Tag: self


Spiritual Course Correction: Crash and Burn or Flow With It

I know an increasing number of individuals who are going through a major “spiritual course correction” kind of situation. Literally… everything is shutting down. The feeling of brick walls everywhere… physically, emotionally, spiritually, environmentally, you name it. 
When I say course correction, I mean it’s the higher consciousness taking us beyond where we are and where we might’ve been very comfortable for an extended period of time. What happens is that everything comes to feel off, clunky, and suffocating, like it’s “gone wrong”… and often leaves the individual to question everything. “I thought I was on the right path… I thought I was following my passion… I thought being in a place of comfort meant ‘I’d made it’…” “I thought this was ‘good enough”…” And then CRASH. CRASH. CRASH. CRASH. Everything has been crashing down!
Why, is typically the first question asked.
My understanding is that in cases like this, it’s most often because the EGO originally decided what the “passion” was, and this decision was typically based on external validation: how much others love the individual for doing it, having others look to the individual as savior, as ” a good person,” as “an angel”… there are many, many indications.
Often, it came to be with a lot of what was perceived as “hard work.” Again, another belief of the ego… that rewards (including in relationships and prosperity) only come with “hard work” or self-sacrifice to the point of martyrdom – which we culturally idealize – vs. authenticity, self-nourishment, and unconditional self-love.
These are all loud messages, but the ego is quick to get comfortable here, rationalizing why one is “of service” in whatever way. One of the biggest messages to look at within ourselves is when we say, “My passion is to be of service to ______”…
The question beyond that is, “Why? Why is it your passion?” Typically it’s because it makes us feel good about ourselves… external validation (and thus ego).
And that is actually NOT our Divine purpose!
With the huge shifts and changes we’ve been continuously undergoing this year, we cling steadfastly to those things that culture, others, and ourselves believe make us more valuable as an individual… instead of recognizing that we’re crucially valuable as the Divine embodied just being in existence.
So, then, what is “living one’s purpose/passion”?
It’s doing what allows us to be FREE, to be able to fully embody our Divine Self in bliss, completely present in every moment. It’s effortless; it can be fun and even orgasmic! It’s something one can do 24/7 and never tire of doing… even if they’re tired.
Will others judge this? Absolutely! But, as I always say, it’s none of our business what others think of us, because what they think of us is purely where THEY are on their journeys (and it’s often because they deep down wish they can allow that of themselves… which they can!).
It’s being transcendant to fear of judgment… and transcendant to fear altogether.
It’s being so happy in living our embodiment in every moment that someone judging us is completely off of our radar; that we enjoy every moment so much that we completely trust the Multiverse to support us… so we recognize there is nothing to fear.
In turn, we hold a higher vibration of Divine unconditional love… help raise the vibration of the planet… help raise the vibration of those around us, just by being around us (there’s nothing required that we DO, just BE in this place). And our troubles simply melt away.
How challenging or easy this is is up to the individual, the individual’s beliefs, the individual’s ego and its “buts” (“… but I can’t do that because…”). Instead of listening to the mind’s million reasons why NOT to do something, ask, “What if I could do this? What if I could do anything? Then what would I do?”
It’s important to hear ourselves defending, rationalizing, saying, “I KNOW I’m supposed to do this… but I was waiting until _____________ (someone grows up, someone dies, some situation happens)… however, everything’s collapsing now…
Then the important message is, “Then it’s time to change this – start allowing the ‘course correction’ – NOW.”
Sometimes this means giving up everything we’ve had to this point… or a good majority of it.
Personally, I’ve had multiple messages about this in my life… well before I was consciously aware of what they were:
  • In 1988, I listened to the voice that told me to up and LEAVE my home town area on Long Island, NY – where I’d grown up – to move 3.5 hours away, where I literally knew 2 people (and they were my roommates). Yet, that began a 9-year part of my journey that was a pivotal, productive, nourishing part of my life.
  • In 1996, my husband was out to sea in the USN out of Virginia, while I had remained in upstate New York. As I had a great job with solid pay and benefits – and I was in the middle of pregnancy with our first child – “the plan” was that he would get out of the military in August, join me again in upstate New York, and we would start our non-military life together up there. However, that spring, an urging began for me to up and leave, and move south… because if I stayed, I had visions of getting transferred to someplace I didn’t want to be. I did so, willing to give up my job, my circle of friends, and take a flying leap off a cliff without knowing what was beyond that. Yet, it all panned out, perfectly…and, by the way, the visions turned out to be true: Had I stayed at the job, I would’ve been transferred or let go the following year!
  • In 2006, I listened to guidance over the mind and completely changed direction in my career… when I’d had 17 years of experience in corporate that had brought me to the amazing title and paycheck I’d THOUGHT I’d wanted. I wasn’t fired, laid off, or limited in my job… but the voice was loud to GET OUT. Doing this cut my household income by 2/3 at the time, with two children in middle and elementary school. But I left, anyway… because it was time for me to get on with what’s next. This was one of the biggest leaps of faith I’d ever made!
  • In 2010, I began to have clear and strong guidance that doing this magic is what I came here to live, to do. At the time, I had a pretty successful, growing marketing/communications consulting business with small and medium businesses (I even had part-time help). Because I had lost a significant amount of money in my previous business right out of corporate – which had been a commercial organic herb nursery – My MIND told me, “No, this is what I enjoy, this is what I came here to do, this is how I can (and was) making money.” But really… it was what I was comfortable doing… and it felt good to have money consistently coming in after the challenges with the nursery. The part I really loved – tapping into the business owner’s heart and passion with them to allow that flourishing to happen – was a precursor to doing what I do today. Yet, the mind said, “I can’t make a living doing this…” “I don’t know how to do this…” and other things like “Others will think of me as a freak/quack/_________”This guidance… I fought.The longer I fought it and decided to proceed with my consulting business, the harder it became to finish projects, to get started on them. I had one bizarre occurrence after another that would disintegrate any project timelines. The Multiverse/Higher Self was literally putting up one brick wall after another. So, there were no projects getting done – and thus, I wasn’t getting paid. And no new ones starting. Stalemate. So, I finally yelled, “UNCLE!” and wrote a public letter to my clients on Facebook (talk about leaping out of my comfort zone at the time) to let them know what was going on… and that once I finished the projects I’d started, I would be dedicating myself to shifting over to this line of work. It was the hardest thing I’d done… because the ego had resisted and convinced me of so much that was ultimately based in fear.
Did I have people judge me through all of this? Every step of the way. Did I have major changes through all of these things? Yes. Did I have panic attacks in some moments when I’d let the mind manage? Of course. Did I face some obstacles? Only when I thought things were supposed to be one way and forced my course in a certain direction, and I was getting indication to go another. Were there moments of financial limitation? Yes, quite a few; but the longer I went, the more I trusted, and the more I trusted, the more abundant and easy things became.
All of this is to share that I personally have a LOT of experience in “course corrections”.. and that I know what it’s like to both go with the guidance AND I know what it’s like to try to fight and ignore it. Today, the “leash” we give ourselves is far shorter, far more urgent. 
As the mind/ego can be very masterful at looking in the other direction – because of the discomfort of living as infinite, powerful, and as the Divine embodied – the remembrance of that “the Divine purpose” (also called one’s passion) and what one has come to embody often becomes locked up in the back room… until the higher consciousness says, “ENOUGH of this!”
How to recognize something as a “course correction”:
  • Everything seems to be going wrong, no matter how hard one works at correcting it;
  • One road block in one’s life comes up after another, with increasing frequency;
  • There are consistent financial limitations (“never enough money”);
  • One’s biggest fears begin to manifest;
  • Often, some sort of addictive behavior (which is a distraction) becomes more prominent in the individual’s reality. Alcohol, drugs (including marijuana), shopping, eating, or even tending more (or obsessively) to housework or children… the list is endless, but it’s something that’s more of an escape or excuse than acceptance and focus.

I know the next question is, “How do I change this?” Here are some things with which to start:

  • MEDITATE. Every day (and sometimes twice!). The more one clears the mind, the more one allows the knowledge of the higher consciousness to come in, in every moment.
  • COMMIT TO ALIGNMENT AND ALLOWANCE.  A simple intention is to do whatever’s to be done so you exist/vibrate in this truth: “I am fully, holographically, Multiversally aligned and centered. I trust this alignment, and I allow and accept all possibilities to allow this to happen with flow, ease, synchronicity, love, __________________ (anything you’d like to add, including prosperity).”
  • INVITE CHANGE INTO CONSCIOUSNESS. Do this exercise after meditation: Sit with a pen and paper; write down, “What if I COULD do this/anything? What would I do? How could this come into existence? What would that look like?” OR “What if I allowed this to change? What would it look like?” Clear  your mind… and start writing. NO BUTS ALLOWED!
  • MAKE A CHANGE. Just one. Start with this one thing, do something DIFFERENTLY… maybe in a completely different direction than you’ve taken before. Something that will make a difference. And let go; see where it goes.

The longer the message of the Higher Self is ignored, the more intense the personal situation becomes… and today, it’s often quite explosive! Change is inevitable and constant now… the choice is, crash and burn, or flow with it and see where the current takes us in trust and love.

I’m currently helping quite a number of others shift into a much more flowing (and enjoyable) state of change! Trinity Energy Progression is a practice that REALLY supports huge transformation, even to a point of being instantaneous. It helps one to keep up with the flow in higher consciousness in the way the individual chooses. I have SO MUCH gratitude for having lived this, for listening to guidance even when it didn’t make “logical sense” (and even before I would consciously acknowledge it as guidance)… because it eventually led me to the point of allowing this practice to come in intuitively from Higher Consciousness to share with others in support of our collective evolution. Did I know consciously this was what was coming? No… but through every step of the way, every “course correction” my higher consciousness pushed along. I eventually navigated here, and am continuing to do so, with more and more flow and change, expansion joy and fun, love, health and prosperity on this magic carpet ride! I’m here to assure and encourage you that you can, too… starting today. Who knows where the path will lead? Let the spirit lead that way… that’s part of the fun!









Angela Coulter
Originator, Trinity Energy Progression



Navigating This Shift… to ME

We have definitely shifted into a different space. The trip I took to Mt. Shasta in September was so powerful that I haven’t been able to fully return into my former home reality. I no longer feel like there is a specific place that I can call home. I keep longing for something that I can’t put my finger on.  I have this feeling I should move, but every time I think I’ve found a place that would be good, it doesn’t feel right and the search begins again.  There doesn’t seem to be a place that captures what I’m feeling inside.

In addition, I’ve been faced with issues that I thought I had worked out. Feelings of victimization, self-loathing, abandonment, loneliness, judgment, not being heard, fear of confrontation, feelings of self- sacrifice, self-judgment, feelings of worthlessness. Heavy stuff, things that I didn’t realize were still profoundly affecting me. I mean, how much of this do I have inside? It feels insurmountable at times. I have been brought to my knees AGAIN.  Almost every relationship showing me things  to shift, but yet are so challenging to face. The relationship with my parents and siblings is at the moment the one that has been mirroring issues for me the most. I knew that I had been changed forever when in Shasta but I had underestimated how much. I really thought that I could come home, take a couple of weeks to re-acclimate and go back to my routine life. But that isn’t the case! There is no such thing as “going back to routine.” That time has passed, and I am writing this so that all who read this can find comfort in the fact that so many of us are currently feeling the same way. Everyone I’ve spoken with has a similar story. We are all being pushed so hard to step into our full Divinity, our Truth. So many mirrors being put up so that we don’t stop moving forward. The Universe is no longer waiting around! It’s been doing this for some time, I know, but I feel we’ve gone into warp speed over the last couple of months. When I can finally get my head above water, out of all those feelings of separation, I can see all of it from a higher perspective. In those moments of clarity… my goodness, how beautiful and perfect it all is!

It’s only when I get out of mind and sit in the vibration of Love, the vibration that is ME, that I get the clarity. That’s when I get the peace. Although, I have to say, those times have been few and far between. There are many days, moments within the day that I have to constantly remind myself to allow and flow, and man, that has been really hard to do! Ego is holding on with a death grip! It’s been a challenging time fighting it. The thought of just going back to the way I was would be so much easier… but that isn’t an option, because the feelings of being stagnant are even more terrifying than the self work, which I know will end in something wonderful.

The perfection is that all of the things that I am being shown are exactly what’s standing in my way of true self-love, and it is only through this that we will be able to do what we came here to do. It’s only when we get through every last thing that gets in the way of loving ourselves completely as the perfect Divine beings we are, that we’ll be able to go forward without fear or doubt or anything and be exactly what we were created to be, pure Love. Love that knows no boundaries. Love that encompasses all. Love that is our Oneness. Love that needs no words, or thoughts, or physicality. Love that will just Be, Be the Divine that we already are but we can’t yet see because of all the blinders we’ve put up. They are falling away. This is what we are all being pushed to realize. Because there is no work to do really; that’s just an illusion. Everything we are being shown for us to shift are just messages to ourselves, reminders, the bread crumbs we have left so we can find our way back.  All of it so we can remember WE ARE already all of it. We are the Divine. We are Perfect. We are ALL.









Cathy Guido
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

Remembering What We Already Know

Aurora Borealis in Reykjavik, Iceland Jan 2017

This year has been an amazing year for me. I have done so much as far as travel and friendships. I’ve been to some amazing places and spent time with some amazing people. I got to see the Aurora Borealis aka Northern Lights in Iceland in January. I also visited a small fishing village on the Baltic Sea with a Church that is more than 1100 years old in April. Both of these events were awe inspiring. They did leave me pausing and thinking about my purpose and place in this universe. I also have traveled to a lot of places in the US. It seems that I have been away from home almost every weekend this year. I have made some wonderful new friends and visited very dear family and friends during my travels.

But, it seemed that something was amiss during all of this amazing time in my life. I’ve had some personal issues come back up again and found myself starting to go down some dark places that my mind used to enjoy visiting in the past. This has been going on for a while but I kept trying to move past it. I was not having a lot of success and was traveling deeper into those dark places.

I finally realized what was happening. The ego likes to play tricks and makes it difficult at times to recognize our state of affairs. The old feels safe so we don’t always realize it right away. I had slowed down on working on my spiritual self. So, I started doing a lot of self work again. Recently after a meditation one night as I was falling asleep this is what came to me with a bang. It was like a bright light and very loud voice – “our thoughts create our reality”. Of course, I already knew this but when we start sliding away from our spiritual selves and what we already know its importance diminishes. I needed to start thinking positive thoughts that will move me forward and need to create visions of what I want in my life again. That is what got me to where I am – knowing, trusting and believing that the Universe will take care of everything. DUH!!!!!

I fell asleep after my revelation seeing my life being the way I want it to be. There is so much to be grateful for and there is so much I can change in my life by seeing things the way I want them to be. I am working constantly to not allow myself to travel down those dark roads that I sometimes travel. And when something does come up I immediately find the thought of what I want the situation to be in a positive way instead of the negative places my mind likes to stroll at times. My life and attitude has improved beyond my own expectations since this realization.

Follow your Spiritual guidance and the Universe will take care of you. Live your dreams. We are all a work in progress and we are all Spiritual beings in a 3D presence.

We just need to remember what we already know. It is so simple but so difficult at times.









Bonnie Butler
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner