Tag: sarah avignone
Living Ascension
I discovered Trinity Energy Progression™. I took the Practitioner class. I took the Facilitators class. I named my website. It all resonated with me. Little did I know that was the easy part of this journey. I realized that in order to truly step into who I am, I have to really know who I am. I have to put my self out there. Everywhere. Step out of the spiritual closet. All the way, not just with close friends and family, but with everyone. Facebook friends, Linked-in people, strangers, neighbors, and anyone who would stay and listen to what I had to say. Oh, then there’s what I have to say. What is it? A link to something Angela has said? No, it has to reflect who I am, what I believe, and what I have to offer. How can my personal journey help someone on their spiritual journey?
I never imagined answering those questions would lead me to where I am right now. The resistance to what I had to look at was tremendous. It was everywhere. Everywhere I looked had a reminder of what I needed to do. There was no getting away from it. No short cuts either. So here is the condensed version of my discoveries.
I am living ascension. To me that means I am the embodiment of ascension in my day-to-day life. That also doesn’t mean abandoning who I am to fit in a box of what ascension means. I examined my life and chose to embrace those elements that nourished my soul and spirit and release/resolve those that don’t. Sounds straightforward and simple.
It all began in conversations with Angela when we “hit” on the term “resolution”. Resolution to release/resolve the past. All of it! I saw this as a freeing of all the energies held in past situations, emotions, agreements, and beliefs. I saw the blue light of transformation helping to identify and isolate those areas creating resistance for me. This resolution allows fulfillment to also be recognized. Giving me a sense of completion with the resolution.
Our next step was “integration”. By freeing those resistant energies of the past, I was able to fully integrate my energies with those of the present. I saw the pink light of unconditional universal love intermingling with the blue light of transformation creating a violet flame of transmutation completing the remembrance of self-love.
Finally, by embracing the present and allowing the integration of all aspects of myself, I ignited my creation with the yellow light and become the creator of my life!! How powerful it was and is.
Reducing this to words makes it appear simple, and in concept it is; but as we all know the ego demands its fair share of attention. I have found that this process works for specific areas as well as general issues. Combining this with the built-in grace, ease, balance, harmony, joy, and fun of Trinity Energy Progression really creates a new flow of energies.
So this is my answer to what I have to offer to someone on their spiritual path. I must say thanks to Angela for the numerous shares and conversations and myself for creating a life that led me to these circumstances.
Sarah Avignone
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression
Who I Am?
Over the past several weeks or maybe months, I, along with many others, have aligned with the intentions to release several major partitions within myself.
First, I focused on my feelings of responsibility for those close to me, including their healing and spiritual paths. I released those feelings of responsibility and obligation, allowing them to be responsible for their own journey. On the heels of that clearing came the need to release my judgments of everything, including those around me on their spiritual path and journey.
Next came my acceptance of the shadow side of the light and the role I played in unleashing this shadow side into this version of duality. That caused a revisit to the release of judgment again; but this time of myself! Somewhere in here came the release of all the stories I carried. I understood I could not continue to carry these stories and align with the Divine within me.
Now this latest one is the real deal. Releasing the original split of myself. Going all the way, as high as it goes, to release this huge partition. Initially, I felt such a relief. I understood how we were doing everything differently this time. It felt so freeing. I no longer felt defined by anything. No stories to remember, no history to atone for, no roles to limit my behavior. What’s not to love about that?!
Then it hit me…without all of the responsibility, stories, guilt, judgment, and roles, who am I now? What is left? I feel like my mind/ego successfully maintained a rigid maze that I was allowed to explore and occupy and even expand as needed. My light could fill and even overflow this maze without any issue. It was Me. I mindfully managed Me.
My maze is now gone! My light has no impediments, no limits. I no longer am able to be mindful of Me! In order to fully embrace this latest clearing, I must be “heartful” not mindful of everything. There is no need for definitions, limitations, or distractions. There is no hole to fill. I am the divine Being of light. The Universe. All of it. So, to answer the question above, who I Am? “I Am”!
Sarah Avignone
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression
“Trinity” State of Mind
I find myself repeating the same story over and over and realized it was worth writing down. So here it is! I started my Trinity Energy Progression™ training in November, 2012. I have had many years of training in other energy modalities and this one seemed to speak to me; no, it actually screamed to me! So, I didn’t hesitate to sign up for the class.
My life began to change that weekend. My parents were living with me and my mother’s health was deteriorating very quickly. I began to use Trinity right away to check for guidance about what was in my mother’s highest and best interest, and not allow my egoic interests to consume me. She transitioned only a few weeks after the class and it was through Trinity that I was able to feel her joy as she connected with her parents and others who were waiting to greet her. It was more joy than I have ever experienced from her during her lifetime. I knew right then that this was a very powerful tool that would change my life; and it has.
I started noticing that the days I included a Trinity meditation were the days that just flowed and weren’t full of stress. So I added that to my daily routine. Next came the impromptu shower meditations to deal with any feelings of resistance about a particular situation. Then I would finish my day with a short intention in Trinity as I fell asleep.
This routine quickly cleared out anxieties and fears that had become part of my everyday. Almost like I had grown accustomed to them and didn’t realize how much of my energy and time they consumed until they were gone. I actually felt more in charge of my life.
Looking back, this was just the beginning of how Trinity has changed my life. I like to refer to Trinity Energy Progression as a tool. You know the saying, “It’s easier with the right tool for the job”. The same is true for energy modalities! I have found that Trinity is the only tool I need. It opens a door to a place of peace and unconditional love. I use it all day everyday.
So besides the “on purpose” meditation time, I use Trinity to help with everything from heated discussions to what to have for dinner. Living in a crazy household with my husband, father, 3 teenagers, plus 3 cats and 2 dogs, I need all the peace and unconditional love I can find!! And again, I didn’t realize how much time and energy the chaos of my life consumed until it was gone. I also didn’t realize the physical and mental toll it was taking either. Not just on me but everyone in my house. Trinity is so universal and unconditional; its only limits are my imagination. Just a few examples are raising the vibration of your food to better serve the body, keeping family and myself on “auto-clear” to better navigate life, attract prosperity and abundance. I could go on and on.
It is amazing how much more you hear when you quiet the storms in your life. I have been able to hear my inner voice guiding me to my life’s purpose. Something I have longed for every day. In July, 2013 I took the Trinity Energy Progression Facilitators class; and yes, my life has changed even more. I find it easier to stay in a higher perspective of my life and see things more objectively. I notice that the areas of conflict in my life held purpose and the sooner I understood or accepted the purpose, the sooner they dissolved.
Don’t get me wrong, my life isn’t without ups and downs; but how I deal with and understand it all is the difference. My life is perfect in everyway. Perfect to my specifications! It is my creation. Trinity Energy Progression has given me the tool to move through my creation with all the grace and ease I will allow.
Sarah Avignone
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression