Tag: Brielle Weinstein


Remembering Our Inner Essence

Debi's Blog, 5/10/15Being courageous enough to open your heart and share your deepest truths can be simultaneously frightening and exhilarating. My daughter, Brielle, is also a Trinity Energy Progression™ Practitioner as well as a college student studying holistic psychology. Below is one of her latest essays which she shared with me. I found it so beautifully expressed and inspiring that I asked her permission to post it on this blog. I’m constantly in awe of both her and my clients who share so deeply with me. Stepping into a place of vulnerability and honesty can be scary, but it’s how we express our true selves and see the true selves of others.

My beautiful Brielle’s essay:

I am the universe. I am the galaxies, the earth, the sun, the stars, the moon, the grass, the trees, the animals, the people, and beyond. We are all one consciousness. I believe that we all come on the earth and other planets that we do not consciously know of, lifetime after lifetime to live different experiences and to learn from them. I also believe that we exist for a reason. We all have something to offer the world and it is our goal to find out what that is.

I think that my inner calling is to help others remember their inner essence. In this reality, most people have forgotten that everything they need is already inside of them. As a whole, we have distracted ourselves from remembering why we are here and who we really are, which is divine love. I believe it is my job to guide people back to their divine consciousness. I say the word “guide” because I cannot force anyone to change. That is not my job. It is up to that person if they want to evolve or not and I can only be a vessel of guidance for them if they choose to do so. We live in a world of duality, meaning we see things as separate. For example, we say things like, “She is a girl so she should act like this” and “He is a boy so he needs to do this”. We put labels, boxes and limitations on everything around us because we need an explanation for all that is in our existence. However, when we can re-learn how to remove the veils of duality, we can understand oneness. Once we can understand this, I believe the world will change for the better. People will know that they are one with everything and everyone around them, which could lead to more compassion and companionship.

I experience my inner essence when I am in the present moment. When I only focus on the now without any worry or anxiety for my past or future, I feel at peace. I am most often in the present moment when I am doing activities that I am passionate about. This includes hiking, walking in nature, listening to music, watching movies, meditating, sunbathing, spending time with friends/family, dancing, exercising, and breathing. When I am active in these types of activities, I feel the most in touch with my inner essence. As Eckhart Tolle nicely states it in his book, The Power of Now, you can only experience “Being” when you are fully in the present moment.

You can know it only when the mind is still. When you are present, when your attention is fully and intensely in the Now, Being can be felt, but it can never be understood mentally. To regain awareness of Being and to abide in that state of “feeling-realization” is enlightenment.

One cannot experience Being on a mental level. This is because on a mental level, we are in a state of analyzing and judgment. Being in the now is simply just focusing on the present and not trying to put labels or opinions on it. The only reality we truly have is the present moment because the rest is just an illusion, so why worry about it? The past is in the past and the future does not exist. All we really have is the now.

Debi_May15_collage2I experience my “self” on several different levels including mental, physical, and emotional. On a mental level, I feel the most separate from my true being. I feel that my ego is most attached to my mental state of consciousness. When I live through my ego, I feel judgment, fear and limitations. I doubt myself and live in a false sense of reality. This is also where my shadow side lives. When I think on a mental level, I am not in the present moment. I think about all of my mistakes in the past, the things I do not like about myself, and I doubt my potentials. My shadow sides are my demons that I have stored into my cellular memory. This means that I have these negative feelings that I carry around inside of me, without necessarily being conscious of them. I sometimes believe what my ego tells me, which limits me from being my full and amazing self.

My physical state of consciousness is based on duality. On this level, I would say that my name is Brielle, I am a female, I am 5’9’’ and I am 20 years old. Although these things may be considered true on a physical level, it is not who I am at the core of my being. In reality, I am a never-dying energy, living this experience. When my physical body dies, my energy, or soul, simply leaves my body and continues on. I sometimes forget this truth and instead live in a state of dualism.

On an emotional level, I develop different feelings based on my experiences. Just like everyone, I experience an entire spectrum of emotions depending on how I react to a situation. I feel happiness, sadness, joy, grief, excitement, anger, compassion and even emotions that cannot be put into words. I have these emotions because I am human. They help me grow and learn, even if I do not know that in the moment when I feel them. If we did not have emotions, our world would be boring. They help us shape who are on all levels of being and they allow us to express ourselves. In our society, we have put a lot of shaming on emotions, especially for men. If you cry or are upset, you are considered weak. If you openly talk about or show your feelings, most people think you are either pathetic or you want attention. However, this is far from the truth. If people bottle-up their emotions, they can seriously damage themselves on a cellular level, which can manifest illness on a physical level. Men in particular tend to hide their emotions, which is why so many of them hold anger within. Emotions are supposed to be felt. It allows us to reflect on why we are feeling that way, which helps us grow and expand. Instead of avoiding our emotions, we must learn to honor them and move through them.

When I feel any type of emotion, I observe why I am feeling that way, and I thank it no matter what it is because it is teaching me lessons and allowing me to become more of my authentic self. This is how I let my essence and my “self” get along. If I am going to feel these so-called negative emotions, I have learned that I should let them be felt so that my true self can flourish. However, the emotions that we consider negative are not actually negative because they are necessary. If we only felt good emotions, we would not appreciate them or even recognize that they are good. We need “bad” to feel “good” and vice versa. Everything is all about balance. Every yin needs a yang to balance it out.

Although all emotions are necessary since that is how humans are built, I believe the only true reality is love. The rest is part of the ego. As Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, “The components of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do”. Although negative emotions are inevitable in the human experience, they are not part of our inner essence. We need to view our emotions from a higher perspective so that instead of attaching ourselves to them and making ourselves sick, we can simply learn from them, appreciate them, and move on.

In this time and age, our culture revolves around technology. When I first started to think about the impact that technology has on us, I strongly felt that it has caused us to become very disconnected from others and ourselves. I thought that technology was ruining our ability to fully live the human experience in the present moment. I felt that it was only destroying us and had no potential to help us expand to a higher consciousness. Although this may be true in some cases, I have gained a different perspective on technology. It has allowed us to talk to people anywhere in the world and it has saved countless lives in the medical field. Technology has the ability to do amazing things in the world if we learn to use it correctly. We can use it properly by creating networks of people who want to make a difference in the world as well as share ideas and positivity on all social networks. Technology is the new way of our culture and I do not think it is going to go away. It is only going to become more complex, which is why I believe our culture needs to use it for the good instead of allowing us to become disconnected from the real world.

Debi_May15Additionally, I often become frustrated with our culture. In the Western world, we need tangible proof of everything before we can believe it. This is so incredibly limiting! I understand the logic that if something is not guaranteed to work or if something cannot be understood, then why bother. However, it amazes me that people truly think that they are separate from everything else. I also get upset about the way humans treat each other. Why would you want to hurt someone else on a mental, physical or emotional level when ultimately that person is a part of you? I think the answer to this question is because of two reasons. The first reason is because people tend to take their anger, fear and pain out on other people as a way to cope with their feelings. The second reason is because most people have forgotten that we are all connected. When you hurt another, you are also hurting yourself. We are all a reflection of each other, which is why I believe kindness and compassion are the best qualities in a person.

With all of this being said, I can view our culture in one of two ways. I can either become angry with people and judge them for not understanding what I have come to understand about life, or I can just shine my light and guide others to a higher state of consciousness. It is all about perception. There is no point in me getting angry with others because then I would be thinking through my ego, which is not who I truly am. If I view people in an all-loving way with compassion and understanding, I am much better off. One of the biggest lessons I have learned is not taking anything personally. The only reason a person treats another poorly is because they are feeling some sort of pain or fear within themselves. If everyone felt whole and self-love all of the time, they would have no reason to hurt others. That is why I now do my best to come from a place of understanding when someone treats me poorly instead of taking offense to it. Also, we all think differently. My experience is not the same as other people’s experiences, so they do not think how I think. This is one of the most common mistakes that people make, which is that everyone should think like they do and if they do not, then offense is taken. In one of my favorite books, “The Four Agreements”, Don Miguel Ruiz talks a lot about not taking anything personally.

Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own dream, in their own mind; they are in a completely different world from the one we live in. When we take something personally, we make the assumption that they know what is in our world, and we try to impose our world on their world. Even when a situation seems so personal, even if others insult you directly, it has nothing to do with you. What they say, what they do, and the opinions they give are according to the agreements they have in their own minds. Their point of view comes from all the programming they received during domestication.

This had helped me a lot when dealing with other people who intentionally or unintentionally hurt me. When I can use this lesson in actual situations, I am able to let go of any negativity that I start to feel and go into a higher perspective, which has served me well.

I know that I need to let go of self-judgment and self-doubt in regards to my relationship between my essence, my “self’ and my culture. When I judge and doubt myself, I am allowing my ego to overpower my essence, which limits me from being who I really am. I think that I have these negative feelings because there are moments in my life where I feel less capable and powerful than everyone else. I doubt myself, which I know I need to let go of in order to feel at one with the universe. I feel this way when I am stressed, when I am fearful, when I am not living in the moment, and when I feel that others do my respect my opinions. This is all part of my ego and it creates a false sense of reality for me. I am aware that I need to work on these limitations, which is my next step towards expanding my consciousness.

Being aware of your thoughts and observing them though a non-judgmental lens is alone a very powerful step towards healing, which I have already begun. I need to learn how to fully honor and love myself. I will do this by taking enough time to care for my body’s needs and learning how to let go of living through my ego. Additionally, I need to become less of a people pleaser. When I live my life trying to please others, I end up tending to their needs instead of mine, which limits me from being my beautiful and fabulous self. It is important to help others once you help yourself first. As my mom always says, “You can’t pour from an empty vessel”, meaning you have to fill yourself up first before you can fill up others. I believe my calling is to help wake others up and guide them to remembering who they really are.

We all have the ability to heal ourselves when we look within rather than outside of ourselves for answers. We are powerful beings;  we are capable of doing anything we set our minds to.

Shine on And enjoy! Debi

Debi Weinstein





Debi Weinstein
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™