Tag: authenticity


Authenticity: How Do We REALLY Live It?

As I attempt to write this article for all of you amazing beings, I find that my fear is building within my body, as the obligation to write this article has forced me out of my comfort zone and to step out of the closet.  Which ironically, has been my statement or affirmation for 2018. I keep telling others that this is my year to do just that and be my true authentic self…but stepping out of the closet just doesn’t sound elegant or enough. Therefore, I have decided to affirm that I am breaking free from the chains that bind me (placed on myself) and keep me from being who I truly am meant to be. I am choosing to Be Me and Be Free. However, I must confess that actually putting myself out there for the whole world to see is quite scary and it’s easy to “write” this affirmation down but very different to truly act upon it.

Working in a corporate environment for years, I often find myself not being true to me, as I usually put the needs of others before myself. This most often has turned into unnecessary stress and illness. The stress and illness forced me to take a good hard look at my life, which led me to seek my spirituality. Through this, I’ve learned techniques and tools to assist in my survival in this environment. Typically, I’m able to keep my body (mainly hives) in a calm state using these techniques; however, when stress overload and/or not being my authentic self occurs, my body graciously reminds (or shouts out) for me to wake up and remember. I listen often; however, at times the fear gets the better of me and I shut down. I desperately seek to be my own unique self, speak my truth, and shine my light while not worrying what my colleagues or anyone for that matter will think of me and judge me.

A good friend recently told me that my job is to remove the fears that keep my light hidden. Wow. That really resonated with my soul as I can feel it when I dim my light down to make other people comfortable….including myself. Why did I do that? It’s time for me to allow. Do any of you ever feel like you adapt to make others comfortable?

So, how do I find the courage to keep my light shining strong, keep my vibration elevated at all times regardless of any situation (good or bad) and stand up/stand strong in my belief that I am best as my true authentic self? Fear has so many layers in me….where the heck does it all come from? Just when I think I’ve worked through and processed it, wham! Another layer. However, I know this is all part of my journey…and Trinity has assisted in my awakening.  I am so very grateful to have had the amazing opportunity to travel to Mt. Shasta, CA this past September to attend the Trinity Facilitator training as this experience was life changing and assisted me in processing through so much fear,  allowing me to accept and remember my divinity.

So, if you do not “get” anything else out of this blog, I hope you get this…when I do my daily self-work, I am able to shift and process through so much more “stuff.” Every single day and every single step, I get a little closer to living my truth. Stand in that mirror and look at your beauty. Tell yourself how much you love yourself, meditate, journal, say your creation statements. Invest in you…YOU are amazing and worth it!

I choose to do my daily self-work, to just be me and love myself unconditionally. It’s that simple. Fear or love….fear no longer serves me and I enthusiastically choose love…unconditional love, it’s my super power and it is yours…I encourage each of you to embrace your super power and live your truth…authentically.  I Am!

I love you all fiercely!









Kristina Mezzant-Thorpe
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner