Tag: truth


The Universe Has Our Back: We Are Constantly Being Held…

supportedroadThere have been major shifts that have been occurring that have pushed all of us on the path that we are supposed to be travelling. I know that for myself, I’ve been dragging my feet for some time. I had been standing still for so long that I didn’t know how to take a step forward.  I was terrified to stay in the space I was in, and at the same time terrified of where I was to go.

However, this past summer, all that changed. I experienced the life I so desire and I couldn’t stand still anymore. I know the steps that must be taken in order to live the way I dream… and they aren’t simple. Well, that’s not true. In a way, they are. They’re simple because what they will reveal is my Truth. I’ve been so afraid of accepting this and ashamed of what others would think that I have hidden it for way too long. I have lived a half-life, and I now know that I am worthy of so much more! I will no longer be what someone else wants me to be. I will no longer be something that would make me acceptable to others. I must be exactly who I was created to be… and that has come through so loudly that I can no longer ignore the signs.

This brings me to the title of this entry, for throughout the whole process, I’ve had to overcome enormous amounts of fear and self-doubts. When I thought that I couldn’t possibly dredge up anymore unworthiness, self-doubt, fear, anger, sadness, and loneliness, more would surface. When I felt like I was so alone that I wouldn’t make it through, the Universe was holding me. It was holding me in so many ways and I was oblivious. It hasn’t been until literally within the past few weeks that I’ve received such clarity! A few weeks ago was one of those times where I felt like I was dying, and what happened blew me away. Many of the amazing people that I’m lucky to have in my life stepped forward at exactly the moment I needed them. There is no way I could’ve even thought it out so perfectly. I was so humbled by it and it brought me to my knees. I then started to see how I have been held for so long and I had been blind to it the whole time. Even when circumstances are not what we like, we are being held because it is pushing us to our Truth. Now, I can see the love in every little thing. I see it when the perfect person reaches out to me at just the right moment. When I hear the perfect song plays on the radio. When I’m driving by and the sun is shining at just the right angle. I see it when I receive and listen to the perfect guidance – I’ve been getting better at that one! What a gift!  I see it when I know that I am at the perfect job at this moment, for it is providing exactly what I need. I feel it when the perfect bite of food nourishes me. I see it when a stranger gives me a smile. I see it when I sit with myself and am amazed at who I am finally revealing myself to be. The Universe has our back at every moment of every day… from the most minute ways to the ones that blow our minds. I have no words to express how grateful and humbled I am by this love. All I can say over and over again is, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”










Cathy Guido
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

Let go, my Ego

Fasting, releasing, letting go, removing blocks which prevent our light to shine, removing masks and discarding our shadow lives and being in full bloom to show up as authentic self.  If I were unafraid, I would let go of all my masks, all props, costumes, scripts, all ego created beliefs and BE.

I am pondering why I have created such a tight grip to holding onto the show.  Even though I know that letting go leads to something a whole lot better than my ego can imagine, I still resist and I hold back.  I am watching this tennis match between my ego and a wall.  Watching and believing that my ego can champion over a wall.  A wall which only is the reflective action the ego imposes upon it.  Yet even knowing that this is not real, I am holding onto it as if it is.  There is still so much resistance upon letting go.

I want so much to remember, remember my true authentic being.  My prayers, meditations, readings, writings, healings, and thoughts all focus on this.  I remind myself daily or more often than that to “wake up” … to “remember” … to “let go and trust” … and to “be in faith”.  Some moments, many moments, my patience turns and annoyance and aggravation become me and questions of doubt and uncertainty pour out.  The questions spill, “why can’t I just wake up, why is this taking so long, what the heck” and so on and so forth.  Then snap, my mind pivots and I attend to “it is time to refocus, time to heal, time to sit with that and reveal what the hold up within myself is.”

An answer bubbles up to the surface and shows that I am in grief and misery and terribly miss knowing that I will forget all this.  When I wake up and step into my truth and being that I am, I will have no memory at all of this dream world of this enchanted, exotic, wild, exciting, ego trip that I have been experiencing since the apple was eaten and this hallucination begun.  That I hold onto.  I hold onto wanting to remember this and that. Something tells me that both cannot be remembered.  It feels like something of the flavor of “we cannot serve two masters.”  I am torn, as I know it is time to step into the fullness and all that I am, but darn it all I do not want to forget this wild story.  My sentimentality and love for this imagined creation is still strongly entrenched in my being.  I am hitting the snooze bar for 5 more minutes, I am enjoying this dream.

Along comes the siren with a lullaby and it sweetly sings that it does not have to be all or none, not right away.  This is a finely tuned web of beliefs after all; and here negotiating, the ego is at work and says, “you know you can have your cake and eat it too.”  But of course we can stall.  We can take an evolutionary step and yet still be present with this 3D dream.  The drum rolls, and the reveal is that we can BE AWAKE within the dream.  Interesting, this is a precarious position for the ego.  I am surprised it is willing to take a step in this presence.  For the ego, this is like standing on the ledge of a cliff and all of a sudden the other side of the earth falls away leaving the ego balancing itself on a pinnacle of land for support without much leeway or wiggle room for roaming or moving about. It looks bleak for the ego now with nowhere left to go.  It is reduced to its final frontier and left to dissolve into I…..

I am afraid to let my imaginary friend go is what it boils to, and in irony it is my imaginary friend who is afraid to be imagined, to be let go, as my imagined sense is making this so.  It is confusing to be insane. It is now time to let go of the insanity within.  Know now it is time to turn within and connect to source and release and heal and receive the Truth of that in which we are.

Peace and Love to all.  See ya on the other side where though there is no word for it, I believe it points way beyond awesomenesssss!


Deena Jones






Dee Jones
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™