Tag: nourishment


A Look at Self Care

As the days grow colder (at least we are where I am, here in the United States) and we’re now smack in the middle of the end-of-year holiday season, it is important to take a step back from the hustle and bustle and make time to take care of yourself. I know, I know, you have shopping to do, presents to wrap, and holiday parties to attend. And do I think that tree is going to decorate itself? How in the world, when you already feel as though you’re running behind, and like everything could fall apart if you don’t go even faster, are you going to stop and carve out some “me time”? I understand, believe me, I do. And that is precisely why you need to do it.

I think the problem comes in our perception of self care. Typical images conjure up bubble baths, or reading a book while wrapped up in a cozy blanket by the fire. Don’t get me wrong; these are great ways to exercise self care and are very relaxing too. However, self care doesn’t need to be the stereotypical perception of relaxing or pampering to count as self care. I’d encourage you to look deeper and discover what makes you smile, warms your heart, and feeds your soul.

The things you choose for your own self care can be as small as making yourself a cup of tea that you enjoy. Or it can be something that you expect others would not think of as self care – like finally cleaning out and organizing the junk drawer – but that gives you such a sense of well-being and accomplishment that it makes you do a happy dance inside. I won’t judge you for it! In fact, I would be happy that you added to your joy and sense of self. For that is what self care is really all about: nourishing yourself in all ways, big and small.

In a season that is all about taking care of and doing things for others, it might be difficult to get in touch with what would nurture your own soul. To help get you started, I’ve listed some suggestions below. I suspect that once you start thinking about it, you will come up with many more ways to nourish yourself that feel right to you. Go for it!  You are worth it!

Self Care Suggestions 

  • Drink a cup of tea, or other warm beverage you enjoy
  • Read a book
  • Walk through nature
  • Feed the birds
  • Do a task you’ve been putting off
  • Try a new lotion or perfume
  • Eat a crisp apple
  • Relax by the fireplace
  • Get a pedicure or massage
  • Arrange flowers for your home
  • Create!  Paint, sew, sculpt, knit, solder metal, papier-mâché, string beads, etc.
  • Draw in a coloring book
  • Bake cookies
  • Take a class on something you’ve wanted to learn
  • Watch the sunrise or sunset
  • Listen to yourself and give yourself permission to explore what makes you happy and contented









Colby Hall
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner