Tag: sevi costaras


To Each… Their Own Journey

My awakening started 3 years ago. However, when I say those words, I know that this has been coming for many, many years before that pivotal moment 3 years ago.

It was more than just a realization for me. It was a deep pull inward that kept calling me to pay attention to it. My dreams were filled with faces, and words, and vivid ethereal landscapes and colors so bright I could not define them as any colors I have seen here in the 3D. Something in me had changed, and I could not describe it to anyone. I felt alone.  Then came Ezekiel. A strong and gentle guide. He kept prodding me forward. Kept saying his name to me. Ezekiel guided me and I eventually listened. At first, I was impatient with him. I realize now that it wasn’t until I let go and allowed him to really guide me that this is when I started to really listen and pay attention.  He guided me to Angela’s web site.  For many of us it is a deep pull like what I experienced, for some it manifests as an illness, or trauma of some kind that pulls at  the soul until you can no longer deny it. It is my understanding that each soul having their own journey, experiences their awakening in their own unique way. Each soul having their own pathway to remember. Each soul unique in their own expression of their experience.

My soul felt a shift to find my soul family. To find my path. To learn as much as I could because I yearned for it. I have yearned for something greater and more expansive since I was knee high, maybe smaller. I could at a very young age feel things and see things I understood others around me could not. The transitioning of a butterfly from our world to the next, I could feel its last breath. The watchers, the tall dark shadow people or spirits. They came and stood over me or near me. They would talk to me during dream state and in waking state. I shut it all down for a while, protecting myself until I was ready to explore this side of me.

The information came slowly at first; I was being guided by many now. Their names do not matter. Little waves of dots connecting a fine path that lead me here… To this moment. To this day. I have experienced many moments, some small, some big yet always guiding me and connecting me in some way to another doorway that eventually leads to another doorway and then another. Funny thing is that the learning I yearned for and how I understand it to be now is really known to me now as remembering who I am. Remembering the depth of myself, my worth, my soul path. The soul family that I have been reunited with here and in other avenues have given me so many gifts, many moments of remembering on so many levels. One such moment happened while on retreat on Orcas Island with the Trinity family.

I was guided to go, knowing that this would be an expansive moment for the group, for the collective and yes for me as well. I was not prepared for what came forward. It presented itself at first in a way that overwhelmed me physically and emotionally. I panicked. This was a moment during group meditation. I was surrounded by my soul family and in the midst of my panic attack which was a 3D moment, I looked towards Angela and connected in and there she was, there they all were supporting me forward.

During this meditation I saw a large being. He had a strong masculine presence and he shared with me, that there was another being coming soon. He asked me if I was open to this moment and to this being and I acknowledged that I was. The being had his back to me. I could not see his face but he was rather tall with really wide shoulders. He was bald. Sort of reminded me of Mr. Clean but on a much grander level. 🙂

His presence resonated as “I am the protector.”

I shared this with the group and moved on with our day together.

Nicole and I shared a room during the retreat. The last night of our retreat, after we had all settled in for the night, Nicole was meditating I went into my own space again. A space I enjoy going into every night and morning, meditative and beautiful. In that moment  I felt a strong shift in the room, nothing like I have ever felt before! I looked up and around. Lifted my head to get a better view and there they were. Flowing in waves through the walls towards me. From each side on every angle they were coming and as they came, or as I understand now, as the energy came it melded through me and then into my core. The energy electric as it held me in an immobile state for 20 minutes or more… with every wave, the electric pulse surged through me. With every surge, the pulse became stronger. It never hurt me. It only held me immobile until the clearing subsided. I could see the energy coming in from the forest outside of the house we were in and into the room and then into me. As the energy pulses came I could barely get out a few sentences. When I could I spoke to Nicole and described what I was feeling. She helped me through the moment, as the energies were intense and my body felt as if it were being gently electrocuted. I was surrounded in a loving embrace. His name…Metatron. The next day, as I woke from a blissful sleep, I was not the same. I had been given a gift. That gift did not truly reveal itself until my birthday several months later. I now call that gift “The Crackle.” It comes to me as an electric surge, powerful and filled with love. It helps me acknowledge what is true for me to understand and if concentrated on another soul or myself, it helps me heal them or myself.

I share this with you all now, because I understand this to be a gift given to me… yet it is something I have always had from many lifetimes past. This is my journey and I share my understanding and guidance with you knowing that your journey is so uniquely different and filled with your own pathways leading you to your own awakening and gifts, however it manifests to you. Namaste family. I love you all dearly!










Sevi Costaras
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner


The Cosmic Breath of Life

cosmic-breath-of-lifeSweet surrender
In twilight
One foot here and one on the other side…

You breathe into me
As I breathe out
The Alpha the Omega
The First and the Last…

I am born and I am born again
Cycle never ending
With breath I enter and with breath I continue…

In love I am born and in love I enter once more
Cycle never ending
In love I live and in love I breathe…

Breath you do not escape me
When the crackle claims me once more
Cycle never ending
Breathing on the other side…

Sevi Costaras









Sevi Costaras
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

All That I Am

In your stillness
I surrender
all things

In your warm embrace
I let go
all shadows

In your space
I give love
all to feel

In your infinite gaze
I see clearly
all beauty

In your temperance
I wait
all to manifest

In your depths
I acknowledge
all your sides

In your eyes
I see you
all of you

and I LOVE YOU dearly.

Sevi Costaras





Sevi Costaras
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™

Sweet One

Sweet One

In the days that swept us
In the nights that kept us
Dreaming of things to come

In the moments we captured
In our hearts we nurtured
Our minds forever one

In our hands we sculpted
With our feet we wandered
Knowing we were never done

With our eyes we saw
With our souls we searched
The heavens above and below

With our hearts we pondered
With our skin we felt
The endless sights and sounds

And now we know
That where ever we go
We are always ONE

Sevi Costaras





Sevi Costaras
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™