Tag: new year


New Year’s Inspiration

I’ve written before about selecting a word that will represent your upcoming year. However, with it being the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, it felt like the right time to mention it again. I hope you take the time to select a word for yourself, and to reflect upon it often. I tend to find that the actual selection process takes no time at all. I simply ask what my word should be and almost before I’ve finished asking the question the chosen word appears in my mind. My word for 2019?  Inspiration.

Silhouette of person jumping against a backlight sunset into starburst milky way sky

Inspiration 2019!

 I was somewhat surprised because this isn’t a word I use often. Sure, I might say I was inspired by something or even that someone was inspiring, but the word inspiration?  No.  I rarely use it. Inspiration though perfectly captures that feeling that I’ve felt when thinking about all that will happen in 2019. My 2019 calendar is relatively empty thus far, but 2019 feels like it is going to be a big year. You know what I mean?

I can already feel the changes beginning to take place and I’m excited, exhilarated, and truthfully a little scared too. Inspiration thus reminds me to both seek inspiration in all things big and small from the world around me, and also to be an inspiration to others. It challenges me to be the best version of me yet and I’m excited to get started.

I realize that with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can be difficult to find time to be alone, much less to think about anything other than all the things you still need to get done, but I think if you take the time to try this exercise you’ll find it richly rewarding. Need some added incentive? This year we are experiencing a new moon on January 5, 2019.

New moons are a perfect time to manifest any changes you want to see – even if your life is so wonderful and full that you only want more of what you already have!  What a great time to embody all of what your word for 2019 has to represent. So my wish for you is that you create a space for yourself to discover your own personal word for 2019, and that it helps you immensely in your journey. Bon voyage!



Colby Hall
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner


Unclogging, Letting Go of the $*@! for 2015 (and Letting In the Magic)


Every moment… every day… every week… every month… and every YEAR leads up to the next cumulative step in our individual and collective progress. Somewhere in 2014 we hit the uptick in the exponential curve for transforming, and the speed of our shifting has just gone off the charts in the past several months!

For the end of our 2014 calendar year… I was doing a lot of what in energy healing we call “infrastructure work”… meaning, a lot of clearing at the collective/oversoul levels. And I found that for some reason, the “tipoff” would come in the form of repetition via my clients, friends… and more and more, something that would manifest with ME, in MY life. It kept on getting bigger and bigger… and I was getting more and more irritated that these “hiccups” were manifesting as such in the 3D. Why, suddenly, had my flow “gone bad”? I would have worked on and cleared the hiccup and would be fine again for a few days… flowing along… and then BANG! The next one came up. And, as we got closer and closer to the end of the calendar year, it was getting more and MORE (vs. less and less) intense. I was getting SO irritated…

A few days before New Year’s Eve, in my house, we noticed we were having some odd plumbing issues. Part of what I’d taken on was recognizing something immediately… so it wouldn’t escalate. We had a plumber come out the day before New Year’s, and snaked the house. The downstairs was fine… the upstairs was still slow. The plumber suggested we try something to help with the upstairs that wold be an “easy fix.” So, the morning of New Year’s, up to the roof my husband went.

Next thing I knew, the toilets downstairs were flooded again. My husband – who was getting abnormally agitated by this – felt that our septic tank must be full. He called the plumber back, who agreed…and though they had a booked schedule… their emptying crew was actually just up the road from our house, so they fit us in, and they were at my house within 15 minutes (so I knew I was ALMOST THERE, if the “remedy” in the 3D was that available). At the same time, a friend of mine with whom I’m very paralleled energetically texted me to tell me that SHE was having some sort of crisis. I was at my wit’s end; I was tired and EXTREMELY frustrated at one thing after another coming up to “hold me back”… physically and/or financially!!! This was SO unusual for me… and it was such an anomaly, all throughout the season, that I was REALLY getting angry about the whole thing! I would ask if it were me, and would get NO… I would ask if it were my kids or pets, and I would get NO… I would ask if it were my husband, and I would get a undefined sort of thing… which caused my ego to want to project it on to him! My husband – an adept practitioner himself – was in the same place of frustration, of clearing, clearing, clearing… and didn’t feel like he’d missed anything.

So, my friend and I decided to do an impromptu share together (a share is when we get together to do energy work with each other), on Skype. I’d started crying; and yet, the tears felt MUCH BIGGER than just me. As is usual with the two of us, we always set the intention to do the healing at the highest related oversoul level… releasing the lesson, and whatever the cause of the individual manifestation was.

It’s funny to note that JUST when we started, the septic people had just gotten to my house, and I could hear the hum of what I called the “septic sucker” outside of my home office window… how the physical completely manifests from the non-physical…

When we started, I immediately saw my husband and I, with our arms around each other, standing at and looking over the edge of this huge pool – let’s call it an ocean – of s**t. Yes, there was some of ours… but I understood it was actually representative of ALL of us (of course… right to the collective/oversoul). A huge, huge, overwhelming , core sadness came over me, and the tears just started flowing. I was sobbing… and all I heard, at the higher level, was, “We define ourselves by this.” So much sadness to let it go… so much fear of losing our identity, of what we felt we’d accomplished. The light just turned up and up… and the thought at the higher consciousness was, “But it’s time to LET IT GO.” The remembrance was that we HAD to let go of it ALL – all of the muck (a somewhat nicer word for it LOL) – to move into the “next phase,” into the ascended world, “Earth 2.0,” and “Universe 2.0.” We wouldn’t move forward, individually or collectively, until we did.

Lots and lots and LOTS of tears, SUCH a huge, overwhelming feeling of loss!

And yet… I could see the even higher perspective. The “muck”…the “s***t”…the darkness, or whatever you want to call it – is everything separation. OF COURSE it defines us… because definition comes from experience of duality/separation itself! So, we added in there whatever was needed for us to remember that… and to release it. I saw threads of light break through the ocean, which turned out to be more like rock-solid ickiness; as we continued releasing, the light broke through more and more, the “pieces” broke up…or rather, simply became “reincorporated” into the light, since they were all a part of the illusion. Then, at some point, I saw a huge net of light encompass the entire hugeness of it… and understand it was all being processed, all being incorporated into our “Akashic Records” for complete resolution… and then it began to disappear.

By the end of our two sessions (we call them “Part 1” and “Part 2”), there had been a HUGE shift; a HUGE heaviness had left me, with only remnants to resolve and release. What a GREAT way to end one phase and start another (whether you want to call it a “new year” – connected to the illusion of our 3D – or simply a “new phase”)!

Even funnier… that the “septic sucker” finished almost immediately after we did! I found out later that, because it had been so long since the septic had been emptied (let’s just say it was WAYYY past overdue), they’d showed my husband that there had been a layer of hardened matter on the top that was about two feet thick – ewww, and how completely related to what I’d seen “out there” – and they had to do some work to break it up to get it to go.

Click on the picture above to watch the full recording!

Click on the picture above to watch the full recording!

Both of us felt a huge relief (though I will note that it was VERY FUNNY that my friend had to have a plumber go out to HER house on New Year’s Day – covered under a warranty – to snake HER plumbing… so obviously, residual clearing). After that… there were clearings for both of us to release that which causes us to take on the responsibility to do releasing work for the collective/oversouls, and to have to manifest that into our own realities as reflection so we’d see it (no more of THAT)! And there was actually a bunch of other cleanup work for us to do with ourselves… but WOW… what an AMAZING start to the next phase! This was completely reinforced by the AMAZING 5-hour online marathon we did on New Year’s Day on “The Ascended World: 2015 Spiritual/Metaphysical Kickoff”… so much flow, so much shining of the light gathered for that 5 hours! (If you missed it live, you can watch the recording, with speakers, topics, and time stamps posted, here.) 

There have been a standing toilet jokes with the Trinity instructors who took class in Mt. Shasta with me in 2014; it started when we ran out of toilet paper at the place where all the students stayed… and it’s held on through the rest of the year, because it seemed that during several classes I taught – all in different locations – we would run out of toilet paper in the middle of class! Letting go… letting go… and we’ve been getting the message for at least six months!

Day 3 into this “freedom from the ocean of muck,” wow… what a difference! The past few days have begun to feel lighter and lighter, and MUCH different than the typical 3D “new year”! In letting all of that muck go… it’s a whole new world, a whole new Universe, without all of that holding us down… or holding us back.

So… SOAR forward, clean and free! NOW, the fun and the magic REALLY begin!

Much, much love, LIGHT, and FUN,








Angela Coulter
Originator, Trinity Energy Progression