Tag: divine consciousness


We Are Limitless!!!

Starting anew can’t begin without the crumbling away of the old first. A reminder from Spirit to me this new year has been to recognize the beauty of rebirth from destruction. This includes the destruction of the negative patterns or beliefs we have held onto for perhaps many years. Old programmed beliefs that we fail to see in ourselves can come to light at any time within our consciousness to be released and healed … thereby ending our own suffering.

After meditation this morning I realized something. I had felt guilty a good portion of my life for not suffering as much as my sister had while growing up and even into adulthood. This knowing had occurred to me before….. but now I saw it sooooo very clearly…and I was ready to clear it once and for all. Hello there, limiting belief! As I carefully traced my feelings and emotions back to my early childhood, I saw how I allowed my emotions to manipulate me. Do you remember the saying “misery loves company”? I felt guiltily for not suffering more: how strange, but how true of so many of us. We are so addicted to our suffering.

In the energy work that I do, self-work is the most important. The first step for me is recognizing a belief that may be holding me back from my highest potential. I shift into a higher perspective by first thanking it for serving me and teaching me what I needed to know. Then I observe how those beliefs dissipate when released.

We are in charge…remember that the power is always inside of us. No need to reclaim it…it’s already there! No need for any more suffering….It’s my understanding that it’s a core limiting belief to believe otherwise. So, you want I should suffer? No thank you, I think not. We are limitless!

Debi Weinstein





Debi Weinstein
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™

Ascending the Throne

The title I use for what I do is Transformation Coach. When people ask what that entails, I say high vibrational energy work. Most people associate energy work with physical healing, which is one aspect of it. However, I prefer to describe my work as the energy of liberation; both for others and myself! This liberation results from resolving and releasing soul agreements/contracts (what many believe to be karmic patterns) that keep us trapped in limiting “scripts,” such as dysfunctional roles, unhealthy relationships, physical pain, etc. By taking full responsibility for the circumstances in our lives, we can embrace the lessons they present, release ourselves from the unhealthy dynamics, and choose more harmonious experiences.

It’s so gratifying to see the dramatic transformations in our lives as a result of releasing soul agreements. Personally, one of the big ones I was able to identify and release was with my Twin Soul, freeing both of us to proceed along our individual life paths while remaining on loving terms.

I’ve also assisted a number of others in their release of this kind of energy in a variety of related areas, including:

  • looking at and taking responsibility for (and clearing) the major medical conditions manifested in an attempt to get the attention of their Twin Flame;
  • clearing the feeling of obligation in carrying other people’s burdens (which had caused excruciating back pain and spinal cysts);
  • clearing ancestral responsibility;
  • freeing children from having to take on the role of caregivers;
  • releasing of caretaking agreements between spouses (which relieved one spouse from having to sacrifice his/her life to care for the other);
  • … the list goes on!

As for myself, one area in which I’ve experienced success is in releasing my own patterns of assuming unnecessary responsibility in relationships, which allows me to focus on my work while the other person remains in charge of his/her growth.

Most recently, I’ve received the message that it’s time to start living without soul agreements. I’ve understood that once we conclude our soul lessons we can move beyond the limitation of agreements altogether. We have the freedom to “make it up as we go along,” creating the reality we desire. When asked about a client’s new relationship contract, I was told there was none. I was shown a throne, and heard, “Ascend the throne.” I understood that what we choose is less important than the process of creative self-determination.

When we ascend the throne, we become kings and queens of all that we observe and experience. This new approach applies to more than just relationships. It’s a tectonic shift from the traditional approach of self-compromise, reactivity, over-compensation, unhappiness, and lack that have characterized many peoples’ experience of life, work, relationships, finances, etc. We start by looking into our own hearts and listening to our truth, desires, and guidance.

Based on this inner wisdom, we affirm that the elements we wish to manifest in our lives are already present in the best/highest form for us. For example, “I am abundantly supported for simply being who I am. As I resonate at the level of pure unconditional love, all my financial, emotional, and physical needs are met; I am free to follow my inspiration in joy and bliss.” This may sound like a re-packaging of the power of affirmation – “Gosh darn it, people like me.” The difference is that we’ve done the karmic excavation to remove anything that holds us back from existing at the vibrational level necessary to create from our heart’s desire.

As I see it, we’re embarking on a truly limitless adventure of pure potential. Ladies and gentlemen, please take your thrones, we’re about to take off!





Mary Hogan
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™

Photo credit:  http://www.streetpsds.com/kings-throne-psd

Set Your Intention and Let Go

In the last 3 weeks a fierce s**t storm has arrived in my life. Literally, it hit me full on and I have been in the center of it until I realized I was holding on. I was holding on to the past, to the drama, the 3D. I also knew that I had chosen this to happen as I was not in full realization of my Divinity of how ALIVE I really AM and of my power to let go completely and I mean COMPLETELY.

What I am about to share with you is my experience through the storm and the full realization of what I am and what I can do and what I am doing now.

The storm was horrific and in the moment, I saw myself right in the center of it, holding on to this thin frail reed. This thin frail reed that had deep, strong roots. I knew that I just needed to let go. That was the difficult part. I did not know how to do it. So I fought against it until something just snapped. It was the reed. I saw myself in the vortex of the storm, tossed violently left and right, and up and down. I needed to experience the storm. Chose to experience it in the event I needed to be fully aware of my rebirth into WHO I REALLY AM.

STOP! JUST STOP! STOP THE MADNESS! What am I to learn from all of this? What is it? I kept asking. Kept asking until…

It was Thursday, December 11 at around 1 am in the morning when I was in the ER with my mother. She was in the hallway on a gurney because they did not have a room for her. My sister was on the 3rd floor on a ventilator fighting to live. It had been 8 hours of just waiting and as mom’s blood pressure was rising I was meditating. Tapping in and tuning into the Divine using what I have learned through the Trinity Energy Progression™ teachings and experience with Angela Beyer Coulter and so many others who I love so very much.

As I focused in on mom’s soul, eyes wide open I called on my higher self, my angels, my guides for help. I screamed for help! Everything faded into a bright white light around her and they came. One by one infusing her and I with their love. At that moment, I just let go. I let go of her, of my sister, of my life and they all turned to me and said, “You do realize that you are a living Divine being just like us? You do realize that you cannot die and that you like us, are alive on so many other levels of existence? You do realize that you are now alive in a way that you have never been before because you are fully awake and aware that you are living as a Divine being like us? Do you realize your Divinity? Do you see that you are able to let it all go and watch it flow because you are LIVING ETERNALLY?”

With that, I just sat there and felt their love, my love flow and let go. I died in a way… OR better said, I was REBORN. With the realization of WHO I AM I was REBORN. I set the intention to just let go because I AM ALIVE now and will continue to live forever. I am Divine. WE are Divine. We are forever alive and living. Everything that may be an irritant, a worry, a lack of time or a lack of this or that or the other is of no consequence because WE LIVE ETERNALLY FOREVER. This experience in the 3D is not limiting and does not have to continue to be difficult if we JUST LET GO.

Today and 3 weeks later, my sister is off the ventilator, breathing on her own. My mother is at home and has some health issues but that just doesn’t matter. I just don’t care in the way I did before. Time has changed, too. For instance I get up and I do what I want to do to get from point A and B; and do not even look at the clock because I know it just does not matter. I am FREE. I am DIVINE. I am moving at my pace on my own terms FOREVER in my DIVINITY to experience what I came here to do. Through Trinity and in the chamber I go every night on my own terms. I do not need or want of anything because everything is forever and is as it should be – PERFECT!

My experience like yours is mine. No pressure. Be who you came here to be. I love you FOREVER.

Sevi Costaras





Sevi Costaras
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™

Who I Am?

Over the past several weeks or maybe months, I, along with many others, have aligned with the intentions to release several major partitions within myself.

First, I focused on my feelings of responsibility for those close to me, including their healing and spiritual paths. I released those feelings of responsibility and obligation, allowing them to be responsible for their own journey. On the heels of that clearing came the need to release my judgments of everything, including those around me on their spiritual path and journey.

Next came my acceptance of the shadow side of the light and the role I played in unleashing this shadow side into this version of duality. That caused a revisit to the release of judgment again; but this time of myself! Somewhere in here came the release of all the stories I carried. I understood I could not continue to carry these stories and align with the Divine within me.

Now this latest one is the real deal. Releasing the original split of myself. Going all the way, as high as it goes, to release this huge partition. Initially, I felt such a relief. I understood how we were doing everything differently this time. It felt so freeing. I no longer felt defined by anything. No stories to remember, no history to atone for, no roles to limit my behavior. What’s not to love about that?!

Then it hit me…without all of the responsibility, stories, guilt, judgment, and roles, who am I now? What is left? I feel like my mind/ego successfully maintained a rigid maze that I was allowed to explore and occupy and even expand as needed. My light could fill and even overflow this maze without any issue. It was Me. I mindfully managed Me.

My maze is now gone! My light has no impediments, no limits. I no longer am able to be mindful of Me! In order to fully embrace this latest clearing, I must be “heartful” not mindful of everything. There is no need for definitions, limitations, or distractions. There is no hole to fill. I am the divine Being of light. The Universe. All of it. So, to answer the question above, who I Am? “I Am”!

Sarah Avignone






Sarah Avignone
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression

No Asky, No-Getty

In this time of great change, it is more important than ever to go within to find our own personal truths. When we listen to our own hearts and get confirmation in messages, it is a powerful reminder indeed. Messages come to us in many ways. Are you listening?

How do you personally recognize the messages that you are constantly receiving? Do you get messages from animals, plants, feathers, airplanes, insects, clouds, books, music, art, or by physical sensations and vibrations. When we learn how to tune into our own higher knowing, we tune into the Universe and get our messages loudly, clearly, and beautifully.

Meditation allows a clear and open channel to hear such messages. It is vital to quiet the mind because only a quiet mind can actually hear the answers being received. When there is a bunch of chatter going on in our heads all the time, who can hear a thing?

Those of you who know me…know that I have been on an active path in service to the YOU-niverse for quite some time now. I have often been inspired to use many little phrases…my “Debi-isms” …some have called them…to help anchor a point home. One of my favorites is “No-Asky-No-Getty”. When we start ASKING…ASKING…ASKING….not wondering….guess what happens. We actually get ANSWERS! This remembrance to continually ask my higher self for clear answers was really anchored within after taking a Trinity Energy Progression™ class a few years ago. Ask for messages…ask for signs…ask for answers…..

I think back to the first time I learned this lesson which is the story of a particular “teacher” of mine, who I called my living animal totem, my dog “Daisy”. Our family had decided to get a dog. Even though I didn’t have spirituality as part of my life as I do now, I had started to communicate with angels when I was very ill. My husband Gene suggested that I go upstairs in meditation and “ASK where we were supposed to go to find our dog”. I immediately saw the color, size, and markings of “our” dog very clearly. I was told that her name was Daisy and what shelter we would find her in. I had never had a third eye vision before, so it was quite profound. When we got to the shelter, as I was guided, there was the dog I saw in my vision, exactly as I saw her; and when I asked for clarification, I heard this was our dog. I had also heard “In the beauty there will be ugliness” which made no sense to me until we got home to find she was covered in ticks; and over time found out she had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, which she healed herself of. I got so many lessons from her including how to handle death, practicing patience, telepathic communication, and how to heal. Of course, one of the biggest gifts was her teaching me how to recognize signs and messages, and how to ASK for guidance and for what you want.

Now get on out there and remember to ASK what’s for your highest and best! No Asky, No-Getty …

Debi Weinstein





Debi Weinstein
Facilitator, Trinity Energy Progression™