Living Ascension

I discovered Trinity Energy Progression™. I took the Practitioner class. I took the Facilitators class. I named my website. It all resonated with me. Little did I know that was the easy part of this journey. I realized that in order to truly step into who I am, I have to really know who I am. I have to put my self out there. Everywhere. Step out of the spiritual closet. All the way, not just with close friends and family, but with everyone. Facebook friends, Linked-in people, strangers, neighbors, and anyone who would stay and listen to what I had to say. Oh, then there’s what I have to say. What is it? A link to something Angela has said? No, it has to reflect who I am, what I believe, and what I have to offer. How can my personal journey help someone on their spiritual journey?
I never imagined answering those questions would lead me to where I am right now. The resistance to what I had to look at was tremendous. It was everywhere. Everywhere I looked had a reminder of what I needed to do. There was no getting away from it. No short cuts either. So here is the condensed version of my discoveries.
I am living ascension. To me that means I am the embodiment of ascension in my day-to-day life. That also doesn’t mean abandoning who I am to fit in a box of what ascension means. I examined my life and chose to embrace those elements that nourished my soul and spirit and release/resolve those that don’t. Sounds straightforward and simple.
It all began in conversations with Angela when we “hit” on the term “resolution”. Resolution to release/resolve the past. All of it! I saw this as a freeing of all the energies held in past situations, emotions, agreements, and beliefs. I saw the blue light of transformation helping to identify and isolate those areas creating resistance for me. This resolution allows fulfillment to also be recognized. Giving me a sense of completion with the resolution.
Our next step was “integration”. By freeing those resistant energies of the past, I was able to fully integrate my energies with those of the present. I saw the pink light of unconditional universal love intermingling with the blue light of transformation creating a violet flame of transmutation completing the remembrance of self-love.
Finally, by embracing the present and allowing the integration of all aspects of myself, I ignited my creation with the yellow light and become the creator of my life!! How powerful it was and is.
Reducing this to words makes it appear simple, and in concept it is; but as we all know the ego demands its fair share of attention. I have found that this process works for specific areas as well as general issues. Combining this with the built-in grace, ease, balance, harmony, joy, and fun of Trinity Energy Progression really creates a new flow of energies.
So this is my answer to what I have to offer to someone on their spiritual path. I must say thanks to Angela for the numerous shares and conversations and myself for creating a life that led me to these circumstances.
Sarah Avignone
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression
You’re very welcome… and THANK YOU for being my mirror for SO MUCH… in a TRULY graceful and easy way!
Great observations here… and I’ve watched you, step by step, do this. I love the “living ascension” name, and it’ SO true to what you do and who you are! Much love! <3
Thank you for sharing Sarah, you have brought more clarity to me as I walk this path. Many times I do not clearly know how to explain or understand for myself the step by step process of what I need to do. This was very enlightening to me. Namaste