Tag: cunnings


Got Guidance?

Before I sat down to write this, I asked for guidance and asked to be the pure expression of the divine truth that I am. I asked my ego-self to take a back seat so my divine self can come through and communicate to you through my all BE-ing and from a place of One-ness.

It’s one of the ways I set myself up so that I can come from a place of divine truth instead of ego based beliefs, which are mostly fear based. It’s one of the ways I access my inner intuition and my higher-self or guidance from God/The Universe/The Angels if you prefer, because actually, WE ARE ALL THE SAME.

Sometimes, I’ll just sit down with my journal when I’m struggling with an issue and write out the questions I need answers to, then use the set-up I described above to tap into my infinite divine knowledge that we are all capable accessing and expressing. For this article, I’m going to do something similar, but instead just invite in what needs to come through and write that out for you. I want to play with accessing my guidance and do it in a vulnerable and sharing kind of way!

Angela has been asking me for a blog contribution, and my thinking mind hasn’t come up with any content… so I’m going to ask my infinite-higher mind to just write what needs to be received, so here we go:

 I’m going to just start typing and ask what communication my higher self would like to convey here. It seems the word that keeps popping in is, peace. We have all been wanting some peace in our lives as we have been riding the roller coaster of emotional highs and lows for the past many years now, as this ascension energy has created tremendous shifts for us personally and collectively. Yet, we seem to be continually waiting for this desired feeling of peace. It’s what we want, what we’ve been whining about and what we keep thinking is around the corner. But, is the perception of peace always being out of reach a true reality, or is it a point of view that keeps us distracted about all that we don’t have now? And that experience is what keeps us out of knowing we’re perfect and safe in every moment… which is what also keeps us in a mentality of fear and lack.

So, what if peace is in every moment and it’s only about our choice to connect with it and feel into it? What if peace is never the carrot dangling in the distance, but is within you and only waiting for you to turn on the switch? The same can be said for the energy of love or happiness or joy. All these emotions, feelings and energies are available to us at all times, but we tend to focus our attention elsewhere. We focus our attention to fear-based thoughts of lack, not having enough, not being enough, not feeling good enough etc. This is an old hat as they say. It’s an old paradigm of existence that we have been attached to for eons, but that has all changed and we now have new choices we didn’t know we had before.

We can now choose to embody the energy of peace, the feeling of love in every moment. We can choose to remember that despite external life circumstances, in the present moment, peace can be attained with the focus and choice to connect and BE it. It really is all a matter of choosing to connect and choosing to create this for yourself.  It’s remembering that you as a consciousness create with your thoughts and therefore can shift the vibrational reality of your everyday experiences.  Does this take practice? Yes! Is this a new way of existing and creating? Yes!  Can we do it?  Yes!!  It’s all available to us now and we can choose it!

You may like to introduce a statement or mantra to activate a desired feeling in your body, such as, “I choose to feel peace”, or “I am peace”, or “I am love.” By saying these words out loud with connection to their meaning, yet a detachment in expectation of an outcome, you can build and strengthen your connection to your desired feelings.  You may also like to remember or use your imagination to create an experience that would bring about the feeling you’d like to connect to and anchor that in with the emotions expressed in that scenario. It helps to set up that vibration in your body, so you can best align with in.

There are many ways to connect to our desired feelings, so play around with what feels best for you! And play with asking questions of your guidance. What does your higher-self have to say to you in this moment? What advice would you normally ask outside of yourself, but actually resides within you if you only ask and open up to receive an answer. It’s all inside!!










Jennifer Cunnings Warrington
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner