Creation – The Cellular Connection
The origin of the word create is Latin meaning “to produce.” But it’s the Late Middle English definition, “form out of nothing,” that I prefer, because it sums up my feelings about creating, creation and creativity. It all comes seemingly from nothing.
Or does it?
Today, in my opinion, creation takes the form of how we define it. The rules that are applied to the energy determine what we create. I think of taking Playdoh and forcing it through a plastic form to create a shape. Extruding the Playdoh into a shape allows us to create that shape. What a fun idea!
Now in taking that a step further to more “grown up” fundamentals, let’s create a $10,000 balance in my bank account. What “rules” do I access, and how do I manipulate the energy to create this balance? Let’s see… lots of hard work and effort? Robbing a bank? Winning the lottery? Finding the money in an old purse? These rules really seem to make the creation process complicated and effort intensive. OK, so let’s simplify it some more and just have the balance appear in my account. Great! That sounds clear and straightforward. But is it? Would I trust that the money really was mine? Would I be afraid that someone would discover it was an error and take the money back, since by some “rules,” I clearly didn’t “earn” it (and what’s earning and who defines when something is “earned,” anyway)? So, it is my understanding that when we create, we do so through belief (which includes rules and definitions) as well as trust in that creation here. For anything! A belief and trust in the perceived creation process is necessary.
So what would happen if we eliminated the need for the rules and definitions? And just knowing something is created, freely and unencumbered by any rules or processes? So in keeping with the positive affirmation principle, I began looking for words to express this type of creation. All the words seemed to define it in terms of lack of it. Like UNdefined or ruleLESS. My thoughts led me to phones without wires, wireless, again LESS. Then it hit me that would be a “cellular” phone. Ding! Ding! Ding! It’s creation from the cellular level. Free from rules, definitions, beliefs, processes or emotions.Creation based only on universal unconditional perfect love is Cellular Love. That’s the ultimate in creative freedom.
I love the scientific law that “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another.”
Creation just rearranges how our current “energy” is expressed. Imagine being able to express your energy in ways that are free from the rules and definitions? How would that change everything? Spend some time exploring the ramifications of how you define or limit your creativity and ultimately your creations with rules, definitions, beliefs, processes, and emotions. I found it to be almost overwhelming, without even considering the intricacies of the interdependencies of everything! The picture I saw was quite the tangled knot. It was way too much to undo. So rather than fix the current creative chaos, simply create cellularly, pure in every moment!
Your “cellular plan” has unlimited data, talk and text – naturally…. so, go create!!
Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner