Tag: resolution


Time for the “L” Word… (Ready for REAL Progression?)


Lord Voldemort image from imgkid.com, giova94

Lucifer, that is. Yep… that’s right. “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named,” I guess some would say (outside of the Harry Potter world, LOL)… ESPECIALLY in spiritual circles!

Did that make you squirm? It’s DEFINITELY something to look at, then…

It’s quite an interesting observation that so, so many who consider themselves “lightworkers” never, ever, EVER align or connect themselves in any way to what we’ve created as the personification of darkness. So many claim to have ALWAYS been a “lightworker,” ALWAYS helped other people, ALWAYS been a healer. in ALL of their many, many lives…  you get the idea.

Let me interject here, first, on this topic alone… because I’m calling it. Not so!

It’s actually rather limiting (and simply convenient to the judgement-based ego) to only ever want to look at the “light” side of ourselves. We did, as the Divine expressing ourselves individually, create the perception of separation. What we consider darkness is simply different levels of separation; the darker something is considered, the more based in separation the energy of it is. All of the energies of separation – also, all of the energies and emotions of the ego – are also a part of what we consider the darkness. Resistance, fear, anxiety, regret, resentment, guilt, doubt, sorrow, pain, anger/rage, shame… anything that has anything but the complete energy of Oneness is based in separation. And, the more extreme, the more “dark” we consider it. So the “darkness” and every part of those emotions/energies… are one and the same. And we’ve carried them out in every which way, whether a little or a lot.

It’s so, so easy for us to say, “I’m the embodiment of _______” – whether it’s the Divine Mother, Archangel Raphael, Ascended Master St. Germain (or countless others) – and in that, we typically stop the searching for our experience. However, these are also masks behind which we hide… even the brightest, most enlightened individuals in existence. Because, by the way… it is my understanding that anything with an individual identity has an ego… and it is also my understanding that the ego was created to explore individuality and separation.

Why would we have created an entire existence of the perception of separation – the infinite, Divine beings that we are – without exploring it to all depths, all possibilities?

We’ve ALL explored, ALL of it.

Our traditional stance on “the battle of good vs. evil,” in the energy of fighting/resistance – simply creates more separation… and darkness… and simply perpetuates its existence. It’s time to remember that in the perception of separation that we created, we created the darkness, and it’s that part of ourselves (often called Shadow Work in spiritual circles) that it’s most, MOST important to look at straight on, accept… and LOVE, if we’re really ready to dissolve it once and for all.

Enter Lucifer. Or, rather, as I call him as I’ve experienced, Archangel Lucifer.

Image from TheGoldenAgeofAquarius.com

Image from TheGoldenAgeofAquarius.com

My active discovery, acceptance, and discussion of this topic – and the representation of this persona – started in a really, really unexpected way. Years ago, I was listening to a series of guided meditations that were put out by a group of lightworkers focused on helping all raise the vibration of the Earth for this “next phase.” I resonated with some of their meditations… I didn’t with some others. They had one called “The Resolution of Darkness”, and my guidance was to go through that particular one. So, I put my headphones on… and the guiding of the meditation took the participant to a cave, in which there was a burdened archangel in the darkness; one who had volunteered to take on the personification of the darkness, to be the reminder of what we have ALL created within ourselves, in creating ourselves. It’s been a huge job… and he was tired. The guided meditation went on – surprisingly, at the time – to thank Archangel Lucifer for taking on that role, and to release him of this duty, to bask in the light again.

Even more surprisingly – midway through this, I started sobbing uncontrollably. I felt this down to my very core… the gratitude, the love, and the wonderment of taking on the externalization of that which we have conveniently repressed away inside of ourselves.

What a healing that was!

Fast forward, a few years later, after I had been gifted with the remembrance of this amazing practice of Trinity Energy Progression™ – coming back to the remembrance of our Divine Self – to pass on and help with the resolution of duality, separation, and externalization of the Divine. This was well underway. I was contentedly on my way to acupuncture one morning, looking forward to my “out there” time on the table. I was sitting at a traffic light on the way to my acupuncturist’s office, when I heard the voice of my Higher Self say to me, “Call upon Archangel Lucifer, and ask to do a Trinity session with him.”

My first response to that was, “Say, WHAT?”

I listened for more… but all I heard was the repeat of the pretty solid direction from the Higher Consciousness. So, I tried it on for size – and then “put it on the shelf” as I continued on.  I tried to just let that go.

When I was on the acupuncture table, on my “way out” (trying to ignore the request), the voice came in even louder and more insistent.

And so I did.

I remember asking permission, asking if we could do such a session in Divine Consciousness. And, though I felt what for lack of a better word felt like a little hesitation, I did get acquiescence. I remember the session… and the melding… and it was the equivalent of feeling like I was literally weighed down with tons of weights underneath craggy, hard, cold rock. And yet, once we were “there,” even with the heaviness, we became one in the light… and as the light was “turned up,” it felt like an innumerable number of rivers of light started flowing through the rock, first in little veins, and then expanding throughout, even if it was still a bit heavy. The amazing part: At the end of this, when I was guided to stop, I felt a wave of gratitude, coming from and to me!

Shortly after this experience, I was guided to do the same a number of times, and each time, it became easier and easier, brighter and brighter.

At some point, I started “seeing” Archangel Lucifer in “light form” on occasion. In fact, there have been a handful of times that this persona has shown himself to me – in his light form – in the middle of a session, typically when a client if ready, willing, and able to look at and finally embrace/love even the darkest depths of themselves. He has explained in these sessions the purpose of the creation of “the darkness,” and separation – and how with that, we’ve created feelings, textures, colors (like the prism), everything we’ve loved experiencing through this existence. To me, he has also become the representation of the acceptance of the whole – the Oneness – regardless of what that looks like. ALL is within the Light; ALL is part of the Divine.

I know some of the most light-emanating individuals who have discovered in their self-focused development a very personal, historical relationship with Lucifer (from very different levels of consciousness)… and, though typically starting out as a VERY heavy realization, it has allowed them the core of some of their MOST accelerated spiritual growth!


Melek Ta’us, the Peacock Angel

If we look around, there are some interesting personifications of the resolution of the darkness. Not too long ago, in discussing this experience in a class I was teaching, I was provided with a reminder of the persona of Melek Ta’us (pictured here, with a name translated as the “Peacock Angel”); a prominent deity of the Yazidi pantheon. He is considered to be the redeemed/forgiven Lucifer.The story is that he cried and collected his tears for 7,000 years, and the tears were used to douse the fires of hell.

There is SO much more to share here… when you look closely throughout history, we have embedded within much of our mythology (including that within all belief systems) hints that this vital remembrance is crucial to our progresion, ascension… or whatever you want to call it. I’ll save that discussion for another day…

The point is this: As in Harry Potter… the fear of anything ebbs when we look at it and accept it straight on. Say the name out loud; remember that Archangel Lucifer is actually “He Who MUST Be Named” – accepting the whole of ourselves – as a part of our ascension, and  include just as much gratitude for this persona in the collection of those we’ve created for the whole of this experience! If there’s resistance and judgment on that… well, then you know what’s to be focused on within YOU. Because, when we begin to REALLY “walk the walk,” and TRULY live in the remembrance that we are all One, we are ALL Light and love – even the darkest parts of us and what we’ve created – we remember that we’re ALL just as connected with and a part of Lucifer as with Jeshua or any of the other personifications of pure, Divine Consciousness… and it’s time for us to remember, accept, and love that WHOLE within ourselves, so we can “game up”!

Much love and many hugs,








Angela Coulter
Originator, Trinity Energy Progression

Living Ascension

Living Ascension

I discovered Trinity Energy Progression™. I took the Practitioner class. I took the Facilitators class. I named my website. It all resonated with me. Little did I know that was the easy part of this journey. I realized that in order to truly step into who I am, I have to really know who I am. I have to put my self out there. Everywhere. Step out of the spiritual closet. All the way, not just with close friends and family, but with everyone. Facebook friends, Linked-in people, strangers, neighbors, and anyone who would stay and listen to what I had to say. Oh, then there’s what I have to say. What is it? A link to something Angela has said? No, it has to reflect who I am, what I believe, and what I have to offer. How can my personal journey help someone on their spiritual journey?

I never imagined answering those questions would lead me to where I am right now. The resistance to what I had to look at was tremendous. It was everywhere. Everywhere I looked had a reminder of what I needed to do. There was no getting away from it. No short cuts either. So here is the condensed version of my discoveries.

I am living ascension. To me that means I am the embodiment of ascension in my day-to-day life. That also doesn’t mean abandoning who I am to fit in a box of what ascension means. I examined my life and chose to embrace those elements that nourished my soul and spirit and release/resolve those that don’t. Sounds straightforward and simple.

It all began in conversations with Angela when we “hit” on the term “resolution”. Resolution to release/resolve the past. All of it! I saw this as a freeing of all the energies held in past situations, emotions, agreements, and beliefs. I saw the blue light of transformation helping to identify and isolate those areas creating resistance for me. This resolution allows fulfillment to also be recognized. Giving me a sense of completion with the resolution.

Our next step was “integration”. By freeing those resistant energies of the past, I was able to fully integrate my energies with those of the present. I saw the pink light of unconditional universal love intermingling with the blue light of transformation creating a violet flame of transmutation completing the remembrance of self-love.

Finally, by embracing the present and allowing the integration of all aspects of myself, I ignited my creation with the yellow light and become the creator of my life!! How powerful it was and is.

Reducing this to words makes it appear simple, and in concept it is; but as we all know the ego demands its fair share of attention. I have found that this process works for specific areas as well as general issues. Combining this with the built-in grace, ease, balance, harmony, joy, and fun of Trinity Energy Progression really creates a new flow of energies.

So this is my answer to what I have to offer to someone on their spiritual path. I must say thanks to Angela for the numerous shares and conversations and myself for creating a life that led me to these circumstances.

Sarah Avignone






Sarah Avignone
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression