Messages and Channelings: Avoid Getting Lost in Translation

From the movie Arrival, c/o Sony Pictures

Before reading on, please take a minute and look at the image to the right. Really look at it, feel it. What does it mean to you? Then hold on to that perception and proceed…

I am in love with the Sony Pictures’ movie Arrival, for so, so many reasons; mostly because the exact topic of this blog has been floating out there, pinging me to write it, and the movie gave me a great illustration to help me along! (NOTE: If you’ve not seen it and are on an active journey of spiritual consciousness, I HIGHLY recommend you do!)

Ask a dozen different people the question above, and you’ll most likely get a dozen different answers. Some will say, “I recognize that… it’s from the movie Arrival; it’s part of that heptapod/alien language!”

And yet, not everyone has seen that movie in their current consciousness. So, instead, one might say, “Oh, this is just a psychology blot test!” Some could see a ring; some could see a planet getting hit by an asteroid; some could see an eyeball; some could just see a “mistake,” maybe someone’s pen or marker exploding while drawing a circle.

Are any of them really incorrect? They are what they are based on an individual’s filters via their own journey/life, their level of education, their level of consciousness, their level of exposure (and to what they’ve been exposed)… the list goes on.

All of this feeds in to the preponderance of messages and channelings as they are widespread in the spiritual community. Though some are very useful, here are a few pointers of which to be conscious to help you navigate through (and pointers for those who are providing them), to prevent you getting lost in translation:

The Dilution of Words

At the very fundamental level, words are a tool we have created in communicating our feelings, thoughts, and understandings in the amnesia of separation; it’s when we actively access our Oneness that we have fluid and clear understanding. However, another interesting concept I’d never consciously considered before in the movie Arrival is a discussion on how the words we learn/use form the thoughts in our heads… vs. the other way around. So… if we don’t have the words, we don’t know what or how to think of something… I would add that eventually, it forces us more into the place of feeling to understand.

There are more and more “words” out here discussing concepts, understandings, remembrances on a much larger consciousness scale… and yet, often no matter how many words we use, they still fall short of the full understanding. In addition, remember that when one individual tells another individual concepts via words, the concept is immediately diluted, as the words one individual uses is based on their own framework of understanding, their experience, education, exposure, and judgments. Then, when another person reads or hears them… they again take in the words based on THEIR own experience, understanding, education, exposure, and adjustments. As it gets passed on by words… well, you see how this can get diluted VERY quickly! Have you ever played a game of Telephone? This is EXACTLY what happens!

In the spiritual arena, this has continually proven itself to be a limitation, and does so more and more as we continue to awaken and remember. Moreso than ever before, we’re inundated with words, words, words; if we’re remembering Oneness, telepathy, and seamless connection… then why are we communicating with more words than ever?
I myself am a wordsmith… I’ve always loved words and the art with which we can use them! However, as I’ve progressed more and more on my remembrance and consciousness, I’ve had the desire to use them less and less. I set all of my communications – clients, students, public audiences (even including this blog) – to easily and openly communicate the understanding in Oneness (or what some would call telepathically), with far more than the words. I always tell my students that I physically say far less than they think I say, because the Oneness/telepathy is something the mind automatically wants to translate as words inside, too, until it just goes to the heart/spirit… and perceives it as “coming in” that way, vs. something that was translated by the individual. One time, an individual who was assisting me during class apparently sat back and observed this claim of mine throughout (unbeknownst to me), as she had been through the class and assisted me several times before. Afterward, she told me, “You know what? You it is so true about you not saying as much as many THINK you say… so cool to consciously observe what was happening with the verbal simply reinforcing the Oneness-based “reminder” of the material. Pretty amazing stuff!”

(And I DO see the irony of this wordy blog to talk about the importance of letting go of words as our primary method of communication! LOL)

In the spiritual/psychic arena, it’s important to note that EVERYONE who channels a message is doing so with their own filter of words, in an effort to bring the understanding in to the physical. I experienced that when I first had what I call my Grand Awakening, and had many, many interactions with different faces of the Divine (or, as many call them, guides). I asked the Elohim with whom I’d had much interaction about channeling. I wanted to try it, and asked to be shown (remember) how to do so. I could “see” and feel the knowing of the being; however, when I just “gave up” my consciousness to allow that to “come through”… what came through was gibberish. I was told that channeling is ALWAYS a combination effort, of the being(s) or faces of the Divine that are coming through and the filter of the individual doing the channeling. This is the case whether it’s simply written or typed… or if the individual does the whole “old school” way of channeling by allowing a being to “step in,” so to speak. They are still speaking words through the individual’s perception. Now, there are some very practiced, very adept channelers that insert very little of their own perspective… but it’s always there. Otherwise, it wouldn’t “come through.”

Further Dilution on Translation

I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve meant one thing, said it in a way that I believed to be precise… just to have someone else misquote me or re-word what I said in a completely different way! The intention is typicallly pure; however, they re-tell the concept through the filter of where and who THEY are! This is a simple example of translation: When one person takes in what someone/something else says, translates it via their own filters of understanding, and relays the same message out as a different message in the language of the teller. Another game of Telephone!

This happens a LOT in the spiritual world, with healers, psychics, and channelers. This is how it happens (and the way we’ve generally done it for a long time): The ego, believing itself to be “adding value” to the interation/session, wants to translate through its own filter. Not so! One of the very first things I was guided when I started working with others was, DON’T TRANSLATE!  If I see a pen, then I tell the other person I see a pen. Unless specifically guided to use a certain set of words, I don’t go into any way of imparting my opinion of what something means. The well-known parable of the elephant is a perfect example of why translation is completely subjective.

Something many forget is that a session – whether it’s a healing session, a psychic session, or anything of the sort (which, at the end of the day, is one and the same thing) – is about the client, not about the practitioner! Therefore, typically, in my experience what presents itself is information specifically for the CLIENT to understand… and not necessarily me. Therefore, what good would I do if I tried to translate something for the other person, when I don’t consciously know how it relates to them? A good example I give in teaching all of this is color. Let’s take the color red. For some, the color red is angry, foreboding, and negative; for others, it can mean energy, brightness, and fun; for even others, it can mean a very high vibration of love. So, what if you have the angry and foreboding perception of red, and your client has the high vibration of love perception of it? If you see a lot of red in a session, what would happen if you used your personal translation of the color in explanation to your client? Yes, as we become more advanced, we know to consciously ask for clarity on something or if something does mean what you think it means… but it’s surprising how many do not. I’ve seen situation after situation when someone has listened to something a professional psychic or healer has said when they’ve tried to translate the message for them, instead of relaying the direct information without translations. HUGE miscommunications… and often misguidance. And that, in turn is typical because of…

Spiritual Externalization

We’ve come to a place in our 3/4D experience where the part of our consciousness that is incarnate by default has been existing from extreme externalization. “Someone else” is more _______________ – fill in the blank: gifted, intelligent, psychic, connected, knowledgeable, etc. In general, the lower ego condition here has become extremely hierarchal, exclusionary, and completely dependent on outside factors giving one power, credence, and/or value. Here’s the default for most in such an experience: If someone else declares something and sounds like they know what they’re talking about, or they use a name someone deems important in the spiritual world (and this includes “channeled beings” such as archangels, ascended masters, and/or star beings), a vast majority of the time others around them will accept what they have to say as truth completely at face value. Why? Because we perceive it’s easier, and/or that we can’t otherwise get the information ourselves… and we also believe that if “so-and-so” says it, it MUST be truth! It’s SUCH a habit that we’re barely even conscious that we do it… even when we’re practiced in this kind of access ourselves!

Going Beyond: Remembering to Access the Information Ourselves (Because We Can!)

So many doubts, self limitation… and stepping into our own power is what this mass Awakening to our Divine self is all about! In my understanding – and one of the foundations of the practice of Trinity Energy Progression – is remembrance that the Divine is INSIDE of us; that, through all of our illusion of separation in to many pieces and parts, we are all still the Divine, and we are all infinitely capable of accessing the knowledge of the Universe when we remember how to do so. Also to remember is that ego does NOT just exist on Earth; my understanding is that, as the ego’s job in the duality-/separation-based Universe has been to explore separation and identity… ALL beings with ANY identity whatsoever has some sort of ego. Therefore, there ARE egoic opinions and perceptions inserted… even from that persona. Clues to that are words that come through like mustn’t, must, have to, can’t, and anything exclusionary and stating what’s “right” or “wrong.” In the Oneness/Wholeness/Source/Spirit/Creation/etc… no such thing exists; ALL is perfect and whole. Anything that portrays “having to receive” or anything similar is based in lack, and thus duality.

Ultimately, what is taught in this practice, as it has come to me and as I teach others, is that WE are an embodied piece of consciousness of what we consider the gods, goddesses, angels, archangels, ascended masters, star beings… and it’s time we fully stepped into our OWN remembrance and power as such, WHILE we are incarnate in these perfect forms for the journey! It’s NOT that no one is “special”… it’s that ALL of us are! Yes, it’s far, far easier to give our power away, and a traditional way of hiding behind that power and self-responsibility is to fall into being “the messenger” for another face of the Divine because we find it easier and less scary. However, this perpetuation limits us, allows us to perpetuate even other levels of ego in the Universe (yes, even those who present themselves as the face of enlightened beings), it can prevent us from coming to full realization… and pushing others to do the same. When we focus on our own Divine access and help others to do the same, then we all win, together… we all can recognize the Divinity in ourselves and others. The more we all access Divine knowledge ourselves, to bring it into our own understanding, without several levels of filtration before it comes to us from the outside… then we will all progress exponentially faster and far more easily!

So, is channeling “bad”? Are messages “bad”? NO… nothing is bad (that’s a duality/separation-based perception)… it is only what it teaches/helps us to remember. I tell others that first and foremost, before becoming comfortable with accessing such information, most important is to create the habit of a fundamental connection with your own Higher Self… so you can ask, “Is this MY truth? Is this highest and best for ME?” This is actually pretty easy, with a little effort (and something that is taught in the Trinity classes). It’s a REALLY core habit for us to break the habit of letting someone else tell us what THEY think is highest and best for us!

There are an innumerable Truths in the Universe, specific to perception. If you are channeling and sharing your information, always be aware to share “It is my understanding that…” or “For you to consider…” What you perceive as Truth might not necessarily be so for someone else… AND likewise for other faces/voices of the Divine (including ALL individualized beings AND collectives), as you receive its remembrance.

There’s far more to this topic, but I’m spent with all of these words!!! So, sending it to you in a wave of understanding. See you “out there”!











Angela Coulter
Originator, Trinity Energy Progression

One Comment to Messages and Channelings: Avoid Getting Lost in Translation

  1. Ann McKenzie says:

    Your message is clear, you always know what is best for yourself if you are not afraid to ask! Learning to trust and love yourself is first and foremost on this journey. Thanks, Angela.

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