Tag: spiritual teacher


What are your reflectors?

Do you hold fear, insecurity, the feeling of not being good enough in you?

Find the reflectors that are holding you back, that are not working for you and work through them. Ask yourself, what reflectors am I wearing? What is reflecting back to me?

If you are angry or sad about something, or have negative emotions toward someone, you are in a low energy pattern. It will continue until you work through it and change it. Try to look at your issues and relationships as reflectors you are wearing. What does it reflect to you? What shows up in your life that annoys you? You are holding an aspect in some shape or form of the issue or person you judge and feel angry or sad about. Or maybe it’s a childhood issue or something that’s emerging from a past life.

Find out what it is for you. You might have to do some digging work and find out the beliefs that are holding you back. Replace your anger with kindness and love; make peace with the issue or the person. Raise your vibration, work through the issue, and send love and forgiveness and then let it go. Thank the person for the great gift they have been for you. The people who challenge you the most are your best teachers, as hard as it seems at the time. If someone is pushing your buttons, it shows there is struggle or drama, find it and clear that reflection you are holding. If the vibration is dense, work through it until it feels lighter.

We are receivers and transmitters. We feel drawn to certain people, we enjoy their company from the first moment we meet them; others you want to run from when you see them. Have you ever noticed how you feel when you walk into Wal-Mart or any other crowded; or low vibration place or store? Simply turn up your light and EMANATE — be the lighthouse, not the sponge, and others around you will do the same! We attract what we reflect. It’s all light and vibration. Find the reflector when it shows up and clear it, if you are holding it. You can’t change others, but you can clear the issue through healing yourself. Don’t exhaust yourself by trying to change other people. But you can change your experience of life if you clear your own energy. Some of us have a subconscious need for struggle. Release the need for struggle based on what your reflectors are. Clear your reflectors energetically, clear the heavy energy within and around you.

Sometimes you have to be still and go within to find out what the pattern is. Or, if you don’t find it, sometimes with the help of a Practitioner you’ll be able to locate the issue and work on it together in releasing it. Once you find it, dissolve, resolve, release and clear it, and make changes — go inside and turn up the light and clear it once and for all.

Allow yourself to look at the emotions and work through them. Raise your consciousness and send “your teachers” love anyways’; it allows you to move on, and out of the negative vibrations.

Think about when relationships end, there is usually a missing link. That can be romantically, friendships, or business relations, in general.

If there is no mutual love, respect, trust, or commitment from both sides there can be no real future in a relationship. Something will always be missing. If one of the links is missing, then it’s like a chain reaction. If one partner decides not to respect the other one, where is the commitment and love in the relationship? Or if the commitment from one partner is gone, where is the mutual love and respect? When boundaries are broken, it’s hard to move forward in a relationship. There needs to be genuine love and safety in a relationship. It’s a two-way street.

It does not mean you don’t love the other person in some shape or form anymore. If you learned your lesson and you are done with your soul contract, don’t feel bad if you walk away in dignity and let the other person live their life. Forgive yourself, and forgive the other person. It is okay to forgive and be forgiven and it’s okay to forgive yourself. It might take a while to get there. Don’t beat yourself up over what could have or should have been. Make an internal inventory, do your self-work, go within yourself, and see if you can live with broken trust or a broken commitment. For some people it might be possible to move forward in a relationship after one of the chains have been broken, that means that the soul contract is not done yet, or the lesson not learned yet. Forgive yourself anyways. Whatever you do, it’s okay! When the other person moves on and is not committed to you and no longer respects, trusts,or loves you anymore, it was about themselves and their insecurities, and had nothing to do with you. This is hard to accept sometimes; I know out of experience.

What I can tell you helped me in the past, is: Go within, feel the pain, work through it for as long as it may take you and then let the emotion go. Let your inner pilot light guide you in making the right decisions to move forward. Trinity Energy Progression™ has helped me work through a lot of pain and let go of a lot of reflectors.

Your inner voice always knows; you just have to be quiet enough to listen to it. With all the turmoil and other’s opinions around us, we don’t stop and trust our own Divine Light sometimes. Only you can live your life and decide what is best for you and the lessons you have come here to fulfill and learn; nobody else can do that for you. See past relationships, as painful as the end might have been, as the gift they really have been to you. See the lesson you learned from it and thank the Universe for it and move on without regret.

Reflectors_blog_022115I learned a lot from my pets, especially my dog, about unconditional love and trust. Animals trust they will be fed and taken care of. They don’t worry about tomorrow. They live in the moment. They are happy to see you, even if they get the same food every day, and they never complain. They are grateful and they love you unconditionally anyway – even when you had a hard day, even if you feel insecure, not good enough, or just sad. They wag their tail when you come home. If it’s just been an hour or a day, they wait patiently by the door to greet you. They are committed to their family. We can learn a lot from our pets. Go with the flow, do what makes you happy.

Choose work that makes you happy, find your passion! Choose your partner wisely. Does he or she make your life even happier? If they walk in the door, do you get as excited to see them, as your dog is when you come home? Just think about it for a moment and let it sink in. If the answer is yes, then you are good; otherwise work on the issue. Or, just get a dog or cat, they love you unconditionally just the way you are! ? Bring balance in your life and remember the Divine Being you truly are. You deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Claudia Stevens






Let your light shine through in all that you do,

Claudia Stevens
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression