Tag: meditation
Going Within to the Source of All Things
A few years back I had a vivid dream. Though it wasn’t lucid, I had a moment when I knew I was dreaming and realized I was somewhere “real.” I floated in a plasma like atmosphere. It was quiet. Filtering through the space, a soft light glowed around the edges of shapes and from the colors of the “atmosphere.”
The planes of the ground, horizon and sky all vibrated iridescent of purple, blue-magenta and some red-pink tones. There were shapes that looked like rocks. Other objects that painted the landscape but I do not recall and of course I did not think to write it down after the dream occurred. I thought at the time that it was such a vivid and life transforming experience that I would remember all the details.
While those details have faded, I’m left with awestruck feeling of being somewhere out of this world. I felt as if I were Hubble’s telescope, where the lens would view. In the dream, I thought that I had arrived at this place by traveling outward and going ‘up’ high and great distance away. I thought of the location like, if one left Earth, this place would be way out in the galaxy somewhere. That is the impression I have had all along until a few days ago.
Dreams can be attention getters. They have that essence of familiarity from this existence, however small, but hyperbolized, painted with sparkles and consist of super-hero like attributes. On top of that a hefty handful of quantum stew elements, marinated in all the effects that Hollywood, Disney, NASA, and Tesla combined could possibly muster, set the stage for our dreams.
While in a vivid dream state, it may seem like, yes, this is the way it is, this is truth. But coming back and waking up and revisiting it with the 3D lens, it makes no sense. It is magical, mystical, and hopeful, but as well is also confusing and leaves one in a state of understanding that there is so much more to ALL of this that must be explored.
But back to a few days ago, when the where that I was, was turned inside out. For some reason, I am on a super-hero kick as I am watching Netflix and clicking on the “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “The Avengers,” and “Ant-Man and the Wasp.” Ant-Man is unique in that he can get very, very small. Quantum level small. A small world he collapsed into was déjà vu to the vivid dream I described earlier.
Upon seeing this and connecting it to that dream, a knowing bell rang inside of me. It occurred to me that my assumption of going out and far may not have been so. When in deep water, up and down can easily get confused. Balance and equilibrium can feel off and we become challenged to orient ourselves. It seems possible that traveling outward and inward have that same phenomena. I may not have gone out to Hubble’s eyesight at all, but instead traveled inwards with the lens of a quantum microscope.
In a sense, that feels right. My sense of orientation was off, and I was inward and at the beginning. I was at the place of the building blocks and the source of all things, where it’s all connected and tangled to all that is. It is a place to go to make adjustments when things run amok on this larger than life stage. Whether it be a health issue, or a seemingly out of control situation, or an engine on the fritz, this is THE PLACE to be to fine tune at the core and heal and resolve.
The greatest part of this whole exploration, is that it came around full circle to home, where we’ve all been and where we go often when meditating or tapping into healing practices like Trinity. I cannot wait to go back in with all senses and more. Now I remember how once again. It is a funny sort of remembering to remember, remember: We’re almost there, remembering this kind of thing.
Speaking of remembering, where I’m going with all of this is a reminder to us. A reminder to take the time to practice going within and connecting to all there is. Figuratively intend to pull some weeds and plant some trees and hug one while you’re there at the root source, so that love and good continues to be reflected up high and all over the place near and far. It is all connected. It’s all good. We are love and all that jazz.
Dee Jones
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner
Experience Magical Healing Outside of Linear Time
Last month, eight of us experienced magnificent, expanding, life changing, healing, purifying, magical moments in Mt. Shasta, CA.
During our retreats, the focus is on going within and dissolving what holds us back from realizing our Divine potential. Part of the experience includes extensive self-directed energy healing work, meditation, and reflection… and pushing ourselves beyond our previous limits. We did work together and individually; we meditated alone and we shared meditations too. One of the ongoing exercises is a vortex where we all focus on one in the group at a time.
We experienced deep and intense shares from our vortex exercises; full of epiphanies and breakthroughs… many of you felt and/or are still feeling it too, because – outside of space and time – many of you who practice Oneness consciousness, even though you might not have been physically present, also felt and have experienced the shifts.
I was blessed to meet and share with some of the most beautiful beings in my soul tribe I have met thus far in this life. One of them was, a magical, full of joy, very special being named Sandi.
I had heard of her in the past. I also knew she’d had a very serious health situation last year where she found herself choosing to stay or go. The details were not very clear to me at the onset of the retreat. However, throughout the experience, we effortlessly and quietly connected; I later learned about our shared love for music, sound, yoga, and magical fun experiences!
In one of our shares, Sandi was in the middle of the vortex; what I saw and experienced during the exercise was very interesting and different…and I was guided not to share at that moment. I judged and judged myself for not sharing, thinking it was negative and low vibration compared to the beautiful understandings the others shared, yet the Higher plan was different. I chose then to embrace myself and be courageous to share privately with her.
In the beginning of the vortex, I’d expected that connecting with this magical visionary would provide an equally magical experience with her. Instead… I found myself in a hospital room… Seriously? I remember feeling confused and a bit annoyed, yet I allowed and flowed with it. It only took a few moments to realize what I was seeing, since I remembered she had been in the hospital the year before. I immediately looked at the bed and saw her… and things made more sense. I was the observer and also participating.
She looked fragile and a bit lifeless, yet inside she was vibrant but annoyed and anxious because she wasn’t able to communicate to tell the doctors what to do. It was an empty and dull place; she wanted out of there. All of a sudden I saw all of us in the vortex, standing around the bed where Sandi was laying. Her soul was happy to see us as we started asking her (telepathically) what assistance she needed… she was ready to let us know what to do! She knew what needed to be done, it seemed no one around her in the 3D quite knew what to do even though they were very concerned about her health. We were moving around doctors and other people around her, totally invisible to them.
I remember her telling us where and how to make changes energetically, to affect the physical. It was quick! As she shifted her energy and we shared with her, she began moving into this cat kneading pose that earlier during our Mt. Shasta retreat that had initially been a joke… and there was significant change.
Choosing to share my vortex experience with Sandi that night (then further discussion later, after the trip) not only validated things that I saw, but it also brought up some things for her to remember that has also validated some of her experiences, too. We are still in awe from all of this… the logical mind thinks, “How crazy!”
A funny synchronicity was this “cat kneading pose” joke… (Funny enough, as I’m writing this, my cat just joined me! She literally put her tail on my face, turned around and sat next to me!).
Sandi and I had a moment during the trip when we were talking and sharing about our love for yoga; in the process, we came up with with the pose: laying with your back on the floor and the legs over the head, like a Karna Pindasana (yoga posture)/Alanda Balasana (happy baby pose). Then, moving one’s hands like a cat kneading in the air. We laughed so much! So, when I shared my experience seeing her doing that, it hit me: Seeing her doing that pose was a transformative message of unity and recognition, in showing me that what we were doing was helping her to heal/change her reality, even though I didn’t know her yet in linear time!
Later, she shared with me that in the beginning of her recovery (because she couldn’t talk or move much), one of the initial exercises she did when she first woke up from her extended hospital stay was moving her fingers like a cat kneading. So if we removed ourselves from the limitations of linear time… we could recognize that it’s quite possible that we “jokingly” created such a “pose” today, in a way that she could use it in the “past” to help to heal and recover Or, did she forget she used it, so we could have a fun opportunity to remember together, and circle back around?
Pretty wild, right?
After this experience, I view every moment differently. I never thought that part of dissolving what holds me back during our Mt. Shasta retreat would include pushing myself out of my comfort zone to fully own and express myself and my higher consciousness experiences; accepting myself as I am, where I am, knowing that everything has a purpose!
What we’re going through is beyond magical! The more we push and allow ourselves to experience well beyond our logical mind, the more we can realize and trust that all is perfectly orchestrated; the more we do that, the more we experience moments in multidimensionality, and can do so outside of space and time.
Just Breathe!
When we open up to our true self, opportunities for growth constantly manifest. Although I continue my energy healing work/teaching and artistic creations, my journey is currently colored by studying Yoga. This is another life-long endeavor which has already brought so much joy! Meditations and breathing techniques during my practice seem to have brought me even closer to my soul. I focus more inwardly more so than before.
To follow find some breathing techniques that I have found most valuable in my yoga practice:
- The first one is called Viloma pranayama. You may sit or lie down for this technique. Inhale for two seconds in the lower part of your abdomen and then pause for two seconds holding the breath. Inhale again for two seconds into your chest area and hold your breath. Inhale one more time filling up the lungs completely and then hold your breath for 5 to 10 seconds. Slowly and deeply exhale. Repeat 10 to 15 times
- The second technique is called Anuloma pranayama. Sit in a comfortable position, keeping your back erect. Lower your head to rest your chin between your collarbones. Inhale deeply through both nostrils and hold your breath after inhalation for 5 to 10 seconds. Bring your right index finger to the nose and gently push on the right nostril and exhale slowly through the left nostril.Repeat with the other side. Try to keep the inhale as long as the exhale.
Perhaps you may enjoy giving this a try before your meditations. They may help your focus and concentration.
Much love to all of you,
Nicole Camilleri
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner
Have You Hit the Wall (of the Mind)?
I have to admit, I feel up against a wall. I have been rushing toward opening up and allowing myself to feel free flowing happiness, love, laughter, content, joy, bliss, sheer BEingness and then…WOMP. I found myself pressed against the wall. All those wondrous feelings, states of being, mind satisfying vibrations seem to be on the other side of the wall. I know they are all there. I feel so close…a breath, a hair, an instant away, but this darn block is preventing me from melting, joining, receiving, transforming to it.
I do not feel disappointed that it is not so. I feel confused. I look upon it as a dog cocking its head in puzzled confusion. I am engaged with this mystery in a sense of loving wonderment. I sense a strangeness or a weirdness as to why this is so. It feels like typing a password into the computer and nothing happens. So we type it in again expecting it allow us entrance, and then nope, nothing. Nothing changed. It may have been awhile since last tapping in. Is it possible we forgot? No, we wrote it down. Questions surface, did I change it? Did it expire? Is something wrong? I know I know this. What is going on? And there it is. It is the questioning of what is really going on and why is this so. The thinking part of the mind so at grip to this.
The softer side, emerges and says let it go, let it just be. Remove the force of the thought against it. Lay back and drift with it. Let go and allow it to just become one with us.
This translates to me as taking a step away and allowing it to come from the peripheral. I have been focusing too hard on the need, the desire, and willfulness to make it so. So it is time to step away from the wall for a moment to allow the necessary space. I allow the natural connection with the other side and to become one with it. That feels right. That feels so.
Meditation and energy work is such an important part of my day, my life and experience. It works so delicately and without confines. It reminds me that I do not have to direct or do anything in the how to make it so. Remembering and practicing this is all I need do. All is well with this.
Namaste, happiness and joy to all,
Dee Jones
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner
In the Garden…
No matter what the size, gardens help us to reconnect – with nature, with the earth, with our selves and our higher selves. I love walking around my patio garden in the mornings, checking on each plant and seeing what is new. There is always something that has changed or that I am just now noticing since the time before.
I enjoy my garden at any time of day, but mornings are my favorite. There’s something about the stillness of the morning that speaks to me and allows me to just BE. It’s as though I’m the only person around for miles…and I become one with the plants, insects, and other creatures. We feel a gentle breeze together. We hear the birds chirp. We are immortal and exist solely to be what we are as we drink in the first light of daybreak. It is a wonderful time of day!
Time spent in the garden, or in any place where nature is abundant, can help you strip off the day-to-day world and let you return to the truths of your being. All of a sudden you realize that you aren’t worried about that thing at work, or what Susie said to you last Saturday, or whether you are ever going to lose those last five pounds. You simply are. And what you are is wonderful.
Contemplate the miracle of life as you watch a caterpillar hatch from its egg. Look on with amazement at how a morning glory knows to open at the beginning of the day and close at the end. See if you can follow a trail of ants and figure out where they have come from and where they are going. Some of the simplest discoveries are the most enriching. And along the way, marvel in the fact that you are a part of it all.
Although it’s not what most people think of when they hear the word meditation, I find that some of my best meditating and many deep insights come when the rest of my body is focused on gardening. I think it’s because part of my mind has a task to focus on, which gets it out of the way and allows the rest of me to receive the information. If, like me, you have a mind that seems to run non-stop making sure you are prepared for every single minute of every day lest you forget something or are caught unawares, I suggest you try this technique; I think you will find it very rewarding! As an added benefit, once your mind becomes accustomed to feeling relaxed in your garden, it starts relaxing at other times as well. A very handy thing indeed!
The photos here are some of my most recent discoveries in my garden. I hope you enjoy them!
Colby Hall
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator