Tag: faith
Dance in the Flow of Life

Freedom and creativity doesn’t always come easily for people. It hasn’t always been easy for me. There was a time when I didn’t allow myself to open up and play with the creative path. I was usually stuck in my mind and I didn’t pay attention to my inner needs. I was living more for others and the purposes of others; I lacked awareness of my own deep purpose and worthiness. This path was very unfulfilling because a BIG part of me was missing. I woke up one day realizing my emptiness and said “enough is enough.” I resolved to “Dance a new Dance”.
I began to see the world with new eyes, to hear with new ears. It was a most enlightening and eye-opening experience! It was joyous and wondrous. I awakened the MAGIC within and was determined to never to go back. How did I do it? Trinity Energy Progression™ is how I broke free and became the dance of transformation. It’s the most incredible gift ever because it is the energy of remembrance: remembering who we really are as Divine beings and realizing our limitless power. The practice of Trinity Energy Progression has helped me totally embrace a new way of living. What an amazing journey! I now have a business with Trinity Energy Progression clients and students. I’m also a dancer and dance instructor; there’s no coincidence in me using the term “Dance” to explain one’s journey.
I want to encourage you to dance in the flow of life. Embrace the new energies and soar with them. It’s the Dawn of a New Dance. A dance is more than just the traditional movement of one’s body in a rhythmic pattern to music. It is defined here as all aspects of life that will open you up to a lighter, freer existence….one of high vibrational living, all bathing in the flow of love, connectedness, and joy. Here’s how you can dance in the flow of life…..
Dance is a continuous flow….live your life in constant motion, embrace what it is offering you, as it is the soul’s delight. Dance is divine and it will take you to magical places. One of my favorite dance quotes, which is by Nina, is:
“She uninhibitedly danced in the flow of love, and life reflected its beauty back to her.”
Dance unfolds a story…. step into your shoes and live your life with purpose. Be the character that you desire. You can switch back and forth and you can rewrite the story anytime you wish. You are the director, the producer, and the actor.
Dance is freedom…..it gives you the wings to fly. Let yourself go and embrace your spirit; this is who you are. Trust that your movements will carry you through. Tell your story in the fullness of who you are. You are a divine being of light, so let your light shine in all of its glory. Allow your dance to unfold without fear. Feel the rhythm, trust the flow.
Dance is an opportunity…. make the most of every moment and live your dreams to the fullest. Create moves that make you come ALIVE. Another of my favorite quotes, which is by Howard Thurman, is:
“Don’t Ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Dance is exhilarating….embrace excitement into your day to day life. Open your eyes and see the gifts around you. Enjoy the little things that cross your path and make them bigger than life. Dance through the song….dance through the flowers….dance through the job….dance through the tasks. Dance through everyday life and see the beauty in each step.
Dance is art in motion…..you can move however you wish and paint your own portrait. Your feet are the paintbrush and the floor is your sketch. Allow the paintbrush to move fluidly and spontaneously. All of the twists and turns are new doorways and adventures. See them as the bigger you and TRUST. Start moving and bending. Be flexible and allow new avenues to expand.
Dance is forgiving….when you trip up in life, make it part of the dance! Love yourself and be gentle. There is no wrong step. Open your heart and allow it to expand. Choose a new rhythm, step into a new beat. Trust your higher self to redirect you. It’s all part of the inner dance.
Dance is vision….it opens up new insights and understandings. Wisdom comes to life through creative flow. Dancing is divine and it connects you to Creator and your higher self. Open up and be a clear channel. Intuition will sharpen and you will dance through a waking dream.
Dance is transformational….like the beauty of the butterfly as it sheds its cocoon. It’s an exquisite unfolding of the newness of life and flying to new heights. Massive change takes place, yet it is done gracefully and gradually.
Dance is transcendent….leap forward into a new dimension with seamlessness. There are multiple levels to discover if you go deeper. It’s an effortless flow and you must say “Yes!” As the sign says, “Don’t Walk, DANCE.” Let go of mediocrity and take the leap!!
Your Dance is the choreography of your life. Live it as if it WERE a dance. Dance helps you find yourself and it helps you lose yourself. What is your dance saying to you? Where are you going? Are you going to make yourself come alive and live your life to the fullest? Are you going to follow your dreams to the next leap in consciousness? Your dance is YOURS and nobody else’s. Fill your life with new meaning and purpose. Paint your portrait. The universe needs you! Will YOU Dance in the flow of life? It is YOUR dance. It is YOUR chance.
Sandy Anthony
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression
Let go, my Ego

Fasting, releasing, letting go, removing blocks which prevent our light to shine, removing masks and discarding our shadow lives and being in full bloom to show up as authentic self. If I were unafraid, I would let go of all my masks, all props, costumes, scripts, all ego created beliefs and BE.
I am pondering why I have created such a tight grip to holding onto the show. Even though I know that letting go leads to something a whole lot better than my ego can imagine, I still resist and I hold back. I am watching this tennis match between my ego and a wall. Watching and believing that my ego can champion over a wall. A wall which only is the reflective action the ego imposes upon it. Yet even knowing that this is not real, I am holding onto it as if it is. There is still so much resistance upon letting go.
I want so much to remember, remember my true authentic being. My prayers, meditations, readings, writings, healings, and thoughts all focus on this. I remind myself daily or more often than that to “wake up” … to “remember” … to “let go and trust” … and to “be in faith”. Some moments, many moments, my patience turns and annoyance and aggravation become me and questions of doubt and uncertainty pour out. The questions spill, “why can’t I just wake up, why is this taking so long, what the heck” and so on and so forth. Then snap, my mind pivots and I attend to “it is time to refocus, time to heal, time to sit with that and reveal what the hold up within myself is.”
An answer bubbles up to the surface and shows that I am in grief and misery and terribly miss knowing that I will forget all this. When I wake up and step into my truth and being that I am, I will have no memory at all of this dream world of this enchanted, exotic, wild, exciting, ego trip that I have been experiencing since the apple was eaten and this hallucination begun. That I hold onto. I hold onto wanting to remember this and that. Something tells me that both cannot be remembered. It feels like something of the flavor of “we cannot serve two masters.” I am torn, as I know it is time to step into the fullness and all that I am, but darn it all I do not want to forget this wild story. My sentimentality and love for this imagined creation is still strongly entrenched in my being. I am hitting the snooze bar for 5 more minutes, I am enjoying this dream.
Along comes the siren with a lullaby and it sweetly sings that it does not have to be all or none, not right away. This is a finely tuned web of beliefs after all; and here negotiating, the ego is at work and says, “you know you can have your cake and eat it too.” But of course we can stall. We can take an evolutionary step and yet still be present with this 3D dream. The drum rolls, and the reveal is that we can BE AWAKE within the dream. Interesting, this is a precarious position for the ego. I am surprised it is willing to take a step in this presence. For the ego, this is like standing on the ledge of a cliff and all of a sudden the other side of the earth falls away leaving the ego balancing itself on a pinnacle of land for support without much leeway or wiggle room for roaming or moving about. It looks bleak for the ego now with nowhere left to go. It is reduced to its final frontier and left to dissolve into I…..
I am afraid to let my imaginary friend go is what it boils to, and in irony it is my imaginary friend who is afraid to be imagined, to be let go, as my imagined sense is making this so. It is confusing to be insane. It is now time to let go of the insanity within. Know now it is time to turn within and connect to source and release and heal and receive the Truth of that in which we are.
Peace and Love to all. See ya on the other side where though there is no word for it, I believe it points way beyond awesomenesssss!
Dee Jones
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™

When the hinges
Finally give way
And the glamour
And glory sway
Beneath the weight
Of tarnished truth
It comes as a
Relief to see
The ultimate
Of pursuing
What is clearly
A dead end.
No time like the
Said the caterpillar
As she stepped
Across the threshold
Of her homespun
From which she would
Emerge very soon
From head to wing
Ready to begin
Her beckoning
Adventures in the sky.
by Mary Hogan
When I wrote this poem years ago, I could only imagine life beyond my unhappy hamster wheel. Now I know how beautiful it is to release the dysfunctional patterns, relationships, jobs and unnecessary burdens that defined my existence. So much so that this past summer I sold my house, quit my job, and moved across the country, from North Carolina to Washington State, to begin the next chapter of my story. This has been a HUGE growth experience for me, in ways I never previously imagined! As I construct my new reality, I look around and am amazed at how joyful and free I am. It’s a continual leap of faith, becoming easier and easier as I go. I’ve been so supported by family and friends. I love living at this high vibration, and connecting with others who are either already there or ready to be!
While talking with Angela this week about the tendency to cling to the habit of a pattern even after the underlying causes/karma are cleared, I had a vision of a deep wheel rut in the mud. I then remembered driving across the country, moving slightly to the left or right of the lane I was in to stay on the higher, less-worn pavement. This provided a smoother, quieter ride. Anyone who’s ridden in my Magic Red Carpet Mazda knows how important it is to avoid the bumps in the road. Opa!!
We each have the power to create new pathways in our lives. It starts with releasing the old familiar habits whose karma may be cleared, but now require a conscious choice to change. This is the time of re-creation in our lives, the world, the YOUniverse and beyond. In order to live our wholeness, it’s key for us to forge new patterns from the mundane details of our routines to where we live and how we manifest BBA (boundless benevolent abundance), from the highest vibrational energy available. We can do this… ALL of us!
As I write, I’m hearing the theme song from Aladdin, “A Whole New World”. I invite you all to join me on this magic carpet ride!
Mary Hogan
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™