Tag: guidance
Posted by: Angela Coulter | on January 24, 2019
Surrendering to Guidance (Whether I Like It or Not)
I’ve been working behind the scenes on getting my updated, consolidated Website together and up. I’ve had Road to Awakening, Spiritual Alchemy, and a few others hanging around out there for awhile… and no place I feel like is a centralized “home” online for what I’m doing, what I’d like to share.
Recently, some weird thing happened briefly with this (the Trinity Energy Progression) Website, where I had to call hosting support and they had to adjust something so I could even get into the site. That was fixed in less than 5 minutes. I was thinking it was weird that none of my other sites were down from the same thing.
The next day, I had a question to respond to on my Etsy site (where I sell my orgone pyramids), and was referring someone to a page on Spiritual Alchemy… and noticed that that site had gone down. Since support had told me the day before how to get in through the back door to fix the problem, I tried it, and in a few minutes… everything was fine again. Sent the link, not a problem.
Then, I decided to check out Road to Awakening. Same issue; however, when I went to go in through the back door… it wouldn’t even let me do that. In the meantime, I was in my WordPress installation software page on my hosting provider, and noticed some extra WordPress installations I could clear out. I noticed that Road to Awakening actually had THREE installations – one was something with the term “migrate” in it – and decided to delete the migrate, believing it was redundant.
It wasn’t; it was actually the core site.
I had deleted it.
Funny enough, I’d re-employed an offsite backup program just about 2 weeks before. So I initially thought, “OK, simple, I’ll just re-install WordPress and then restore the site.” Unh-hunh… I had some weird problems with what I was being provided vs. what I purchased, and was getting error messages in reconnecting the site. I couldn’t find any way in their online support files on how to navigate this issue, and though I’d puchased a Premium package, apparently “Premium support” entails email only, within 3 business days. Though at this writing this happened more than a week ago, I’m still going back and forth with their support via email, and they’re not answering the questions I’m asking, preventing me from being able to restore it (or even getting anywhere).
So… that Website is gone right now. I could spend more time fussing with it – I’m sure I can figure it out – but that would be distraction on trying to undo this. Putting energy to get the site back – which was slated to be removed, anyway – is a distraction, a waste of energy that isn’t pure to my energy and where I am RIGHT NOW.
I’m surrendering; I GET IT. I’ve been done with that site for a long time; however, I’ve felt comfortable knowing it’s there, because even though it doesn’t match me energetically anymore, I realize I’ve allowed it to be a hidden foundation that doesn’t even match where I am today! I’ve felt assured in the back of my mind that It’s where I started in this business, it’s established… and there’s a lot I’ve written on that site… IN THE PAST.
Time to let it go.
This is one of the many very 3D examples of what’s going on for all of us! The ego’s goal is comfort; it tells us that even though something (or someone) in our life doesn’t feel right to us energetically anymore, because we’re comfortable – because we believe it/them to be some sort of “foundation” from the past – we keep it or them there, anyway. Because it’s/they’re comfortable; it’s/they’re “known.” And where we are now is coming to live in the now so much that we’re constantly consciously creating our reality, NOW. Reassessing constantly. In this conscious reassessment, we look to guidance from the heart of higher consciousness to know how everything fits in the big picture, now. Things we’ve discarded in the past, or for a time, might be relevant and useful now, and likewise, things we’ve held onto for habit might be better put in the closet, possibly for later use, or discarded altogether.
All, to ensure we stand in the power of freedom to be all we came here to be!
So… here I go. I’m accepting that Website as gone. Forget its search engine optimization… and how it shows up so well on Internet searches. Yes, it represents my start in this business, on getting here… however, it hasn’t been updated, so it’s out of date… out of now. And now is where I choose to be. So, now is from where I’m to write for the new Website…
And, it further inspires and motivates me to get that new site up and launched!
Angela Coulter
Originator, Trinity Energy Progression
Posted in Blogs | No Comments »
Tags: angela coulter, energy, guidance, listening, metaphysical, progression, spiritual, trinity
Posted by: Colleen Kendrick | on January 16, 2019
Manifesting From the Heart
When we talk about manifestation, we often forget to include the heart in the process. In our culture we rely heavily on expectations. Expectation can come from ego and can hinder the fruition of our manifesting. When we remember to include our hearts, unexpected ripples continue to fan out in surprising ways.
Recently I dreamed that I was at a conference and was to give a talk on “Using Technology to Deliver Information and Services.” (Note: Before retiring 7 years ago, I had a 30-year career in information technology and often presented at technology conferences.) When I got to the podium, I realized that I had lost my notes, but even worse, I had also completely forgotten what I was going to say.
Looking out over the packed audience and seeing them waiting for me to speak, I began speaking from my heart in lieu of whatever it was from my lost notes/mind that I had planned to say.
I couldn’t remember anything that I said. I felt like I was speaking simultaneously in different “languages”, as well as saying something different in each language. I only knew I was finished when I was silent.
To my complete surprise, the sound of enthusiastic clapping erupted from the audience! Afterwards, people kept coming up to me to say how much they had gotten from what I had said, just what they needed to hear. This was extremely confusing to me because I did not know what it was I had even said. I had certainly not lived up to my own expectations of myself, much less what I though the audience would have expected based on the title of my presentation. It was as if my heart had spoken instead, different both in language and content, for each member of the audience.
While speaking from my heart, I had manifested what each person needed and was ready to hear. Because I had lost/forgotten my notes, I was able to remember how to manifest something in myself without expectations, and also in the individuals in the audience. My experience in this dream allowed me to see manifestation differently, especially in manifesting for myself as well as for others, and doing so without expectation.
Imagine how the artist manifests their own vision of the art they create, and how the viewer/receiver of that art manifests their own vision of the artist’s creation. this is similar to when I skip a stone across a pond, I am manifesting that experience, but I do not have an expectation as to how many times it will skip before it sinks. But when it does sink, it will manifest a series of ripples spreading out from where the stone sank. So, too, the artist’s creation continues to manifest as it affects one person after another.
In manifesting without expectation, a connection is formed as one manifestation begets another. A manifestation does not end when we “get” what we manifested, but continues to ripple outward, creating and raising our collective vibrational frequency. From my dream, I realized that manifesting is creating rather than expecting, and we are all infinite manifestors.
Sandy Newton
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitiator/Practitioner
Posted in Blogs | No Comments »
Tags: guidance, High vibration, manifestation, Open Heart, Resonance, sandy anthony, spiritual, transformation, trinity energy progression
Posted by: Angela Coulter | on September 25, 2018
Spiritual Course Correction: Crash and Burn or Flow With It
- In 1988, I listened to the voice that told me to up and LEAVE my home town area on Long Island, NY – where I’d grown up – to move 3.5 hours away, where I literally knew 2 people (and they were my roommates). Yet, that began a 9-year part of my journey that was a pivotal, productive, nourishing part of my life.
| - In 1996, my husband was out to sea in the USN out of Virginia, while I had remained in upstate New York. As I had a great job with solid pay and benefits – and I was in the middle of pregnancy with our first child – “the plan” was that he would get out of the military in August, join me again in upstate New York, and we would start our non-military life together up there. However, that spring, an urging began for me to up and leave, and move south… because if I stayed, I had visions of getting transferred to someplace I didn’t want to be. I did so, willing to give up my job, my circle of friends, and take a flying leap off a cliff without knowing what was beyond that. Yet, it all panned out, perfectly…and, by the way, the visions turned out to be true: Had I stayed at the job, I would’ve been transferred or let go the following year!
- In 2006, I listened to guidance over the mind and completely changed direction in my career… when I’d had 17 years of experience in corporate that had brought me to the amazing title and paycheck I’d THOUGHT I’d wanted. I wasn’t fired, laid off, or limited in my job… but the voice was loud to GET OUT. Doing this cut my household income by 2/3 at the time, with two children in middle and elementary school. But I left, anyway… because it was time for me to get on with what’s next. This was one of the biggest leaps of faith I’d ever made!
| - In 2010, I began to have clear and strong guidance that doing this magic is what I came here to live, to do. At the time, I had a pretty successful, growing marketing/communications consulting business with small and medium businesses (I even had part-time help). Because I had lost a significant amount of money in my previous business right out of corporate – which had been a commercial organic herb nursery – My MIND told me, “No, this is what I enjoy, this is what I came here to do, this is how I can (and was) making money.” But really… it was what I was comfortable doing… and it felt good to have money consistently coming in after the challenges with the nursery. The part I really loved – tapping into the business owner’s heart and passion with them to allow that flourishing to happen – was a precursor to doing what I do today. Yet, the mind said, “I can’t make a living doing this…” “I don’t know how to do this…” and other things like “Others will think of me as a freak/quack/_________”This guidance… I fought.The longer I fought it and decided to proceed with my consulting business, the harder it became to finish projects, to get started on them. I had one bizarre occurrence after another that would disintegrate any project timelines. The Multiverse/Higher Self was literally putting up one brick wall after another. So, there were no projects getting done – and thus, I wasn’t getting paid. And no new ones starting. Stalemate. So, I finally yelled, “UNCLE!” and wrote a public letter to my clients on Facebook (talk about leaping out of my comfort zone at the time) to let them know what was going on… and that once I finished the projects I’d started, I would be dedicating myself to shifting over to this line of work. It was the hardest thing I’d done… because the ego had resisted and convinced me of so much that was ultimately based in fear.
- Everything seems to be going wrong, no matter how hard one works at correcting it;
| - One road block in one’s life comes up after another, with increasing frequency;
| - There are consistent financial limitations (“never enough money”);
| - One’s biggest fears begin to manifest;
| - Often, some sort of addictive behavior (which is a distraction) becomes more prominent in the individual’s reality. Alcohol, drugs (including marijuana), shopping, eating, or even tending more (or obsessively) to housework or children… the list is endless, but it’s something that’s more of an escape or excuse than acceptance and focus.
I know the next question is, “How do I change this?” Here are some things with which to start:
- MEDITATE. Every day (and sometimes twice!). The more one clears the mind, the more one allows the knowledge of the higher consciousness to come in, in every moment.
| - COMMIT TO ALIGNMENT AND ALLOWANCE. A simple intention is to do whatever’s to be done so you exist/vibrate in this truth: “I am fully, holographically, Multiversally aligned and centered. I trust this alignment, and I allow and accept all possibilities to allow this to happen with flow, ease, synchronicity, love, __________________ (anything you’d like to add, including prosperity).”
| - INVITE CHANGE INTO CONSCIOUSNESS. Do this exercise after meditation: Sit with a pen and paper; write down, “What if I COULD do this/anything? What would I do? How could this come into existence? What would that look like?” OR “What if I allowed this to change? What would it look like?” Clear your mind… and start writing. NO BUTS ALLOWED!
| - MAKE A CHANGE. Just one. Start with this one thing, do something DIFFERENTLY… maybe in a completely different direction than you’ve taken before. Something that will make a difference. And let go; see where it goes.
The longer the message of the Higher Self is ignored, the more intense the personal situation becomes… and today, it’s often quite explosive! Change is inevitable and constant now… the choice is, crash and burn, or flow with it and see where the current takes us in trust and love.
I’m currently helping quite a number of others shift into a much more flowing (and enjoyable) state of change! Trinity Energy Progression is a practice that REALLY supports huge transformation, even to a point of being instantaneous. It helps one to keep up with the flow in higher consciousness in the way the individual chooses. I have SO MUCH gratitude for having lived this, for listening to guidance even when it didn’t make “logical sense” (and even before I would consciously acknowledge it as guidance)… because it eventually led me to the point of allowing this practice to come in intuitively from Higher Consciousness to share with others in support of our collective evolution. Did I know consciously this was what was coming? No… but through every step of the way, every “course correction” my higher consciousness pushed along. I eventually navigated here, and am continuing to do so, with more and more flow and change, expansion joy and fun, love, health and prosperity on this magic carpet ride! I’m here to assure and encourage you that you can, too… starting today. Who knows where the path will lead? Let the spirit lead that way… that’s part of the fun!
Angela Coulter
Originator, Trinity Energy Progression
Posted in Blogs, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Tags: angela coulter, change, consciousness, course correction, energy, guidance, higher, metaphysical, progression, self, spiritual, trinity
Posted by: Angela Coulter | on December 20, 2017
Setting the Tone for 2018 (and Guidance)
At the beginning of 2017, I selected a word that would set the tone for my upcoming year. It took only seconds for me to determine what my word was going to be. My word turned out to be guidance. (And no, the fact that I was guided to use the word guidance was not lost on me!)
What does guidance really mean? Certainly, it could be information received from those who care about you, those who seek to control you, or just a random person on the street. But to me guidance is the internal knowing that always seeks to steer you in the correct direction. Sometimes it is loud and glaring like a flashing neon sign, but at other times it is extremely subtle. In fact, in my experience, the subtle type is much more common.
Following your guidance isn’t always easy to do. For one thing, the subtle nudges we receive are easy to overlook or misinterpret. Or perhaps they seem inconsequential. (Tell me again – why do I need to buy this type of deodorant versus my normal brand?) And while the world might not end if you don’t buy the correct deodorant, following your guidance on a regular basis makes it easier for you to understand what you are being told or shown on future occasions, and it may help you when interpreting the guidance you receive later on with things that really do matter to you.
As we enter into the start of a new year, I encourage you to listen to your guidance and to follow it in all of the small ways and in all of the large ways – and everything in between – as much as you can. Each time you feel the tug, or a glimmer, or a gut feeling about something, even if it is about what brand of deodorant to buy, follow it and see where it leads. There have been many times when I’ve not known why I felt I should do something or say something, but I tended to be very pleasantly surprised by the results later on. That’s not to say that the results are always immediately apparent. Sometimes they aren’t. But by continuing to follow your guidance you will strengthen that bond so that you can recognize guidance when it happens, be open to receive even more of it in your life, and live more authentically.
I would love to hear if others have selected a word for the year, and to hear your experiences. What does your word mean to you? How do you believe it will show up in your life, or how has it already shown up in your life? Is it an active word requiring you to do something, or is it passive and you are to observe and watch and see what happens? I’m curious to see your results! Feel free to comment on this post and let me know. In the meantime, have fun, follow your guidance, and make 2018 the best year it can be. Something tells me you can do it!
Colby Hall
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner
Posted in Blogs | One Comment »
Tags: 2018, colby hall, energy, guidance, metaphysical, progression, setting the tone, spiritual, trinity
Posted by: Angela Coulter | on July 13, 2017
Follow Your Guidance, Wherever it Leads!
We all know the importance of following guidance…wherever, whenever, whatever the cost, because you just have a feeling you’re supposed to. I got that opportunity last month when Trinity Facilitator, Debi Weinstein invited me to join her and her husband/Trinity Practitioner, Gene Weinstein, in Arizona after their training course in Lake Havasu.
With less than a week notice, I booked flights into Flagstaff and out of Las Vegas. At 5am the following Monday, after the last day of the school year and a Trinity Practitioner training weekend, I set off on my Southwest adventure. Debi and Gene met me in Flagstaff and we proceeded to Sedona. En route we enjoyed a yummy outdoor lunch in a tree-lined canyon and bought beautiful hand-made jewelry from Native American vendors. Debi was inspired to visit the Chapel of the Holy Cross, built into the spectacular red rocks. The temperature was hovering around 100ºF, down from 118ºF the preceding week, under intensely brilliant sun. Just inside the open-air chapel entrance was a brightly colored painting of a veiled woman, presumably Mother Mary. The three of us sat on a bench in the front of the steamy chapel and did a Trinity session that (literally) blew us away. Both Debi and Gene felt a lovely breeze blow through. Sadly, I missed it, perhaps because my attention was on a spiral vortex connecting up to the ethers and down through the earth.
While waiting for a golf cart to take us back to our car, we were treated to an in-depth explanation of the Native American and energetic significance of the various red rock formations by a knowledgeable guide. He pointed across the canyon to Cathedral Rock, a masculine vortex formerly known as Court House Rock/Butte, for the frontier era court and execution gallows located there. The chapel is located at Eagle Rock, which has feminine energy associated with the water that runs beneath it. On the right side of the chapel is a double peaked formation with Mother and Child energy. It was clear we had done masculine/feminine/child integration work within ourselves and the earth.
The next day we visited the town of Oatman, AZ. This former movie set for “How the West was Won” has a herd of wild donkeys who come down from the surrounding hills and roam the streets waiting to be fed by the tourists. After two pregnant females eagerly consumed my bag of hay pellets, one of them butted me with her nose as if to say, “Aren’t you going to buy us another bag?” After lunch, a young male eagerly consumed my salad leftovers and would have eaten the styrofoam box if I hadn’t retracted it in time. What a treat for both humans and burros!
That night after a delicious Italian dinner, we did a Trinity vortex at the hotel. In addition to the personal benefits we each received, I felt us connecting with the consciousness of Lake Havasu – a rare (feminine) body of water in a very dry desert.
As we drove to the airport in Las Vegas, I thought of my uncle and godfather, Joe Hogan, a former state representative for the “Strip” for many years before his death three years ago. On the rental car shuttle to the airport, I noticed a woman’s shopping bag that said “Joe’s” and felt his presence. I connected with him and was able to assist him in clearing agreements he had with the city.
Sometimes guidance is last minute and seat-of-the-pants. So glad I listened to that little voice and took Debi and Gene up on their invitation!
Mary Hogan
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner
Posted in Blogs, Uncategorized | One Comment »
Tags: chapel of the holy cross, energy, guidance, Mary Hogan, metaphysical, progression, sedona, spiritual, trinity