Tag: Tammy Taylor


The Last Time

If I had known it would be the last time I would have ….
Held on longer and squeezed a little tighter
Been present to the moment and let go of the fighter
Looked deeply into your eyes to find the love that we had grown
Taken your hand and stopped time as we have known
Told you all the things that were left unsaid and spoken only from my heart
Listened more closely and tried harder to do my part
A relationship no more, life turns on a dime
But how could I have known that it would be the last time?









Tammy Taylor
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

Love and Light

loveandlightThe fastest way to be the light
First love yourself with all your might
Then you will know which way to go
Where rewards come from – your heart aglow
White light, pure love – it’s essential
Sweet as it is, pure potential
Feel it now – and then release it
If just for a moment –  what a difference it makes
To love another as we do ourselves
What a precious gift, first to give and then receive
Love and light, yes that’s the key
That’s the way, no You and Me
But to be free, we come to be.


Tammy Taylor









Tammy Taylor
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

Stillness and Silence

TammyTBlog0516Day turns to night, as the sun goes down
Stillness and silence, a retreat with no hurry
To rest, to take time, to stop, to recover
From everyday life, to give meaning, to rediscover
The important things in life, the people, the passion
What makes it worth living, the reason for laughter
So take the opportunity, or manifesting it is better
A vacation from sorrow, all thought and regret
For time to stand still, no harbor, no net.

I could sit for days, not talking at all
Taking time to reflect, to counter the negative
Absent from heartache, absent from worries
I must go within to reap the full benefits
To be quiet, to feel peaceful, no hurries.

I need to be still, my spirit it seems
Must I go to this extreme
Could it be different and how
To stay present in this moment
No longer to return, once gone
There’s no going back, no rewind, I must pause
To be still, to be silent
Mind, body, spirit.

Tammy Taylor









Tammy Taylor
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

Shadow Boxing

Shadow“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light,
but by making the darkness conscious.” CG Jung


I should’ve bought that bottle of wine
I’d drink it down in no time
Drown my sorrows, run from my past
Except I know now, this never lasts
No denying what’s happened
In this life of mine
Pure excavation, doing my time
To weed out, to blend, to mend
To reap, to sow, no fitting in
An outcast, a comic, no believer in sin
A mother, a sister, an old dear friend
Tried and true – weathered and worn
No sleep in the night – I must always fight
For freedom – for liberty – no path to the right
So stand up I must – no easy way out
Face demons returned, for the final bout.


Tammy Taylor









Tammy Taylor
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

Living in Love


Tammy Taylor







Tammy Taylor
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator