Tag: surrendering


Time to (Let) Go…

This week, my family and I are moving to a new house. I’m VERY excited; LOVE the new house, and am HUGELY grateful for how this all came together!

Our house of 22 years is being torn down by the DOT to put a road through it.

Now, don’t judge the DOT… that’s what so many jump to right away. In all reality, the road they’re expanding to meet the road they’re putting in is VERY overdue; the traffic down that currently 2-lane road is a nightmare nightly, because it’s become a bottleneck in this rapidly growing area. In fact, when we bought our house 22 years ago, they were talking about this highway and road expansion then; it’s just been put on the table over and over… while we were able to play out a wonderful 22 years. We knew it was definitely coming three years ago, when they finally finished and began to implement the plan.

Our children are young adults now; my youngest is 21 and in her last year of college. So, actually… the timing was quite perfect, as my – our – needs and wants have changed dramatically.

I AM happily excited about it all! Quite honestly, my husband and I know we manifested this whole thing perfectly and with complete consciousness… but that’s a powerful blog for another day (and I WILL share THAT story)! It’s exciting to shed the past in its completion!

I know that I’m on the edge of the next huge level of transformation, and this is simply a physical reflection of that. I teach others about letting go, about opening ourselves to what’s next… and what’s now. Allowing. Though in many ways I’ve felt like I’ve been in stasis for the last three years, I’ve been hugely grateful for the time to mourn the “death” of our house, and in essence the “death” of a very, very significant part of my life. Since the beginning of this year, it’s been a (breathless) and very welcome shift into the engagement of change.

EXCEPT it’s sometimes a bit scary to the ego to jump into change in such a complete way, all at once… even though that seems to be the theme of my life!

The ego is still letting go of all I’ve built on within my experience, my identity, while this has been my domicile. I know that’s OK; I generally nourish and allow it, with love.

And I focus on gently, lovingly, and freely LETTING GO.

However, with that creation, there are some bumps in the road, as the ego tries to fight what it has held onto for so long. What I’ve been observing is the amazing amount of layers that were hidden under the surface of this connection.

Our home is the physical reflection of our personal and collective Divine embodiment. Flow issues? Plumbing comes up. Discomfort with yourself, as you are? Heating or air condition issues… I could go on.

And yet, it also reflects the love and energy of who we are.

The closer and closer this move has come to us, the more I have focused on gratitude for this house; for this haven of support and love for so many years of my life. So many who have come to this home have commented on how nourishing it is, how much love is there, how they just love being there. I have connected with the consciousness of the house seamlessly many, many times in gratitude, and all I feel is gratitude back.

I offered to take its consciousness with us, since it will no longer be embodied through the physicality of the house… and with love, it told me that it was ready to move on, with so much gratitude for all that we have shared. It has also provided me with a new sense of gratitude for my Self, for what I have chosen to embody, in a whole new level!

For the past week or so, I’ve been hearing its “voice” in my consciousness: “Time to go.” I realize it means both for me/us and for it.

This past weekend, I was mowing the lawn on my riding mower, doing what I’ve done a countless number of times, and I realized this was the last time I would be doing this at this house. As I rode along, with the sweet scents of familiarity surrounding me, an infinite number of flashes of memory began. All the thoughts, the meditations, the events that I reflected upon while mowing over the years – so many moments of uncertainty, discomfort, irritation, anger at something in my reality, as much as joy and excitement – that were worked out and flowed through doing this very basic task, and would ultimately calm me while bringing about the feeling of nourishment and support.

Along these flashes came tears; a final tidal wave of sadness, mourning… and a little fear of the unknown…. as excited as I am about it.

Yet, energetically reaching into the earth beneath me, I felt that nourishment and connection… I felt it all as me… and again, I understood, “Time to go.”

Time to let go of who, what, and where I’ve been, to become what I am to be, now. 

My heart exploded with gratitude in the fullness of love that has been there, that is to be, and in recognizing that it’s time to step into the wholeness of me in a whole new way without the need of this reflection back to me anymore.

Fait accompli.









Angela Coulter
Originator, Trinity Energy Progression