Tag: sarah avignone


Everything is a Choice

Every day, I made choices about who and what I was and how I felt and thought about who and what I was. Did I even realize I was choosing? Nine times out of ten, no I didn’t… until recently, when I chose to start noticing. I made a conscious decision to reclaim my decisions. I realized I was feasting at the banquet of their consequences, so why should I remain unconscious of making them? I saw myself hoping things would turn out like I wanted or wishing things were different. Totally giving my power of creation away to anyone or anything slightly more focused than myself. Yuck and gross!

This refocus allowed me to really see just how many decisions, creations, I made – or not – each day. I was speechless and sad at how small I saw myself that I wasn’t even willing to step up and claim my own well being through choices. Everything is a choice. EVERYTHING. I now exert MY choices on MY life. I now choose to sleep well and wake up refreshed no matter how many minutes my eyes were closed. I now choose to be dis-ease and pain free. I now choose to honor and respect all of myself. I believe that is the true nature of the phrase I Am. I choose all that I am.

I think this is the most valuable gift you can offer someone – the power of choice. I used to believe I was a progressive mother in teaching my now adult children how to manage life. But I was falling so short in teaching them how to empower themselves through their choices. It is the same for family and friends. It is empowerment through choices instead of rescues and shelter. I overheard a friend explain how yoga becomes easy when you “stack the bones.” The balance is just there. I believe the same is true with choices! Your choices become the bones… and the rest aligns with them. So see with what your choices are aligning!

“…If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice…”
-Freewill, by Rush 1980








Sarah Sieg Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

The Power of Right and Wrong

justice scales silhouette

I have been observing myself so closely lately. I am beginning to see patterns emerge that astonish me. I have spent countless hours focusing my intentions to let go of judgment but lately it seems like I have made little to no impact. So after some serious self-judgment of that thought, I began to see just how deep and unconscious our judgment runs.

Babies are born free of judgment. Things just are. Our role as parents, or the adults in the room, is to teach right and wrong so we all can fit into this world. We all know how well that does or doesn’t work. So our conditioning of right and wrong comes early and often. I believe Don Ruiz refers to this process as “domestication.” There is very little room for choice. And we all just have joined the human condition. Talk about joining a collective! Resistance is futile!

This educated judgment dictates our every decision from the moment our eyes open in the morning until they close again to sleep. What do I eat? What do I wear? Alcohol or yoga to deal with stress? How do I spend my money? Everyday is a gauntlet of judgments that move us through the day. And our minds eat this power up. We evaluate our success or failure based on how well our judgments dictated our actions and how others are measuring up to our judgments. In other words, does this action make me look like a good and lovable person in this domesticated world? The mind is large and in charge here – definitely a mind game.

So what would living without the judgment look and feel like? It is what we all are seeking and just don’t realize it yet! It is a life of unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and others. Living in “heartfullness” with the knowing and trusting that the bigger picture is the priority. Each person’s journey is perfect; no judgment is necessary. The heart guides your daily actions based on how you desire your human experience to unfold. The closer you examine and maintain the relationship with your desires, the more fulfilled your days become. It is a true alignment of thoughts, words, and deeds with the heart. This becomes the power of the Spiritual Being allowing a Human experience.

It is the ultimate freedom.










Sarah Sieg Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

Holiday Self-Care

As the Holidays race towards me, I am finding it harder to do my self-care. Which makes it harder to create the Holiday I want for me and my family. I have decided to focus my energy on the ideas and things that bring me joy and warm memories. That goes for traditions as well as decorations. In fact, I am broadly applying that to every object in my house!! I am also reminding myself, as often as necessary, that anyone’s dissatisfaction comes from their expectations or believed needs and have nothing to do with me!

© Marian Vejcik | Dreamstime.com

I am protecting my space as well, by continuing with my self care routines, even if they get shortened. I need to remind myself that simple things like brushing my teeth, washing my face and showering ARE self care! Another version of self care is watching what I say to myself. I have replaced “Man, I have way too much to do!” With “I have more than enough time to accomplish everything I desire.” It really shifts how my day plays out. I also find that if I think of the things I do for myself, like meals, relaxation time, and sleeping, with the same intent I would have if I were caring for a child or friend, it comes from a much more meaningful place and the results are much more powerful. A very simple self-care example  is muting commercials while you watch TV. What a difference this makes! I also make sure I surround myself with things that bring me joy in my sleeping space. For me it is oils in my diffuser that relax me, my favorite Lemurian crystal on my nightstand and that I have an extra blanket handy if I need it during the night. My meal preparation and planning has also been revamped to reflect the notion of joy and warm memories. I don’t make things just because my family always has. I realize that is craziness. I also ask for help when things get busy. I realize that is a way to make more joy and warm memories and that it isn’t a sign of weakness!

All and all I have a much better outlook going in to these Holiday than ever before. I am creating them differently and completely based in joy and love for everyone including myself!!

Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Instructor/Practitioner

A Day of Seeing it DONE

Creating what you want in the day-to-day goes by many names, a few are manifesting, law of attraction, and my favorite, end point creation.  This name says it all.  Create what your intended final outcome is and leave the details to the universe. After all, who cares how it happens, just that it happens?!

Knowing how this works, I learned, is a far cry from actually doing it.  I decided to dedicate one day to creating by seeing things done.  And what I found was there is so much more creating going on than I ever imagined and I was so focused on the process of doing something that I never really put my attention on what I wanted done.

My day started with a reminder that I needed to write this blog. I had begun writing on a variety of unsatisfactory subjects but today my answer was, yes I will get it written by seeing it done! I followed that up with the simple task of feeding the dogs. I put down the two bowls and immediately began the thought process of how to get my picky dog, Charlie, to actually eat his food without coaxing or the other dog eating it first.  It was automatic. I stopped and decided to simply see it done. Charlie has eaten his breakfast. And I left it alone. I returned to the room to find two dogs licking empty, respective bowls.  Next, I trusted that a full, heavy and open can of paint could be lifted easily and neatly by seeing it sitting on a counter without any spills or painful lifting. I am not saying I had to take no action to move the paint can, but I trusted that I could do it with little effort on my part instead of bracing for the weight and paying close attention to not spilling. It was almost effortless.

Today’s biggest celebration was seeing my daughter’s college account ready for registration. My fears kept wanting to creep in and create worry about the process of how to get it accomplished in time for her to register and attend classes this fall. I focused daily on just seeing it done. The screens will display “no holds”. Everyone is happy to make this their priority too. The steps I needed to take would be clearly explained and easy to follow. And today was that day where everything flowed and fell into place. It is done. Everything is done as I pictured it. It was so much easier and more pleasant to focus on what I wanted instead of my fears and the attempt to control the process.

It’s funny how I had reserved my end point creation for big creations, like trips or money or safe travels. And allowed my days to be stuffed with creations left up to cumbersome processes and habits. Needless to say, I created an awesome day by seeing things done.







Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

The Art of Remembering

Walking through life today is all about creating as we go. Every second is created and filled with stuff. It’s easy to get bogged down in the detail and emotion of it all. And it seems that becoming aware that we create in the moment only complicates the minute-to-minute with “thinking” about creating. Thinking, judging, rethinking, feeling, judging and rethinking over and over to ensure we are creating exactly what we desire in the moment. It can get overwhelming and paralyzing trying to keep up with the speed we live life and all its unexpected and possibly unwanted hurtles.

Each one of us is here right now for a reason or we wouldn’t be here. That is a challenge for those of us who are unsure of their purpose or those unsure how to move forward with their purpose. Add in the knowing that we create our reality and the pressure mounts. For some it becomes their life’s journey, maybe even obsession, to discover and fulfill that purpose.

We are also called at this time to do things differently to ensure we move this dimension into its next evolution. Something else kind of important we are creating! Most of us can only guess at what that looks or feels like. So how do we create what we don’t know anything about?! How do you create without any knowing?

The answer is the Art of Remembering. We created all of this. We planned every detail. So logically it follows that we have all the answers to every question possible, it’s just a matter of remembering them. Answers from resolving every day-to-day hurtle all the way to fulfilling your life’s purpose, lie in Remembering. Remembering you know how to create in the moment. Remembering you know how to face life’s core issues. Remembering you know how to be happy, joyful and fulfilled. Remembering you know how to remember all of it.

Remembering to remember is probably the most challenging part of creating this way. It changes how we behave and believe. It is a shift from Knowing in your head to Knowing (Remembering) in your heart. It is a shift from using your mental senses of hearing, smelling, seeing, feeling and tasting to the senses of the heart and remembering those. It is changing the basic habits of living.

Trust is another facet of Remembering. I see it as a natural result of being 100% there for yourself. Staying in the authentic self naturally moves us to a place of trust in our heart senses.

Like with any form of art, it takes practice and patience to feel comfortable creating through Remembering. Comfort leads to confidence, which leads to a new level of joy, happiness and fulfillment most of us have yet to remember creating. So, set yourself to flow, go with it and see what you remember along the way!








Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner