Tag: realization
Posted by: Angela Coulter | on December 7, 2018
Who Am I…?
There’s so much changing, so rapidly. We’re evolving at speeds beyond thought, and it can be breathless at times! More and more, we’re being called from Higher Consciousness (whatever one wants to call it) to step into our full Divine potential.
It’s overwhelming to many, and the ego often shies away from it, especially when we first glimpse the totality of our potential, of the huge shoes we’ve set out for ourselves in these times… to help us take huge leaps.
Why would we do it any other way?
Except, in general (with the exception of an infamous few), we’re not used to stretching ourselves and living to our potential. We’re used to – and have become accustomed to – “good enough.”
What’s “good enough”?
That’s different for each individual. In general, “good enough” implies that we have to strive to attain a sense of comfort that isn’t emergent. It comes from a sense of lack; that we are deficient, imperfect, and have to get something or create something outside of us to be “comfortable” (or happy).
For some, it’s being able to “pay the bills.” For others, it’s having someone present with them at home so they won’t be alone. And for yet others… it’s just coasting through life without anything major happening. No “bumps in the road.”
I always say that “being comfortable” is one of the biggest detriments to spiritual (and all kinds of) growth, because the ego will do everything it can to stay in that box of comfortable once it gets there, believing that if one leaves that box, the unknown is scarier than the known.
Yet, the Higher Self is calling… because there’s far more, and at some level, we know it.
It’s time to claim our natural state, which is the realization of our potential, in pure, ecstatic bliss. Living in a place where the heart feels like it’s going to explode from love in every minute, for the Self and for everything around us… because it’s all a reflection of the Self. Loving everything we do, everyone we see, completely and unconditionally in every moment to help hold a higher vibration of the planet as it shifts completely into a new realm.
We’re so unused to that that the ego finds allowing this, full throttle, as extremely uncomfortable for many reasons.
On the day I took the picture above, I was staying briefly with my daughter in Wilmington, NC (she’s in college there), before we headed back home for Thanksgiving. And, whenever I’m there and the sky is somewhat clear, I head to the beach 15 minutes away to watch the sunrise.
With almost every individual I’d spoken that week – client, student, friend, etc. – this discussion had come up. Remembrance and glimpses of potential, and one’s “purpose.” In almost every situation, instead of jumping for joy, the individual would become overwhelmed, come to me, and say, “Why me? Who am I to do that?”
While I sat on the beach, meditating in the beauty, the perfection, of my surroundings, I pondered on that. It felt very familiar, and reminded me of when I first had what I deem my “Grand Awakening” in 2009; I’d had some visions, had been told by guides/guidance… and I felt more than overhwhelmed.
“Why me?” I remembered asking. “Who am I to do that?”
Then the rapid progression of Remembrance, more and more, being pushed to jump off the proverbial cliff, and doing so by going into this business, committing my life to this spiritual work, giving up another perfectly fine business in another field that had become quite profitable… and comfortable.
Not even a year after I committed to this calling, this business, full time… I was gifted with the download of Remembrance that brought in the practice of Trinity Energy Progression. As I felt it, knew it, Remembered it, and felt it to be far, far more powerful than any of the practices in which I’d previously been trained… guidance was strong, loud, and clear: Teach this. Spread it. It wil help others to exponentially accelerate their Awakening and Remembrance process. And the guideline was very clear: To begin teaching it within a few months from when this came in to me.
Again, I asked, “Why me? Who am I to do this?” The ego was screaming. “After only doing this full time for less than a year? What will others think? How can I have credibility when I’ve only been doing this for a year?”
The Voice of the Higher Self said, DO IT.
I asked again, “Who am I to do this?”
This time, I heard in reply, “Who are you NOT to?”
So I did. The pull was too immense; everything lined up to support me doing it.
And thus began the practice of Trinity Energy Progression, in January of 2012… and it’s done nothing but blossom into itself. It’s helped me blossom into me… But that’s not what this is about.
Recently, this year, I’ve been guided that it’s time for “what’s next”… to go even further, that I’ve only done a portion of what I’ve committed to do in this life thus far, and I can feel the urgency of this “next step.” This time, I mostly accept, because I know better, and I trust that voice egging me forward far more than I did at first. (I also know that if I don’t listen, it will get louder and louder again, until there’s nothing else I can hear!)
No complacency allowed! LOL Though I will admit, there’s been a slight – very slight – bit of hesitation and resistance.
Since I have so many around me who are asking that question: “Why me? Who am I to…” loud and clear… obviously there was a piece of it still under the surface in some hidden crevice of mine, so that others had to reflect it back to me in this way. I pondered this as I sat on the beach this brisk, beautiful November morning.
I breathed deeply, closed my eyes, and expanded my energy out, as one with the sand, one with the ocean, the sky, the sun. These moments… are pure bliss.
As I flowed with the ocean, the breeze, traveled like light, solidified as the sand… I heard all of the pieces, all of us One as the Divine Consciousness of which we are a part.
Who would the piece of sand be to NOT be a piece of sand, as it formed itself in this reality in the whole of things, and reach its potential as it embodied itself? If it didn’t with the other facets of Divine that have chosen such form, there would be no beach.
Who would the drop of water be to NOT be a drop of water that has formed through constant alchemy in the perfectly interconnected ecosystem of the multidimensional Earth be to not fulfill it’s intended purpose, to be one of many drops that make up the ocean, that nourishes so much and so many?
Who would the atoms be to NOT be the atoms that create the energy of the sun in the perfect formation they’re in to create the constant furnace that heats this planet and the others in the solar system?
From the whole of the Multiverse… there is no “NOT”; the perception of “NOT” is an illusion created in the illusion of separation. So, in that perspective…
Who are any of us to NOT be the full potential of the Divine embodied in the note we’ve created as ourselves to play out and complete this amazing, Multiversal symphony? That’s all of what we are; anything that holds us back from being that full note are all ego-based limitations (fear, anxiety, anger, regret, etc., etc.) that are in the perception of separation. When we let go of these limitations, we are able to embrace the full potential of our Divine Self… because then that’s all we know how to be.
It was at the beach that morning that I let go yet again – to the water, the sun, the sky, and the land… and finally embraced the potential of what’s next for me, with gratitude, joy, and piece.
Because, after all, who am I NOT to?
Much love,
Angela Coulter
Originator, Trinity Energy Progression
Posted in Blogs, Uncategorized | One Comment »
Tags: angela coulter, divine, embodiment, energy, metaphysical, originator, progression, realization, spiritual, trinity
Posted by: Angela Coulter | on August 1, 2018
A Day of Seeing it DONE
Creating what you want in the day-to-day goes by many names, a few are manifesting, law of attraction, and my favorite, end point creation. This name says it all. Create what your intended final outcome is and leave the details to the universe. After all, who cares how it happens, just that it happens?!
Knowing how this works, I learned, is a far cry from actually doing it. I decided to dedicate one day to creating by seeing things done. And what I found was there is so much more creating going on than I ever imagined and I was so focused on the process of doing something that I never really put my attention on what I wanted done.
My day started with a reminder that I needed to write this blog. I had begun writing on a variety of unsatisfactory subjects but today my answer was, yes I will get it written by seeing it done! I followed that up with the simple task of feeding the dogs. I put down the two bowls and immediately began the thought process of how to get my picky dog, Charlie, to actually eat his food without coaxing or the other dog eating it first. It was automatic. I stopped and decided to simply see it done. Charlie has eaten his breakfast. And I left it alone. I returned to the room to find two dogs licking empty, respective bowls. Next, I trusted that a full, heavy and open can of paint could be lifted easily and neatly by seeing it sitting on a counter without any spills or painful lifting. I am not saying I had to take no action to move the paint can, but I trusted that I could do it with little effort on my part instead of bracing for the weight and paying close attention to not spilling. It was almost effortless.
Today’s biggest celebration was seeing my daughter’s college account ready for registration. My fears kept wanting to creep in and create worry about the process of how to get it accomplished in time for her to register and attend classes this fall. I focused daily on just seeing it done. The screens will display “no holds”. Everyone is happy to make this their priority too. The steps I needed to take would be clearly explained and easy to follow. And today was that day where everything flowed and fell into place. It is done. Everything is done as I pictured it. It was so much easier and more pleasant to focus on what I wanted instead of my fears and the attempt to control the process.
It’s funny how I had reserved my end point creation for big creations, like trips or money or safe travels. And allowed my days to be stuffed with creations left up to cumbersome processes and habits. Needless to say, I created an awesome day by seeing things done.
Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner
Posted in Blogs, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Tags: creation, end point, energy, Law of Attraction, manifestation, metaphysical, progression, realization, sarah avignone, spiritual, trinity
Posted by: Angela Coulter | on October 10, 2016
The Universe Has Our Back: We Are Constantly Being Held…
There have been major shifts that have been occurring that have pushed all of us on the path that we are supposed to be travelling. I know that for myself, I’ve been dragging my feet for some time. I had been standing still for so long that I didn’t know how to take a step forward. I was terrified to stay in the space I was in, and at the same time terrified of where I was to go.
However, this past summer, all that changed. I experienced the life I so desire and I couldn’t stand still anymore. I know the steps that must be taken in order to live the way I dream… and they aren’t simple. Well, that’s not true. In a way, they are. They’re simple because what they will reveal is my Truth. I’ve been so afraid of accepting this and ashamed of what others would think that I have hidden it for way too long. I have lived a half-life, and I now know that I am worthy of so much more! I will no longer be what someone else wants me to be. I will no longer be something that would make me acceptable to others. I must be exactly who I was created to be… and that has come through so loudly that I can no longer ignore the signs.
This brings me to the title of this entry, for throughout the whole process, I’ve had to overcome enormous amounts of fear and self-doubts. When I thought that I couldn’t possibly dredge up anymore unworthiness, self-doubt, fear, anger, sadness, and loneliness, more would surface. When I felt like I was so alone that I wouldn’t make it through, the Universe was holding me. It was holding me in so many ways and I was oblivious. It hasn’t been until literally within the past few weeks that I’ve received such clarity! A few weeks ago was one of those times where I felt like I was dying, and what happened blew me away. Many of the amazing people that I’m lucky to have in my life stepped forward at exactly the moment I needed them. There is no way I could’ve even thought it out so perfectly. I was so humbled by it and it brought me to my knees. I then started to see how I have been held for so long and I had been blind to it the whole time. Even when circumstances are not what we like, we are being held because it is pushing us to our Truth. Now, I can see the love in every little thing. I see it when the perfect person reaches out to me at just the right moment. When I hear the perfect song plays on the radio. When I’m driving by and the sun is shining at just the right angle. I see it when I receive and listen to the perfect guidance – I’ve been getting better at that one! What a gift! I see it when I know that I am at the perfect job at this moment, for it is providing exactly what I need. I feel it when the perfect bite of food nourishes me. I see it when a stranger gives me a smile. I see it when I sit with myself and am amazed at who I am finally revealing myself to be. The Universe has our back at every moment of every day… from the most minute ways to the ones that blow our minds. I have no words to express how grateful and humbled I am by this love. All I can say over and over again is, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
Cathy Guido
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner
Posted in Blogs | No Comments »
Tags: awakening, cathy guido, energy, metaphysical, progression, realization, spiritual, support, trinity, truth, Universe