
gratitude3Want to know how Trinity Energy Progression™ has helped others?

Here are some examples of how Trinity has impacted clients’ lives as well as Practitioners and Facilitators.  What’s interesting to look at is that many Practitioners started as clients; and decided to take the next step to directly do the work on themselves, which is what Trinity is best created for. Some Practitioners come with significant training in other modalities; some come to learn Trinity Energy Progression for themselves.

If you have a Testimonial you’d like to share, feel free to post in a comment on this page; and we’ll add it to this page.

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Anthony Durran
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner

What an a absolutely incredible weekend. I had some experiences that were out of this world. It felt as if I received a masters degree in healing within one weekend! Thank you so much to Angela and all of my classmates. I’m so grateful to have reunited with another soul family. I have discovered a significant part of my purpose here in this life and I couldn’t be more excited to live out my divine purpose!

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Shelley K
Trinity Self-Development Student

I’ve been spiritually coached for several years now, as I was beginning a difficult journey to completely change the circumstances of my life. I was encouraged to attend the Trinity [Self-Development] Training class to be able to do more of the energy work on myself. When I felt I was ready, I took the training. Wow! What a powerful tool. It truly is a combination of all of the energy healing modalities I’ve experienced in my life (a lot of them) into one, simple way of manifesting the life of your dreams. Since I took the class, I’ve been able to manifest the sell of my company, by a particular date, create the space and flexibility in my life to manage some pretty unique daily logistics, while maintaining my lifestyle. I’ve created balance, flexibility, and peace in my life. And, opened myself to a wonderful healthy relationship with a very special person. Trinity is not complicated. Learning it didn’t take a long time. Practicing it is easy. And, the best part is that it works. Like magic!

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Cathy Guido
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

Before practicing Trinity [Energy Progression], I would go into this place where I was consumed by fear, sadness, and anger… that I would have an unbelievably hard time expressing and releasing… Immediately after taking the practitioner’s course, things started to change… I got back home full of love. I was exhausted but I could feel the power of my light! I felt like I wanted to hug everyone…

My life…has become something I never thought existed. I feel so full of love, acceptance, understanding, joy, and adventure most of the time. There are times of so much understanding [of the bigger picture] that I cry… I am no longer scared of my emotions. That is something I never thought I would achieve…  each time I connect to Divine Oneness I am free. I am penetrated by the most exquisite feeling of peace and unity that I have a hard time leaving that space. I am now able to be in that space just by opening up my heart…  People come up to me now and tell me how good they feel when they are around me! They always say that when I am present everything feels peaceful…

I am working through many things. There are issues coming up that I thought I had finished with. There are issues that I hadn’t wanted to look at, but now I must look at it. There is no turning back!… These are the things I would not have the courage to face were it not for Trinity…  I am able to see the whole picture now. I am not stuck in what’s in front of me but am aware through Trinity how things fit it to my whole experience, our whole experience…The wisdom is inside me. The answers are inside me and I am just coming to accept that. I fought that for a while and there are times that I still don’t believe it. I always believed that “other more evolved people” had the wisdom to help me. Now I know that I have it all inside me. Trinity has given me that gift…  I am becoming the person I was created to be and the thought of that makes me cry! How magnificent!

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Amy Mooney
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

Trinity [Energy Progression] lifted “the Veil.” It let me see life openly. Forgive myself. Love my self. Cleared “stuff” i did not know I’d stuffed way down.  I have little to no judgment (still practicing).

My life is now peaceful. My vibration is almost always at a high point. When it is not, I recognize it quickly, laugh at how I used to be and bring my vibration right back up with self love.

My entire world is now full of color.  I now have a life I participate in and not just allow to happen.  I now lovingly speak my Truth.  I have stepped into my own power for the first time in my life.  I am full.  I am overflowing.  The partitions keep coming out.

My family has benefited by me being the true me.  They have shifted on their own…


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Michelle N.
Trinity Energy Progression client

I’m doing so well. I really had a great time… My healing session with you [Facilitator Sandy Anthony] and Trinity Energy Progression™ has been phenomenal.  I’m attracting like energies and have opened myself up to a loving and peaceful life that is limitless and effortless. I’ve let things go and now have access to divine consciousness…

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Sandi Newton
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

During meditation prior to becoming a Trinity Energy Practitioner, I had a difficult time experiencing what I then termed as “the stillness within me.” To help me experience this, I would imagine a winding path of stepping stones and would envision myself stepping from one stone to the next one in order to better focus and remove the “chatter.” Once I did that, the next step I would take would be into the space between the stepping stones, and there I would feel as if I had stepped into the void and experienced the stillness within.

Right after receiving the training to become a Trinity Energy Practitioner, there was amazing shift. When I used my former method for meditation and stepped off the stepping stones, instead of stepping into the void and experiencing the stillness within, I stepped into the Divine Consciousness in me. And instead of experiencing the previous “stillness within,” I felt the vibration of being connected with the Oneness of the Divine Consciousness. I knew that I had gone deeper into my true self, and feeling this new connection with the Divine Consciousness was possible because I was now able to “remember” the Divine Consciousness that had always had been in me. I felt an incredible wholeness, expansiveness and limitlessness. I felt great joy and bliss as I experienced this homecoming…

Now, more often than not, a deep breath will do to take me into what I call my blissful state of Trinity and experience the vibration of the Divine Consciousness within me and the connection to the Universal Oneness. The external “manifestation” of this in my life is that I now smile a lot! I feel like this is not only my beacon of light shining out of me , but my response to seeing the light in others. I can’t even remember when I last felt anger or resentment! My purpose is now to be joyful and “light up” others with joy. Trinity is a way for me to do this.

Because of my experiences with Trinity, I am now continually re-writing my ego’s “job description” as I become more attuned to the Divined Consciousness within me and gain a better understanding of what I need from my ego. At this point, I have acknowledged to my ego that it still has a job with me while I continue to live in this 3D world, but it s job description will be reviewed periodically and adjusted accordingly! Its primary responsibility is to support me in my journey of
remembering the Divine Consciousness within me , and to be in the Now rather than the past or future, which is sometimes very difficult for the ego! The ways I expect my ego to do this is by no longer trying to be in the foreground as the “loudest voice in the room” and injecting fear, anxiety, regret, resentment, judgement, guilt, doubt, pain and drama into my thoughts and actions. My Ego’s job is to no longer define my identity, but to provide balance for my body, mind and spirit.

This change to my ego’s job description has enabled me to hear the quieter voice of my inner self and to be positive and joyful in my thoughts, words and actions…

I participate in energy shares with other Practitioners, which allows me to both give and receive love/light energy boosts where I share/gain a greater sense of expansiveness and limitlessness, and feel the connection to my soul family. More often than not during sessions where I am the recipient, I find myself almost bursting out in laughter as tears roll down my face from one (or both my eyes) when joy and gratitude fill me to overflowing. Trinity  Energy Progression has changed my life by providing me a way to remember the Divine Consciousness within me, feel part of a soul family and the Oneness, and to follow my bliss.

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Jennifer Cunnings
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

As a person who began energy healing training nearly 20 years ago, Trinity Energy Progression has had one of the most profound shifts in how I work with energy healing and how my perception and awareness has shifted.  One of the biggest epiphanies after completing the initial practitioner training in 2013, was the deep understanding or remembrance that the universe is limitless and there is NOTHING that cannot be shifted, changed, transformed or transmuted.  Further, we are not a victim of our circumstance, but rather a co-creator with all that we experience in our life.

I had been aware of the concept of Oneness for some time before the Trinity class, but it was residing more as intellectual awareness rather than as a full multi-dimensional understanding.  I believe that experiencing Trinity and receiving the activations/upgrades in class allowed me to experience oneness versus just attempting to understand it with my consciousness.  This understanding or knowing that we are all connected was now resonating at a level that I had not yet experienced and it was as if nothing could ever have been any different.

The other shift for me was that the divine consciousness energy that I perceived was outside of myself (like Reiki) which I used for energy healing on myself and clients was actually part of that oneness and there was no separation from what was inside and outside of myself.  It was all the same, and it was just accessing the frequency of this divine consciousness energy combined with intention that allowed a healing to occur.  Enhancing or turning up the divine light within would facilitate the layers or blocks to be released and cleared so new could be created.  This is where a raising of vibration begins to occur and the lower vibration energies that cause unwanted emotions or limiting beliefs begin to be cleared.

Trinity lead me to experience that I am one with God’s light and I am as powerful as I allow myself to be.  The perception of duality or separation from anything, especially God is an illusion and that understanding in itself supported me beginning to strip away the years of programming I had accumulated in this life and past lives so I could step into my power, and ultimately begin to align with my divine life purpose and mission.

Trinity has helped me with this whole awakening/ascension process and has supported me in teaching/counseling others which I do in my practice every day.

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Colby Hall
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

The way I describe Trinity to someone is to analogize it to light going through a prism. Most people are familiar with Reiki or other similar energy methods, so I tell them that these other methods are like the different colors of light, whereas Trinity is the white light that contains them all.

For me, Trinity is both more powerful and more subtle than other healing modalities. It can be used for any issue and has no limitations that I’ve found so far, and yet I find it is so natural that sometimes I can barely feel it. I regularly throughout the day think of things that I would like to change or enhance in my life, and invariably my fingers find themselves in my favorite Trinity mudra. I do this at work, in the car, and at home as the thoughts occur to me. Trinity is constantly a part of me and flows through me, and flows to others as I share my insights and experiences with others.

Helping others with Trinity is one of my favorite things to do. I thoroughly enjoy sharing the information that comes through in a session – whether sights, sounds, or feelings – and hearing what it means to the recipient.

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Laurel Ley
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

I haven’t trained in more of the well-known modalities; I’ve trained in chakra clearing and balancing, Access Consciousness, EFT, and something else I can’t even remember. I’ve had others use Reiki, Matrix, Access, and other modalities on me. From what I’ve heard and experienced, Trinity is just simpler. There isn’t a concern about what to do “right,” or “wrong” – positions, words, etc. are not an issue with Trinity. What could be simpler than merging with another’s energy and turning up their light?

[To me,] it’s fascinating how people seem to resist how simple it is; that would include me. This is how it seems to be different from other modalities. In that way, I’m sure some likely dismiss it; of course, those would be the ones not drawn to it; or not previously drawn to it!

My life is just completely different… [including] the way that I interact with myself as well as others… My acceptance and appreciation of myself has substantially changed, including my ability to interact [in challenging and explosive situations]… I used be a sobbing mess [in those kind of situations], but not any more… because I see the bigger picture, higher level … that we all choose to experience whatever it is that’s going on. Instead of a life filled with fear, sadness, hopelessness, etc., I now have a life filled with acceptance, fun, laughter, hope, joy, inspiration, pleasure, and laughter.

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Amy Johnson
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

I can honestly say that in my 7 years of concentrated learning in the area of Energy work, Trinity has been the most useful tool for Self work.  It is the last “formal” training I have had and closely resembles the other modalities, especially Matrix Energetics, which I still use extensively and cohesively with Trinity.  For some reason, it simplified it all into a method that worked well for my own issues.  As a Matrix practitioner with an active practice, I seemed to be able to get quite remarkable results on others, but had difficulty with working on myself.  So, Trinity was helpful in that area.  As I used it regularly, I became much more aware of my own body systems and it became my “go to” tool of choice. Turning up the light from within was probably the most profound concept I was able to grasp and utlilize.

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Lisa Dahlquist
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

[Since learning Trinity,] I have learned that my life is no longer ruled by Karma.  I can change so many things that I choose to.  I’ve learned that I can let go of things from this life, from past lives, from soul family connections and so much more.  I am not locked into a life of suffering and pain, that I could let it all go, breathe, and be happy, worthy, and love life.  Since discovering Trinity, I’ve traveled, fallen in love, found a new calling and gone back to school.

One of the things I love about Trinity, is just about anything goes.  Some modalities require exact hand positions, some require you lie down, or sit up, or have a fire ceremony on a certain day of the month, some require lots of words, or no words at all, some require you to spend an exact amount of time in session.  With Trinity, it is more like anything goes which is great for me, as there was never a rule that I didn’t try to break.  You can use words, or no words.  Your sessions can be 15 minutes or 1 hour.  You can set Trinity up to auto clear, or shoot Trinity balls into volcanoes, or do a session on one person or 2 or 5 people together.  So far I haven’t met a situation where you could not find a use for Trinity.

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Julie Addario
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner

Angela’s technique was incredible to have come across, her insight was parallel with my experiences and my understandings of life grew more and more each day as I really put into practice the essence of Trinity. It has helped me overcome some very dark situations that have arisen to clear and helped me to see clearer the understandings that are coming in to me on a daily basis. From once a confused mind, I feel as though my heart has more light, more love and more clarity within. And I understand now it really doesn’t have to be such a “difficult” path to take to look within.


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Breena Gorman
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner

As a nurse and Trinity Energy Progression™ Practitioner, I have had the unique opportunity to see how Trinity can heal others and in such a quick time. We all have the ability to heal, it is within us all, whether it is healing ourselves or others.  I never realized how powerful the force was until I took the Practitioner’s class with Debi Weinstein.

In the ER, there are many people that come in on a weekly basis, sometimes a tri-weekly basis, and week-after-week.  One of my “regular” patients, I’ll call her Grace, came in for the third time in a week, for the 3rd or 4th week in a row. You always know when Grace is there because she comes to the door screaming, “Who’s my nurse? I need a warm blanket and something to eat or I’m calling your supervisor.”

As I looked around I could see my coworkers rolling their eyes, “Oh no, not her again. This is the third time she’s been here in 4 days”.  Grace lived by herself.  The EMTs stated that her house was a complete disaster. She began to forget to use her oxygen and would forget to take her medications. It was obvious to her medical team that she needed long-term care placement, but she had repeatedly refused to go. They would spend hours arguing with her that she could no longer live at home. It had gotten to the point that they were so angry with her, that no one wanted to care for her in the emergency room.  We even set up for a visiting nurse to come to the house, but Grace would not let her in.

I decided I was going to be her nurse on the latest visit and that things were going to be different. As requested, I brought Grace warm blankets and something to eat. Of course she complained that the food was awful and the blankets weren’t warm enough. I sat down, took a deep breath, then went into Trinity and asked for guidance in helping this woman. Immediately Grace’s voice softened as I began to talk about her living situation and her worsening medical conditions. It became apparent that I just could not send Grace home this time. She needed to go to long the term care facility where they would make sure that she used her oxygen, ate a hot meal, and took her medications.

When I walked out of the room, I just knew that today Grace would go to a long term care facility. One of the nurses said,  “What did you say to her?  How come she’s not screaming anymore?” I said, ” I showered her with love and light!”

When we turn up the light in ourselves,  others benefit.  I have seen this happen multiple times since I was introduced to Trinity Energy Progression. In fact, I could probably share something from every shift. When I encounter a difficult patient, I take a deep breath and go into Trinity.  As the light turns up inside of me, the situation I’m faced with becomes more manageable. Yelling and screaming are replaced by mutual respect and understanding that we are all One. I had another patient say to me this week, “You know why I said I would go to rehab, because you taught me that I can do this”.  It’s all about looking from within and turning that light up.  Thank you Debi, and Trinity Energy Progression for teaching me that it is ALL within.


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David Parent
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

What really feels right about Trinity, to me, is there is nothing it isn’t. It just is and it covers everything very simply. It’s the hardest thought to accept and the easiest to practice.

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Karen Kennelly
Trinity Energy Progression client (as of August 2015 is now a Trinity practitioner)

I was introduced to Trinity Energy Progression by my closest friend who took a workshop a few months ago with great results. She was guided to introduce me to another Practitioner so that I could experience the fantastic healing and progression/advancement of my skills that she had. Anne and I agreed to trade services; I’m a professional Psychic Advisor and I love being exposed to different modalities.

I love how Trinity and my abilities seem to complement each other and the more I get worked on, the more my gifts get enhanced. Anne is very thorough and easy to talk to. She is great about working on anything I want and very detailed in the messages she receives. I enjoy hearing how the messages are delivered and figuring out how it fits into my life. The very first time she worked on me, things were dark and closed off because I had to open up more. I felt bad that she had to experience the “darkness/greyness” at first; but for future sessions, things lightened up faster than I had expected. Everyone will have a different experience with how their Practitioner relays the messages of course, but I really enjoy how each time Anne seems to be guided to a different time period or scene, like a story unfolding. For example, we’ve been in a pond, forest, hut; one time I believe I was a knight headed to battle. Different Practitioners will have different styles of course. Some get words or music instead of images, but I believe we are guided to who we need to help us.

I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia several years ago and in the few weeks that I’ve had Trinity sessions, I’ve felt better, had more energy and less pain than I’ve had in a long time. I can tell that my anxiety and depression are lessening; and it has also helped bring some issues I need to work on to light to start healing and fixing them. This is a great process and I highly recommend it to everyone who wants to take steps toward a better life. The one thing I think everyone should be prepared for is that during the beginning of the process, more may come up than expected; but it is all part of the healing and clearing out process. I look forward to continuing the process and receiving more healing.

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Laurel Ley
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

Just three months after participating in a Trinity Energy Progression workshop, with no previous experience with it, my life has completely transformed.

I learned Trinity for use on myself; although I have shared Trinity Energy Progression with friends and family as I’ve been so fascinated with the changes I’ve experienced. I’ve found that I’ve released what used to be long-standing core adoption-related issues that made life lonely and unmanageable at times; issues such as a deep fear of abandonment and a fear of rejection. I’ve found that the more I release, other issues come up and are more quickly and often smoothly released. Trinity is all about releasing and clearing what we’ve covered ourselves up with, and returning to our true natures of unconditional loving beings.

I have found it interesting to explain Trinity Energy Progression to others as to me it’s more than a modality or “practice”. Essentially Trinity Energy Progression is a tool to connect to your own Divine Consciousness as it’s facilitated a way of being. I’ve come to understand that for me Trinity works like electricity. We are always connected. When encountering certain issues or doing a session, I merely turn up the light while I focus it on a specific issue. Occasionally, when I find that I’ve unplugged myself reconnecting is as simple as “plugging in”.

The internal peace I now feel is something which I could previously only dream of. My ability to stay still when conflict comes up in my life or around me is profound. I no longer feel compelled to find a solution to everything, versus just allowing situations to unfold.

As I’ve learned via Trinity Energy Progression how to not judge myself or others, life is becoming everything I ever hoped for and dreamt about; one filled with joy, happiness, ease, trust, bliss, fun, and lots of laughter.

I joke that the website could all be wiped and just put up, “It really is as simple as it seems. Come try it.” Feel free to contact me if you’d like to hear more about my experience.

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J. G.
Trinity Energy Progression client

I am a 45-year old woman with Lupus, Sjogrens Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia. Pain tends to rule my world, along with lots of meds and a shortage of sleep. When I learned about this technique I immediately wanted to try it. I have tried all kinds of meds, especially pain meds, and I do not like the way I feel the next day. They do let me sleep though. The whole idea of sleep vs. pain is not an easy choice. The night I gave my permission to Sahej Anand Kaur Khalsa for the healing to begin I excitedly crawled into bed and waited for the clock to hit 9:15. I had high hopes, even though so many other alternative methods have failed me.

I woke up the next day…which means that I slept!! I didn’t wake up in tears or lay there thinking about how it was too late in the evening to take yet another pill. The second night that I knew the process would occur led me to a super energy filled day with very light pain. I highly believe in this process and would recommend it to anyone with a chronic illness. It doesn’t take the place of the meds I need to take but I believe with regular use that it can lesson the amount of pain control meds, muscle relaxers, and sleep aids that give me that groggy feeling when they wear off. I am happy to have been introduced to this new method (new for me) and hope to be able to utilize it often.

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Sandy Anthony
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

Trinity Energy Progression has TOTALLY revolutionized my life in every way possible!!! I LOVE Trinity and I LOVE how easy it is to use and how quick the sessions are (it’s way faster than other energy modalities that I’m familiar with). I have not only been able to transform my life in numerous ways, but I’ve been able to do it MYSELF!! I became a Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner so that I could work on myself and my family. At first, I lacked the confidence that I could actually heal myself through energy work, but now (less than 1 year later), I’ve become a WHOLE new person!! I have been able to knock down walls that I thought were unshakable, to expand my relationships in more enriching ways, to create abundance in my life in many different ways, to create the career of my dreams (still working on expanding this and creating more abundance from it), and to TOTALLY open up a new perspective on living and thriving! I found the “‘ALLOW” button and I learned how to put it on full throttle. I feel like I’ve been set free from prison and I am on a rampage of sorts….a rampage of happiness, wholeness, excitement, adventure, and a continuous journey to a passionate, fulfilling life! I am eternally grateful for Trinity Energy Progression and to Angela Coulter for coming into my life at just the RIGHT moment. I look forward to opening up a continued flow of divine treasures and to awakening in full TOTALITY of who I really am and what my divine role is on this incredible planet Earth! Blessings to All!

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Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

I think there is no part of my life that Trinity Energy Progression hasn’t affected. Some aspects have been totally changed, some aspects are totally new, and some aspects have been totally eliminated. Trinity Energy Progression has affected everyone living in my home also. All changes are for the best!

Since learning Trinity Energy Progression, I have embraced how little we know about the bigger picture we are participating in. I truly feel like a Spiritual Being having a physical experience. I live from a different place now. I am able to help my family live from that different place also. I have strengthened my connection to the Universe through Trinity Energy Progression.

Trinity Energy Progression is the most powerful modality I have experienced in this incarnation! I graduated from a 3-year Healing School. I found the work to be very rewarding and provided me a basis to begin redefining my life.  I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that it was just the beginning of my life’s journey. When I compare it to using the Trinity Energy Progression, it is like a baby learning to crawl versus running a marathon or even just intending to be somewhere and then being there instantly.  The hands-on healing I was trained in is more like treating the symptoms of energy blockages; Trinity Energy Progression is going to the very beginning of the block and removing it once and for all. It is going back to the beginning by removing all time and space, and allow the healing to take place.

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Mary Hogan
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

Trinity Energy Progression has transformed my life, from the inside out. It has freed me of so many karmic patterns within myself, with family members, friends, partners, etc.  I no longer engage in unhealthy relationships, negative interactions or draining activities. I am learning to set energetic parameters that allow me to be in or regain my balance and harmony regardless of the situation. Instead of holding grudges or focusing on negative people, I recognize such experiences as opportunities to thank, forgive & release them and the karma between us, and move on.

My perspective on my identity as a person, a soul, a member of humanity, a part of God, the Universe and everything has undergone a major overhaul as well. I feel like an individual who’s intrinsically and harmoniously linked to the whole. And yet, I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of awareness, like I’ve turned the cosmic faucet on, and the energy is just starting to flow.

My ability to receive information, images and visions has increased significantly as well. When I received my entrainment, I saw very little. Now every treatment I give is like a video, and I have to try to remember all the elements. I am able to trust my personal guidance more as well. This is very reassuring.

Finally, the level of joy in my life has grown exponentially. I feel continually led to higher levels of expansion. I cannot imagine my life without Trinity. It truly is like a magic carpet ride I never want to get off!

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Dee Jones
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

While I have many modes of healing tools in my kit, I most often reach for Trinity.  I like its versatility.  It recognizes that while it can be considered a tool, it is not exclusive as a tool.  It could be considered a guide to take us through this realm and point us to our truth.  It is not the tool that is the focus, but the result from which we will.  This so far is the greatest presentation to guide us home.  This being said, I’ve an affinity for Trinity.  It plugs us directly into source.  With direct connection to this source of coded light and unconditional love, we can choose to repair our own perception to align with that truth or not.  I have been doing a little of both, mostly the former.  I have succumbed to such that maybe my ego knows not best, but the truth has some notion of what the real deal is.  I’d like to be part of that real deal, so I continue to strive in Trinity to remove blocks, misconceptions, poor perceptions, and a host of all others to recover my Trinity (body, mind, spirit) to congeal with Trinity.

I am perplexed as the walls are tearing and wearing thin to reveal stuff I know no words, but none the less am determined or rather surrendering to be part of.  Trinity has given me the guidance, the foot holds and path to this road I am on now.  Other healing modalities have done well to heal layers, to take me to great places, to scrub surfaces and give me insight.  But in the order of things, they were just to prepare me for Trinity.  Trinity is fast-acting, it busts down doors and takes no prisoners.  It does not mess around with bunnies and fairies, mild breezes, hot sneezes, or with conducting musical flair and Disney abstractions.  It does however take you to the edge and shows you what for, though it lets you see the full glory only when you are ready.  The edge is not scary at all with Trinity timing.  And there is always a new ledge to peer over and invite you to redefine and let go of unfolding limits. The edge says let’s see what is beyond this frontier.  It asks, got wings?  We respond, let’s fly!

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Claudia Stevens
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

My experience with Trinity Energy Progression is exceptional. I lost touch with myself before Trinity and other healing modalities.

I felt disconnected to myself for years, maybe decades. I felt disconnected from the inner light that we all have when we were born. I had a lot of trauma and challenges in my life, growing up and also later in my adult life. I was able to release a lot of things and move on with my life, I finally had the courage to change. My life changed so much for the better since I have been using Trinity.

I love combining energy modalities, but working from within really gives it that extra boost, like a battery starter.

My intuition also got stronger with Trinity.

I’m happy and thankful to have received, and having been able to learn Trinity as a practitioner to help myself and other people in a lot of situations, with Grace and Ease!

Thank you Angela for being such an inspiration and for bringing Trinity in my Life!

“Let your light shine through in all that you do!”

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Tammy Taylor
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

Trinity Energy Progression has been life changing for me personally. I’ve been on a spiritual quest since the mid 1980’s, and during that period, I’ve participated in hundreds of hours of coursework and certifications. My primary spiritual work has been as a Reiki Master and Lightworker OverLight Facillitator. However, it was in my first Trinity Energy Progression session with Angela, where I experienced the most profound change within my being. I immediately experienced a shift in consciousness that can only be referred to as a state of benevolent detachment. After that session with her, I knew immediately that I wanted to become a practitioner and be able to help others experience the divine within.

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Debi Weinstein
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

Becoming a Trinity Energy Practitioner has unleashed in me my highest power of the inner Divine and has allowed me to shine in brighter ways than I ever have dreamed possible. Self love is truly shining our inner love and light…and through the practice of Trinity I have become the most authentic version of myself. My abilities continue to expand as fear has been replaced by faith and knowing. I have the deepest respect, admiration and gratitude for Angela Coulter for teaching me to turn to my own higher self for answers as well as to continuously shine my inner light…with grace, ease, joy, laughter and fun.

I enjoy being a Light Player and Energy Conduit. Although I have studied other healing and energy modalities, I now work almost exclusively in Trinity Energy Progression, as that is what I have been guided to do. It allows me to be very open to receive new creative, expansive ways to bring through and Shine the Divine “LIGHT” Within…..while empowering others to do the same. Merging with the Universe…I am constantly expanding my own boundaries…confidently creating my own reality…and I am having a blast! The fun has just begun! To coin a phrase…I am limitless!

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If you know you’re ready for a session, find a Practitioner which you resonate with.

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