Tag: move


New Opportunities

I could have titled this post “Be Careful What You Wish For,” but as you will see, I think “New Opportunities” is more fitting. It all started with the HGTV Dream Home giveaway a few years ago. If you aren’t familiar with this particular giveaway, it’s where HGTV selects a parcel of land in a town and builds what they consider to be a dream home. They, along with their partners, take care of everything from building the home to decorating it. They even include a car (the model varies depending on the partner donating it) and a fairly hefty amount of cash, which presumably is needed in order to afford the taxes and insurance unless you yourself are also flush with cash and can afford to have fun instead with the HGTV monies. But I digress…

That particular year HGTV selected a parcel of land in my town. To say that I was excited is an understatement. I researched the site – which was no easy feat since the location was brand new and hadn’t been included on any maps yet – drove past the area, followed the building process online through their photo montage, and sent lots and lots of energy out into the universe for that to become my new home. I faithfully entered the contest every day, and when I came across a special occasion card with a flashily written “Congratulations On Your New Home” on the front of it, I thought it was serendipity. I purchased the card and set it on a table by my front door where I would be sure to see it every day. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a visual reminder too!!!

Perhaps by now you see where this is going…  As it turns out, I did not win the dream home. I, along with millions of other entrants, was crushed. I thought that for sure since I lived in the area and had sent out so much positive energy surrounding this house, that the universe should help me win it.  Apparently the universe had other plans.

I largely forgot about the “New Home” card. It remained on my table by the front door. Every once in a while I would glance at it when I walked out the door, or when I was sitting in my living room. I’m not sure that I thought anything about it really other than the fact that it didn’t hurt to leave it there because I couldn’t figure out where else to put it. As it turns out, this bright and happy card has continued to work on my subconscious and on the energy I have sent out to the universe, for a little while ago I found out that my residence is being sold and that I would need to move.

I’ll be honest and tell you that this has been a struggle for me. I am going from a place where I lived for almost 14 years and has ample room, to one that is approximately 1/3 the size. As you might imagine, in almost 14 years I have managed to accumulate a significant amount of “stuff.“ As you might also imagine, having to go through said “stuff“ and determine which things will fit in the new residence and which other things will need to be either sold or donated, is a daunting task. It is not one I have been happy about doing. Nevertheless, bit by bit I’ve been addressing these issues and getting it done. I’m by no means anywhere close to being finished, but I do see the positive side of this move. True, it was not what I had wanted originally, and it is not what I would’ve chosen on my own necessarily, but it does have its benefits and is, I’m sure, exactly what I needed. I’ve come to realize that I needed a complete paradigm shift and that this was the best way to achieve it. It has forced me to take a deep hard look at my possessions and at myself, and to determine what no longer works for me. In short, although it didn’t seem like it at first, I have been given a gift. I have an opportunity to represent myself; myself as I now am and who I want to be instead of the person I once was. I have to say that it feels great. There still some bumps in the road and a lot of work ahead, but I feel positive about the experience now and grateful for it. So, although I didn’t get what I originally wanted, the universe was listening and I did ultimately get what I needed in order to move forward. And I have to say that as far as moving goes, this one has fallen into place fairly well. So my advice to you is this: The next time you encounter something unexpected or unwanted in your life try to see what gifts it might also bring with it. I realize that not every situation has a bright side to it, but many do if we are only open to the message. I heard mine loud and clear. May the same also happen for you!









Colby Hall
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner