The Total Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

You may have heard the phrase, “we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience”. When this first made sense to me, I began to experience a sense of disinterest about my life.  I started to perceive things from just a spiritual perspective, so that I felt a bit detached from my body and perhaps even life around me. Eventually I learned to include the body in my spiritual practice. The title of this article, The Total Mind-Body-Spirit Connection, refers to the connection of each aspect in total balance.

As an energy healing practitioner, I receive intuitive guidance about the relevance and intelligence of the body.  I learned to dialogue with people’s bodies and assist them in having conversations with their bodies to identify where their problems were being held.  When I begin to work on a person, sensation in my body tells me exactly what part of the client’s body needs attention. Usually that information isn’t about something physical, but about an emotional or a past hurt that needs attention.

What I realized through my practice, is that I had neglected my own body. Inadvertently, through judgment and neglect, I created a perception of separation from my body. I basically thought that as a spiritual being, my body was just a skin that didn’t have much relevance to my spiritual journey.

Well, all that has changed, and I want to share some insights that I’ve gained about our bodies, to include them in our spiritual journeys:

Fragility of a human creature conceptual body art on a woman

Photo courtesy of Nejron @ Dreamstime

  1. The body has a divine intelligence system that we can access and communicate with.
  2. The body contains all the wounds, beliefs, pain and residual karmic energy that we have carried from this lifetimes and other lifetimes.
  3. The way we treat our bodies directly affects our vibration and therefore is not separate from the equation of coming into a place of self-love/ascension/unity.
  4. The more we align and connect with our bodies coming from a place of allowance and respect, the more effectively we can manifest.
  5. The body is an integral part of our spiritual journey, and it’s time we stop leaving our bodies behind.

One of the precepts we teach in Trinity Energy Progression is to dissolve all layers of separation, so we can connect into our divine consciousness. This helps us to exist from that place of love and unity.  From that space, we create more easily because we’re not bogged down by limited thoughts, old beliefs and wounds we carry.  This also involves dissolving the layers of separation with our bodies.

If we perceive the body as separate from our spiritual experience, we exclude our body as part of the journey and our divinity.  The body shows us where we are limited by feelings of fear, unworthiness, guilt, shame, anger etc. Our awareness of emotions in the body actually assists us to connect with our denser energies. Then we can bring more easily bring in them into love and union.

We are all part of the whole spiritual experience, including our body and mind.  When we can come into a place of acceptance of all of our parts, we can feel more whole, including the body, mind and spirit.

Jennifer Cunnings
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

One Comment to The Total Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

  1. Gloria Chedraue says:

    Jennifer, thank you for sharing. We have to treat ourselves as the whole package that we are in order to feel a sense off balance and bring balance into our lives.

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