Tag: conscious


Everything is a Choice

Every day, I made choices about who and what I was and how I felt and thought about who and what I was. Did I even realize I was choosing? Nine times out of ten, no I didn’t… until recently, when I chose to start noticing. I made a conscious decision to reclaim my decisions. I realized I was feasting at the banquet of their consequences, so why should I remain unconscious of making them? I saw myself hoping things would turn out like I wanted or wishing things were different. Totally giving my power of creation away to anyone or anything slightly more focused than myself. Yuck and gross!

This refocus allowed me to really see just how many decisions, creations, I made – or not – each day. I was speechless and sad at how small I saw myself that I wasn’t even willing to step up and claim my own well being through choices. Everything is a choice. EVERYTHING. I now exert MY choices on MY life. I now choose to sleep well and wake up refreshed no matter how many minutes my eyes were closed. I now choose to be dis-ease and pain free. I now choose to honor and respect all of myself. I believe that is the true nature of the phrase I Am. I choose all that I am.

I think this is the most valuable gift you can offer someone – the power of choice. I used to believe I was a progressive mother in teaching my now adult children how to manage life. But I was falling so short in teaching them how to empower themselves through their choices. It is the same for family and friends. It is empowerment through choices instead of rescues and shelter. I overheard a friend explain how yoga becomes easy when you “stack the bones.” The balance is just there. I believe the same is true with choices! Your choices become the bones… and the rest aligns with them. So see with what your choices are aligning!

“…If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice…”
-Freewill, by Rush 1980








Sarah Sieg Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

Bored? Detached? Consciously (Un)Familiar Territory

I am inspired about a conversation we had in a Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner Share the other nigt.  Conversation came up about how we are tired of the game, and that there is a reluctance within us to respond, engage or feel anything toward the 3D stage and all the absurdity that is being played out upon it. It feels that we are left with an apathetic shrug and descend from its drama. In this divergence we desire to be removed from the game all together. Though in this desire of disconnection from the plot and its set, it has severed connectivity to the deeper level of who we are. In here avails an opportunity to mend and grow from. This conversation awakened something similar within myself that I want to explore and understand. The following is my attempt to grasp meaning or understanding. In this place of finding meaning, I will bring tribute to my ego and mind, and give way for it to try to work it this out, before releasing or relinquishing the reigns of control to guidance and a higher or more valid principal of myself. Because of course, my right foot is still more firmly planted in 3D than my other foot is in the unknown.  Hopefully, this next section will loosen that foothold and turn the balance to being brilliantly planted into the unknown.

We in the healing community find ourselves in a strange and unfamiliar place.  In fact, we are so much in the place that we are, it is hard to look at it from another perspective. What am I talking about, you ask. This may resonate with you in some way. I hear from others in our circle, as well as experience and feel myself, the lackluster of this 3D being version of self. There is a veil that has been lifted that has taken away my innocence. The realization that there is no “Santa Claus” or that Barbie and Ken are only dolls or that this “reality” is nowhere in proximity of the truth to being real is creeping into my consciousness. Sure, I have “known” this for some time. But just like when I was 7, I knew that playing house may not be exactly the same as being a grown up. Though when that transition took place, it was so much more radical and different than I could comprehensively fathom. So here now, I find myself on the fence between two worlds. One foot is the drama-rich place of life and believing it is real, and the other foot is grazing the surface of the unknown. This is a frustrating place to be.  A lot of trauma and drama is surfacing as I face this. How are you responding to it? I know I am not dealing so well. I am cocooning into a void much like an emotionally unavailable teenager retreating into their bedroom to avoid both the world they came from and the world they are expected to grow into. So yes, I am sulking, maybe many of us are. Though we are a bit more awake than the teenager, in that we can see that something is up. We could say in teenage vernacular that “life sucks” and “why me,” BUT we know that is not true. We are NOT alone and this not a self-centered me thing, but an US predicament.  I believe we hear the phrase “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore!”

Yes, I understand, that this “hormonal”-like rush is taking place and that we are being positioned and made ready for the next stage. But here on this rolling scale (depending on the day and the hour), is a rage, an impatience, or an unimpressed vesicle who at the end of the day is just more and more blasé to it all. And friends, this is where I judge myself and say something just isn’t right about the loss of that loving feeling. This is where it resembles the antithesis of a what it may mean to be an energy healer.  So, while being on the verge of an existential crisis, I’d like to step away from that ledge all together.  And here is where I remember (or remind myself to remember to remember) that this is what happens when we give reign to the ego.  That part who loves to hate the drama and hates to love the action of being hooked into this wild ride of unreason.

In taking a look at all this drama and coming to the realization that it is time to let go, it is also time to let go of the belief that there is futility in the act of letting go. And ok, I’ll say it, it is time for allowing the big shift to occur, the big step to take place, and the ultimate “get into our big girl/boy pants” moment is now.  It is time to give our ego a big hug and huge expression of gratitude and thanks to all that it has done. But we acknowledge that its reign is over and we are attending the coronation where the so-called crown is to be placed upon our higher self, our connected self ,our all loving and trusting and knowing self.  This is a new time and place where time is timeless and place is placeless.  This is for our best, where we are truly free to be our most ultimate expression.

Thanks for the metaphorical journey (kool-aidless of course :-))!  I love all of your bright lights.  Eager to join you through this evolution and on our next level of being.











Dee Jones
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

The Day the Music Stopped

At some point I became aware that upon waking, there would be times when I would hear music playing in my head, like a pre-recorded broadcast that had started without me. How long had this been going on I wondered? There was no quiet or peace like I would expect to have after waking from a night’s rest. Like a constant DJ, all types of random music played in my head. The funny thing I noticed though was that once I heard it, barely aware enough to recognize the song, the music would stop. Perplexed, I then asked myself, is it a radio signal that I am picking up from somewhere? Either that or perhaps my subconscious mind was busy running the show; it surely wasn’t a conscious choice on my part. Yet that made no sense to me at all.

Often, I would wake up in the morning with my first thought being, “who picked that song”? And then as soon as I had that thought, I could no longer hear the song, as if someone had turned off the station or turned down the volume. I then entertained the idea that if I wasn’t consciously choosing the music, then maybe my job was really to be the observer. You know the one that stands off to the side watching everything unfold.

As I explored these arbitrary episodes I was experiencing, I discovered that in physics, there’s something called the “observer effect”. The act of observing, in itself, changes whatever it is that you’re observing. Simply stated, it refers to “changes that the act of observation will make on the phenomenon being observed”. In other words, once I became aware of the music, it would soon stop. It’s almost as if I had to sneak up on it in a way to be able to even detect it at all. Once I discovered this, I had to ask myself, “What else is going on that I may not be aware of, much less observe”. It also made me wonder, “Do you hear this too?” Or, am I the only one with the internal radio playing the top 40.

I have spent a great deal of time learning how to be still, how to quiet my mind, how to distract myself enough to let it all go. Nevertheless, there were still many times I would wake up to a song playing in my head, even after becoming aware enough to be the observer of it. Irecognize it now as another level of consciousness, always there playing music. I’ve learned to use Trinity Energy Progression™ to raise my level of awareness and my level of consciousness above the incessant noise so that I am no longer bombarded with random music playing in my mind.

Tammy Taylor





Tammy Taylor
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression