Tag: sarah avignone


Love – Outside of Space and Time

I hear it all the time…outside of space and time. Indicating that if you can’t be present at the appointed time, you still can achieve the same results. But I have never really thought about what it means other than whenever it works for me in my timeline. But that still involves time. And I think about connecting to whatever is outside of space and time, so in my mind that still involves space. What truly is outside of space and time? I see removing time and space from my life leaving me with only vibration. Universal, Eternal, Being. No limits, conditions or judgments. Actually not even words.

As I move towards living knowing that I am everything and that the Universes within me go as far in as the Universes outside of me go out, everything is up for redefinition.  And what better place to begin that process than with myself? How do I meet myself?  I begin outside of space and time and the obvious answer is in pure love. And since there is no space and time, what does that vibration feel like? It is the vibration of me at my core level. The Me I always have been for eons even before space and time. Me as pure potential. Me as Love. True self love. Pure, simple and powerful.

Redefining myself as this vibration brings about the crumbling of all aspects of me that are no longer supported in this vibration. How freeing?! What an opportunity?! And chaos!! I find that staying outside of space and time as well as trusting my vibration is crucial to allow this rebirthing to occur. Those aspects of my life and me that are in harmony with my vibration are magnified and attract other like vibrations. Easily. And those that aren’t fall away and disappear. Easily, all based on self-love outside of space and time.

I also trust that everything that is in my life has meaning or a message for me. Created and sent by me. I listen and feel into the vibration of it and allow it to align with my self-love or not and fall away. It is a new way of moving through space and time. My new way of Being, living and honoring my unique vibration within the symphony of the Multiverse.

Living Self-Love outside of space and time within space and time.









Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner/Facilitator

Creation – The Cellular Connection


Purity of cellular creationThe origin of the word create is Latin meaning “to produce.” But it’s the Late Middle English definition, “form out of nothing,” that I prefer, because it sums up my feelings about creating, creation and creativity. It all comes seemingly from nothing.

Or does it?

Today, in my opinion, creation takes the form of how we define it. The rules that are applied to the energy determine what we create. I think of taking Playdoh and forcing it through a plastic form to create a shape. Extruding the Playdoh into a shape allows us to create that shape. What a fun idea!

Now in taking that a step further to more “grown up” fundamentals, let’s create a $10,000 balance in my bank account. What “rules” do I access, and how do I manipulate the energy to create this balance? Let’s see… lots of hard work and effort? Robbing a bank? Winning the lottery? Finding the money in an old purse? These rules really seem to make the creation process complicated and effort intensive. OK, so let’s simplify it some more and just have the balance appear in my account. Great! That sounds clear and straightforward. But is it? Would I trust that the money really was mine? Would I be afraid that someone would discover it was an error and take the money back, since by some “rules,” I clearly didn’t “earn” it (and what’s earning and who defines when something is “earned,” anyway)? So, it is my understanding that when we create, we do so through belief (which includes rules and definitions) as well as trust in that creation here. For anything! A belief and trust in the perceived creation process is necessary.

So what would happen if we eliminated the need for the rules and definitions? And just knowing something is created, freely and unencumbered by any rules or processes? So in keeping with the positive affirmation principle, I began looking for words to express this type of creation. All the words seemed to define it in terms of lack of it. Like UNdefined or ruleLESS. My thoughts led me to phones without wires, wireless, again LESS. Then it hit me that would be a “cellular” phone. Ding! Ding! Ding! It’s creation from the cellular level. Free from rules, definitions, beliefs, processes or emotions.Creation based only on universal unconditional perfect love is Cellular Love. That’s the ultimate in creative freedom.

I love the scientific law that “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another.”

Creation just rearranges how our current “energy” is expressed. Imagine being able to express your energy in ways that are free from the rules and definitions? How would that change everything? Spend some time exploring the ramifications of how you define or limit your creativity and ultimately your creations with rules, definitions, beliefs, processes, and emotions. I found it to be almost overwhelming, without even considering the intricacies of the interdependencies of everything! The picture I saw was quite the tangled knot. It was way too much to undo. So rather than fix the current creative chaos, simply create cellularly, pure in every moment!

Your “cellular plan” has unlimited data, talk and text – naturally…. so, go create!!










Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

Remembering the Peace Within

sun reflectionsI see the earth as a living being, Mother Earth. With all of her inhabitants being passengers…and even parasites at times. Our relationship with her is symbiotic: If one suffers, we all suffer. We all know this. Science explains this in minute details! Philosophers have talked about it for ages.

If I focus on this concept and allow the true meaning to flow forward, I can see the interconnectedness of everything. Every facet of my reality has meaning and messages for me. I designed it that way!  I see each person as a reflection of the world they have created for themselves with their messages and meanings. And then as we connect each person to the next and we have a bigger picture of this reality, it has meaning and messages for those contributing to its design. So as we move farther and farther out, bringing us a bigger and bigger picture, the meaning and messages are for a bigger and bigger audience. You get the picture I’m painting here!

So if I believe the above is true, the inverse must be true too. The messages and meanings from the bigger perspective must have meaning for me too. Appearing on a grand scale or up close and personal in my day-to-day life. Struggle and strife in the world reflects struggle and strife in the individuals. This is where I find the opportunity to remember. To remember I am all of this: beauty, ugly, weak and strong. Loved and unloved. In this remembering, there is a sense of peace that I haven’t found anywhere else. A peace that means the struggle and longing are over, we are done, we have it all. We are it all and it is perfect! As we remember the peace within each of us, it begins to reflect outward into the bigger picture, the bigger picture of the wholeness. Each of us is a reflection of the wholeness. Just as each drop of water reflects the sun after a rainstorm in the picture above, we reflect the wholeness.
Sarah Avignone, Trinity Instructor

Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Instructor

Flame of Wholeness

FlameInto my Flame of Wholeness
I cast my Akashic records
Records of lessons and lives.

Into my Flame of Wholeness
I cast my emotions
Emotions of lessons and lives
Of ego and separation.

Into my Flame of Wholeness
I cast my creation
Creation of lessons and lives
Of ego and separation
Of light and darkness.

Into my Flame of Wholeness
I cast my wholeness.

Sarah Avignone










Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner


It’s that time of the year when the caps, gowns, and tassels come out and the academic world advances another group of minds to their next level. I, personally, am watching my third child graduate from high school this month. Talk about a sense of completion. For both of us. She never missed a day in 13 years and I never missed making a lunch! Lots of days; lots of lunches!

I overheard her friends talk about how “special” this time is in life and how it is so important to have no regrets, do it all. The world is your oyster. You can do anything! Last year Is done and over, completed, finished. A fresh start. No missing assignments, no less than stellar grades to recover from. I started thinking well if it takes graduating to be special, what’s the rest of our lives – not special? Un-special? So I decided to take a closer look at this concept of graduating.

I was recently ordained into the Order of Melchizedek by Dan Chesbro. He referred to death as simply a graduation. I like that analogy. So when I began this analysis of the graduation concept, I thought why wait until you are done here in this physical plane to wipe the slate clean, when we can graduate anytime we choose?

Why not apply “graduation” to everything? I graduated from yesterday to today. I’m going to celebrate and make today all it can be so I’ll have no regrets. My slate is wiped clean and I am starting fresh. Yes, that feels good! Actually awesome. What shall I create for myself today knowing that I will again graduate to tomorrow? Something perfect and complete because I will never have today again. Taken further, I am graduating from awake to asleep…what do I want to create there too? Or I am graduating from these angry emotions to ones of peace…what do I want to create there?

You get the picture. The concept of “graduating” fuels our cycle of conscious creation. It allows and supports completion, the clean slate many long for to begin anew. Woohoo! Now that’s something to celebrate!

So in conclusion, I am graduating from this blog post knowing I created something special out of the seemingly un-special. I am graduating from the un-special way of life to a life of creation.

Congratulations to everyone for graduating from yesterday to today! I look forward to what we will create today!

Sarah Avignone






Sarah Avignone
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™