ALL is a Part of the Divine/Oneness

shadowworkwithinCan you accept, embrace, and love the Shadow inside of you? 

When we talk about “the Oneness” – what many call the Divine, Spirit, Source, God, Creator, etc. – it is inclusive of the total of EVERYTHING across the entire scope of creation, as part of infinite unconditional love. As the Divine Consciousness, we have created ALL that exists… including, within duality, the perception of “darkness” and “good/evil” or “good/bad.”

So, when we talk about remembering the Oneness, and seeing all outside of us also as a part of us… we also mean what we term “the darkness.” All beings, ALL consciousness is part of the Oneness – regardless of how or what they appear to be in this Universe of duality – are a part of the Divine. In fact, all that is in our reality is, in some way, a projection of what’s within.

During this time of remembrance and transformation to prepare for “Universe 2.0,” it is MOST important to do what may in the spiritual community call “shadow work” – which is looking at, embracing/loving, and finally dissolving what we perceive to be the darkness within us… which we ALL have! First in this process is to release judgment (which is based in duality), and instead understand from a perspective of how every situation, every action/reaction, has fit into the bigger picture – how it was a catalyst for a particular lesson in a particular way. Then…it’s time to conclude such lessons, let them go, and forgive ourselves and others involved.

The “traditional” methods of the effort to eliminate “the dark” has been termed and glorified as “the battle of good vs evil” or “the battle against the darkness.” However, the energy of “battle” or “fight” is based in friction… which is based in resistance and the energy of separation… which is the basis of how darkness was created!Thus, when we “fight” or “battle”… we actually create more separation… AND darkness!

When we release judgment, accept, embrace, and love the darkness that is part of our whole… by the nature of love, inclusion, and flow, the darkness naturally simply dissolves back to what we call “the light”… in unconditional love.

The more we practice this and release in such a manner, the more what we call “the darkness” in the world and Universe around us will naturally disappear. So… many ask what they can do to help during these times. The answer: Look within; release within… and remember how to exist from the place of our natural state: in complete flow and unconditional love… the “stuff” of which the Oneness is made.  


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