where we go often when meditating or tapping into healing practices like Trinity. I cannot wait to go back in with all senses and more. Now I remember how once again. It is a funny sort of remembering to remember, remember: We’re almost there, remembering this kind of thing.

Speaking of remembering, where I’m going with all of this is a reminder to us. A reminder to take the time to practice going within and connecting to all there is. Figuratively intend to pull some weeds and plant some trees and hug one while you’re there at the root source, so that love and good continues to be reflected up high and all over the place near and far. It is all connected. It’s all good. We are love and all that jazz.


Dee Jones
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner







A Day of Seeing it DONE

Creating what you want in the day-to-day goes by many names, a few are manifesting, law of attraction, and my favorite, end point creation.  This name says it all.  Create what your intended final outcome is and leave the details to the universe. After all, who cares how it happens, just that it happens?!

Knowing how this works, I learned, is a far cry from actually doing it.  I decided to dedicate one day to creating by seeing things done.  And what I found was there is so much more creating going on than I ever imagined and I was so focused on the process of doing something that I never really put my attention on what I wanted done.

My day started with a reminder that I needed to write this blog. I had begun writing on a variety of unsatisfactory subjects but today my answer was, yes I will get it written by seeing it done! I followed that up with the simple task of feeding the dogs. I put down the two bowls and immediately began the thought process of how to get my picky dog, Charlie, to actually eat his food without coaxing or the other dog eating it first.  It was automatic. I stopped and decided to simply see it done. Charlie has eaten his breakfast. And I left it alone. I returned to the room to find two dogs licking empty, respective bowls.  Next, I trusted that a full, heavy and open can of paint could be lifted easily and neatly by seeing it sitting on a counter without any spills or painful lifting. I am not saying I had to take no action to move the paint can, but I trusted that I could do it with little effort on my part instead of bracing for the weight and paying close attention to not spilling. It was almost effortless.

Today’s biggest celebration was seeing my daughter’s college account ready for registration. My fears kept wanting to creep in and create worry about the process of how to get it accomplished in time for her to register and attend classes this fall. I focused daily on just seeing it done. The screens will display “no holds”. Everyone is happy to make this their priority too. The steps I needed to take would be clearly explained and easy to follow. And today was that day where everything flowed and fell into place. It is done. Everything is done as I pictured it. It was so much easier and more pleasant to focus on what I wanted instead of my fears and the attempt to control the process.

It’s funny how I had reserved my end point creation for big creations, like trips or money or safe travels. And allowed my days to be stuffed with creations left up to cumbersome processes and habits. Needless to say, I created an awesome day by seeing things done.







Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

The Art of Remembering

Walking through life today is all about creating as we go. Every second is created and filled with stuff. It’s easy to get bogged down in the detail and emotion of it all. And it seems that becoming aware that we create in the moment only complicates the minute-to-minute with “thinking” about creating. Thinking, judging, rethinking, feeling, judging and rethinking over and over to ensure we are creating exactly what we desire in the moment. It can get overwhelming and paralyzing trying to keep up with the speed we live life and all its unexpected and possibly unwanted hurtles.

Each one of us is here right now for a reason or we wouldn’t be here. That is a challenge for those of us who are unsure of their purpose or those unsure how to move forward with their purpose. Add in the knowing that we create our reality and the pressure mounts. For some it becomes their life’s journey, maybe even obsession, to discover and fulfill that purpose.

We are also called at this time to do things differently to ensure we move this dimension into its next evolution. Something else kind of important we are creating! Most of us can only guess at what that looks or feels like. So how do we create what we don’t know anything about?! How do you create without any knowing?

The answer is the Art of Remembering. We created all of this. We planned every detail. So logically it follows that we have all the answers to every question possible, it’s just a matter of remembering them. Answers from resolving every day-to-day hurtle all the way to fulfilling your life’s purpose, lie in Remembering. Remembering you know how to create in the moment. Remembering you know how to face life’s core issues. Remembering you know how to be happy, joyful and fulfilled. Remembering you know how to remember all of it.

Remembering to remember is probably the most challenging part of creating this way. It changes how we behave and believe. It is a shift from Knowing in your head to Knowing (Remembering) in your heart. It is a shift from using your mental senses of hearing, smelling, seeing, feeling and tasting to the senses of the heart and remembering those. It is changing the basic habits of living.

Trust is another facet of Remembering. I see it as a natural result of being 100% there for yourself. Staying in the authentic self naturally moves us to a place of trust in our heart senses.

Like with any form of art, it takes practice and patience to feel comfortable creating through Remembering. Comfort leads to confidence, which leads to a new level of joy, happiness and fulfillment most of us have yet to remember creating. So, set yourself to flow, go with it and see what you remember along the way!








Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

Creation – The Cellular Connection


Purity of cellular creationThe origin of the word create is Latin meaning “to produce.” But it’s the Late Middle English definition, “form out of nothing,” that I prefer, because it sums up my feelings about creating, creation and creativity. It all comes seemingly from nothing.

Or does it?

Today, in my opinion, creation takes the form of how we define it. The rules that are applied to the energy determine what we create. I think of taking Playdoh and forcing it through a plastic form to create a shape. Extruding the Playdoh into a shape allows us to create that shape. What a fun idea!

Now in taking that a step further to more “grown up” fundamentals, let’s create a $10,000 balance in my bank account. What “rules” do I access, and how do I manipulate the energy to create this balance? Let’s see… lots of hard work and effort? Robbing a bank? Winning the lottery? Finding the money in an old purse? These rules really seem to make the creation process complicated and effort intensive. OK, so let’s simplify it some more and just have the balance appear in my account. Great! That sounds clear and straightforward. But is it? Would I trust that the money really was mine? Would I be afraid that someone would discover it was an error and take the money back, since by some “rules,” I clearly didn’t “earn” it (and what’s earning and who defines when something is “earned,” anyway)? So, it is my understanding that when we create, we do so through belief (which includes rules and definitions) as well as trust in that creation here. For anything! A belief and trust in the perceived creation process is necessary.

So what would happen if we eliminated the need for the rules and definitions? And just knowing something is created, freely and unencumbered by any rules or processes? So in keeping with the positive affirmation principle, I began looking for words to express this type of creation. All the words seemed to define it in terms of lack of it. Like UNdefined or ruleLESS. My thoughts led me to phones without wires, wireless, again LESS. Then it hit me that would be a “cellular” phone. Ding! Ding! Ding! It’s creation from the cellular level. Free from rules, definitions, beliefs, processes or emotions.Creation based only on universal unconditional perfect love is Cellular Love. That’s the ultimate in creative freedom.

I love the scientific law that “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another.”

Creation just rearranges how our current “energy” is expressed. Imagine being able to express your energy in ways that are free from the rules and definitions? How would that change everything? Spend some time exploring the ramifications of how you define or limit your creativity and ultimately your creations with rules, definitions, beliefs, processes, and emotions. I found it to be almost overwhelming, without even considering the intricacies of the interdependencies of everything! The picture I saw was quite the tangled knot. It was way too much to undo. So rather than fix the current creative chaos, simply create cellularly, pure in every moment!

Your “cellular plan” has unlimited data, talk and text – naturally…. so, go create!!










Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

Creation Reminders as Spring Begins to Bud

DeeSpringThe other morning I was on the front porch, sitting comfortably on the hanging wicker chair. I was gently swinging and nestled on a thick cushion, surrounded by and propped up with pillows. The sky was clear and blue and the sun was peeking through the pine trees. Bright bands of light touched my skin, warming me. The breeze was just light enough to tickle the wind chime encouraging it to sing sweetly.

I could feel the blooming energy of the creative forces of spring emerging. In noticing this energy and observing the coming together of a beautiful, well forming day, my mind launched to motion with reflecting upon the creative energy. In the mist of reflecting, a hawk cried on the other side of the house. I noticed that there were no other birds in sound or sight. It seemed as though in previous years there was usually more bustling with creatures and life. It was odd that I felt the energy, but not observing any of it.

I let that thought pass and turned to a book I was reading about how to play in this illusion. As I was reading a passage about “changes simply unfold as a natural outgrowth when we reclaim and connect with our true selves”, the life of the “forest” around me woke up. At that point, I heard a chorus of singing birds. Soon after a cardinal flew past me. Looking around, I saw several different types of birds hanging out in the yard walking and pecking about. In the tree branches, still more birds. Shortly after, over my shoulder, I heard scurrying and old fall leaves crunching. Looking over to where the sounds emerged, I saw two squirrels playing chase and running up and around a tree’s trunk. Yet another squirrel with a nut in mouth, was digging in the pine needles to bury his treasure. Spring sprung!

I was in awe in how quickly the transformation occurred. It was truly amazing. I felt my heart expand. It expanded in such a way that I felt my heart smile. Within moments of my heart smiling, I heard my neighbor from two doors down and up a hill. She was singing, while only a short line. It was a joyous sound of thanks and praise. I saw her not, but felt her joy.

This fever of spring and its creative elements moved fast and spread with inspiration. Even though this creative energy seems more apparent in the springtime, it is happening all the time. Witnessing this was a wonderful reminder that we all hold and posses this creative force every moment and can create whatever we desire. I love be reminded of that.

Happy Spring! May you all create beautiful, joyful and adventurous days. Today and all days!

Deena Jones










Dee Jones
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner