Tag: Bonnie Butler
Remembering What We Already Know

Aurora Borealis in Reykjavik, Iceland Jan 2017
This year has been an amazing year for me. I have done so much as far as travel and friendships. I’ve been to some amazing places and spent time with some amazing people. I got to see the Aurora Borealis aka Northern Lights in Iceland in January. I also visited a small fishing village on the Baltic Sea with a Church that is more than 1100 years old in April. Both of these events were awe inspiring. They did leave me pausing and thinking about my purpose and place in this universe. I also have traveled to a lot of places in the US. It seems that I have been away from home almost every weekend this year. I have made some wonderful new friends and visited very dear family and friends during my travels.
But, it seemed that something was amiss during all of this amazing time in my life. I’ve had some personal issues come back up again and found myself starting to go down some dark places that my mind used to enjoy visiting in the past. This has been going on for a while but I kept trying to move past it. I was not having a lot of success and was traveling deeper into those dark places.
I finally realized what was happening. The ego likes to play tricks and makes it difficult at times to recognize our state of affairs. The old feels safe so we don’t always realize it right away. I had slowed down on working on my spiritual self. So, I started doing a lot of self work again. Recently after a meditation one night as I was falling asleep this is what came to me with a bang. It was like a bright light and very loud voice – “our thoughts create our reality”. Of course, I already knew this but when we start sliding away from our spiritual selves and what we already know its importance diminishes. I needed to start thinking positive thoughts that will move me forward and need to create visions of what I want in my life again. That is what got me to where I am – knowing, trusting and believing that the Universe will take care of everything. DUH!!!!!
I fell asleep after my revelation seeing my life being the way I want it to be. There is so much to be grateful for and there is so much I can change in my life by seeing things the way I want them to be. I am working constantly to not allow myself to travel down those dark roads that I sometimes travel. And when something does come up I immediately find the thought of what I want the situation to be in a positive way instead of the negative places my mind likes to stroll at times. My life and attitude has improved beyond my own expectations since this realization.
Follow your Spiritual guidance and the Universe will take care of you. Live your dreams. We are all a work in progress and we are all Spiritual beings in a 3D presence.
We just need to remember what we already know. It is so simple but so difficult at times.
Bonnie Butler
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner
My Thoughts Create My Reality

I’ve been reading, following and listening to all of the posts on Facebook, on TV, the radio, and to what people are saying and feeling these days… it’s like a runaway train! All this doom and gloom seems to make almost everyone jump on board and explain their less than positive lives. It seems that there is chaos everywhere!
Over the last year and a half, I’ve experienced some very intense personal spiritual growth. The process has made me look at myself, my life, my beliefs, and this 3D life as a whole. More and more I have come to realize that I’m responsible for all of it… and that my thoughts and vibrations create my world.
Where I choose to dwell in my thoughts will determine the reality I create for myself. If my thoughts are about doom and gloom and how bad life, friends, work, etc are, that is where my reality will be. My vibrations will lower to meet those thoughts, and that is exactly what I will create for myself.
The news is full of doom and gloom. The world is in chaos. Politics are in total chaos. The politicians are spewing vile energy against one another. I found that if I follow it too closely I feel my vibrations lowering. I have decided that I am going to sit the primaries out and wait until there are at least 2 final candidates from which to choose, and then see if they can at least be civil to each other and explain what they would like to do for us if they are elected. I used this as an example of what I am feeling right now and how I am setting my vibrations for my highest and best.
I have also chosen not to be on Facebook very much lately. I just don’t want to read a lot of the posts that are talking about all the sludge, grime, and negative stuff that people seem to be experiencing. I feel that if our thoughts create our reality, taking the time to put those thoughts into written words just amplifies and solidifies those thoughts, then creating our reality even quicker and more solidly based on those vibrations.
I decided to take a step back and think about what all of that negativity means and is it for me and do I want to take it all on. I quickly realized that I do not. And I can change my thoughts to more positive thoughts and actions. This choice brings my vibrations up and changes my reality to what I really want and need in my life.
Things are not yet perfect in my life but it is a work in progress. I do have bad days… but instead of dwelling on them constantly, I try to find all that I am grateful for, and there are so many things. I do not always succeed right away, but even then, I keep working on getting past it and on changing my reality.
This story happened to me in late January through early February this year and shows the process of getting from the negative to the positive:
I’ve been going through a difficult personal issue and there has been one person that I have been extremely angry with, and I have had some very dark emotions involving this person. I have bird feeders out my back door that have a lot of birds that visit and they brings me such joy and love even on my dark days. Well during this difficult time a pretty large mockingbird showed up at the feeders and started chasing all the other birds away. It would sit in a huge willow tree just over the feeders and not let any of the birds feed. They would be attacked by the mockingbird. I did everything I could to shoo the bad bird away. I even got so angry at one point that I thought if I had a BB gun I would just shoot it and make the problem go away. (I would not have actually shot the mockingbird).
Then I realized that the mockingbird was symbolic of my anger towards this person. So I asked for guidance and decided to send as much love to that person and to the mockingbird as I could possibly send and to change my thoughts from anger to love. I did this off and on for most of that day. The tension started to lessen and the vibrations began to rise. The next morning the birds were feeding and only occasionally the mockingbird would chase them away. Over time the mockingbird was not bothering the other birds. I even saw the mockingbird on a feeder with some of the other birds. I also noticed that when I would start letting myself become angry again the mockingbird would return and harass the other birds. I just turned up the love again. Now I haven’t seen the mockingbird in a very long time.
I am still dealing with the situation involving the person that I was so angry with but now I feel love. I laugh when I think about the mockingbird and wanting to shoot it. I still send it love too.
My thoughts are my reality. So I am trying to have a very conscience awareness of what I am thinking. If I am in a bad place, I now I try to start looking for what I need to change to move away from that energy.
I’m also so very grateful for my soul family! Each and every one has assisted in some way or another in my getting to where I am today.
Bonnie Butler
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner
My Story and the Universe

These last several years of my life have probably been some of the most incredible times, other than the birth of my son, in my entire life. I have always been very spiritual but did not know what that meant nor did I understand the implications of it. Throughout my life I was presented with situations; I always knew what I needed to do and never questioned why or other possibilities. One of the most amazing things to come out of this type of lifestyle is that I ended up helping raise three beautiful young ladies that have made my life so much richer just by them letting me be a part of their lives. I was also gifted with an amazing son that challenged me every step of the way of him becoming an adult. We both survived; he is now a wonderful adult.
I was introduced to the Spiritual with one Reiki session. That was all it took. I had no knowledge what “being spiritual” was but I knew that was going to be my path in life. Like all of the other times I was presented with a new situation, I followed my guidance. I studied and became a Reiki Master; I learned more about the Spiritual. Then in 2012 it came to me that I would be leaving the West Palm Beach (WBP), FL area which I had lived in since I was about ten months old. I would be leaving three of my kids, two of my grandkids, my elderly mother, a sister, and a lot of very special friends. I did not have the financial means to move so I put out to the Universe that if I really was supposed to go, “they” would have to make it happen. In a totally unexpected way, the finances fell into place and I had the money to move. At first I was clueless as to what this meant but eventually the opportunity became available for me to move to the Raleigh, North Carolina area; I moved in July of 2013. I picked and rented a house in Apex, North Carolina via the internet without actually seeing the house, packed my stuff, and moved.
After moving up here one of the first things I did was find someone to get Reiki sessions from as that was very important to me at the time. I made several trips back to WPB a few times right after I moved for family events that were going on. I visited my Spiritual Mentor on one of the visits and she asked me if I had found a group to get involved with, and I told her no. She made me promise that I would find one. After returning home, I opened the local Spiritual Meetup listings and was scrolling down looking at the different groups that were having meetings. I was drawn to one that Angela (Coulter, Trinity Originator) was having at her house which I actually attended. This was so out of my box and personal comfort zone, by the way. That was the beginning of an amazing 2014 year for me. After attending the meeting, it came to me that I needed to get to know Angela better. I attended a Trinity Energy Progression™ Open House in November and then took the Trinity Energy Progression Practitioners Class in January 2014. My life was changed forever again.
While in the class I met many wonderful Trinity Energy Progression Practitioners and students. I found that I was part of a Spiritual family which is coming together again. At that class I met Linda Grimm; and was guided to find out more about what she did spiritually. In addition to being a Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner, Linda is a ThetaHealer and Teacher among many other spiritual gifts. So I was guided to take the ThetaHealing® Basic then Advanced program. Out of the blue, after I had registered for ThetaHealing classes Angela presented me with an opportunity to go to Mt. Shasta for the Facilitator’s class which was really unbelievable in so many ways. I did not meet the prerequisites to train for the Trinity Energy Progression Facilitators class. Angela briefly entertained the idea that she may take additional students. It came to me that I really needed to attend the Facilitators training so I just let her know that if she did decide to enlarge the group that I was interested. She told me a little while later that she had decided not to take additional students. I was disappointed; Again I sent it out to the Universe that if I was supposed to go, “they” had to make it happen. That is what is so amazing about just letting the Universe settle things for you.
In 2014, this is where my spiritual journey took me – January I trained as a Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner; in May I trained in Theta Healing Basic; in June I trained in Theta Healing Advanced. Then, as it turned out in July I went to Mt. Shasta to train as a Trinity Facilitator. Somehow I had gotten on the spiritual fast track. Man, what a ride it has been. Trinity Energy Progression and Theta Healing are both amazingly beautiful energies, and I knew I needed to train in both. I’m still not totally sure why or where it will all lead but I am just following my guidance and growing each day with the beauty of it all.
My life, though awesome, was extremely challenging and difficult. Every one of us has challenging lives but we all carry the baggage differently. I began working on myself with the help of my mentors and new-found soul family as well as all of my new energies that I now have as part of me. The tools are amazing; I learn new things about myself and my spiritual life every day. I started forgiving myself and letting go of so much that I carried. These energies have allowed me to become more of the spiritual person I am supposed to be. I have had several very important changes for the better in my physical health since I have been forgiving myself and others, and letting it all go. I still have a ways to go but am moving forward every day. I do trust that the Universe has my back and will guide me in all that I do; I always have even when I didn’t realize it, and that is an amazing thing to know now that I understand it so much better. The Spiritual and the Universe are amazing and will take care of us if we just trust and let it.
Bonnie Butler
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™