Tag: reflection
Remembering the Peace Within
I see the earth as a living being, Mother Earth. With all of her inhabitants being passengers…and even parasites at times. Our relationship with her is symbiotic: If one suffers, we all suffer. We all know this. Science explains this in minute details! Philosophers have talked about it for ages.
If I focus on this concept and allow the true meaning to flow forward, I can see the interconnectedness of everything. Every facet of my reality has meaning and messages for me. I designed it that way! I see each person as a reflection of the world they have created for themselves with their messages and meanings. And then as we connect each person to the next and we have a bigger picture of this reality, it has meaning and messages for those contributing to its design. So as we move farther and farther out, bringing us a bigger and bigger picture, the meaning and messages are for a bigger and bigger audience. You get the picture I’m painting here!
So if I believe the above is true, the inverse must be true too. The messages and meanings from the bigger perspective must have meaning for me too. Appearing on a grand scale or up close and personal in my day-to-day life. Struggle and strife in the world reflects struggle and strife in the individuals. This is where I find the opportunity to remember. To remember I am all of this: beauty, ugly, weak and strong. Loved and unloved. In this remembering, there is a sense of peace that I haven’t found anywhere else. A peace that means the struggle and longing are over, we are done, we have it all. We are it all and it is perfect! As we remember the peace within each of us, it begins to reflect outward into the bigger picture, the bigger picture of the wholeness. Each of us is a reflection of the wholeness. Just as each drop of water reflects the sun after a rainstorm in the picture above, we reflect the wholeness.
Sarah Avignone
Trinity Energy Progression Instructor