Tag: christmas


Celebrate Life this Festive Season (and ALL the Time)!

ColorfulSandyAre you celebrating life this year, this season, this week?  Do you see life as one big party and a nonstop adventure?  If the answer is no, my question to you is “why not?”  Life is meant to be celebrated… to be lived to the fullest and to the fullest extent of joy and happiness.  It’s not just for the holiday season, even though most people do tend to get jollier in the month of December.  Think of when you were a kid—were you not happy?  Children are naturally joyful beings and they don’t know a different way (at least not typically).  They intuitively understand that they are here to be happy and they have a natural enthusiasm for life.  They want to thrive!  That’s why many adults love being around children–they make them feel youthful again and it helps them remember what it was like to be a bouncing ball of energy.  Even if kids have a rough day, they know how to bounce back quickly.  It doesn’t take long to see the return of a smile on their face.  Ahhh, that’s because they have resiliency…they know tomorrow will be another day.  In fact, it doesn’t even take until tomorrow for them to get into a better mood; they are usually cheerful within the hour. Lol!  Again, this is because they innately KNOW they are here to be happy and that life is meant to be enjoyed every day.

I attended a very unique holistic fair recently, and in fact, I even had a booth in it.  It’s called the Holistic Festival of Life & Wellness.  The name alone implies a life-enhancing, life-giving event.  It was filled with life in so many ways, even down to the marketing materials. The flyers were created with bright, vibrant colors and the words almost jumped off of the paper. There was so much positive energy exuding from the flyers that I knew this was a festival for me.  I could feel the energy and the intentions of the creators; I could feel the love and unity and the celebration. Regarding the actual event, the room was packed with dynamic practitioners and professionals who were passionate about sharing their services and products—many of which had left a dull and stressful job to do what they love to do most.  It was so refreshing to see the smiles on their faces as they stood behind their booths eagerly waiting for people to stop by eager anticipation.  Not only was this gratifying to watch, but I was also one of these excited vendors there to celebrate life.  I had left a hum drum life to join the forces of the creative spiritual world to do what I loved. The stage was also filled with another type of warmth—passionate musicians and dancers.  They were incredible performers and the shows lasted ALL day long.  Featured acts included belly dancers, drummers, conscious singers, sound healers, ecstatic dancers, and comic entertainers.  The performing groups had names like Wild Sky Tribal, Little Goddess Tribe, Daisy Windsong, and Tribal Evolution. These people were authentic to who they are. They were there to thrive!  They shared their jubilant and festive spirits with one and all and it was like there was no tomorrow.  They smiled ear to ear and they lit up the room with so much love and light and amazing energy.  All I can say is Wow!  The event lasted from 10:00am—10:00pm and the entertainment outlasted the guests.  This is not indicative of people who are bored, sad, dull, or depressed.  These are vibrant souls who have discovered the magic of life and who have decided to celebrate it.

We have a choice.  We can be happy or sad, alive or bored.  We all have down days from time to time and that’s part of the human experience.  There’s nothing wrong with that and it’s important that we accept the “dark” times as well as the “light” times.  It all comes from a place of love and it was created in love.  However, we don’t have to stay down… and we don’t have to hold onto the lower vibrational experiences of life. We don’t have to be attached to them and we don’t have to exist in a hum drum or mundane state. We are allowed to and worthy to release anything that no longer serves us.  For many of us, that means releasing the chains that bind us….the chains that hold us back from living a life of abundance, joy, and freedom.  Happiness is one of the most significant contributions we can make to ourselves.  When we’re happy, we open up a vortex of well-being and it’s an avenue for all good things to flow to and through us, including abundance and optimal health. Happiness and joy are very high vibrational states.  High vibes attract more high vibes.

During this holiday season of shopping, decorating, parties, and family visits, it can be quite challenging to keep up a perky mood in the midst of family obligations and responsibilities. We’ve been conditioned that we have to do it in a certain way and that we must hustle and bustle to get it all done.  We have a conscious choice to ring in the holidays with stress or with smiles.  We are deserving of spending our days exactly the way we want to, doing the activities that we love to do and not doing the activities we don’t want to do.  This is what high vibrational living is all about and this is the meaning of true freedom. If we love and value ourselves, this is exactly what we’ll be doing…and it’s truly worth celebrating!

Life produces life.  Energy produces energy. Joy produces joy.  Like attracts like. Let’s ring in the holidays with the joy and vibrancy of life.  Emulate and embody our TRUE selves, which is complete, utter, and endless happiness.  Celebrate life like nobody’s watching and bring in the New Year with promise, hope, and trust. Is this how you would like to step into 2016??

Sandy Anthony

Sandy Anthony
Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator/Practitioner

The Gift of Consciousness…Now and Beyond the Holiday Season

As I’ve spent a lot of time culling down my practices and focus areas over the end-of-year holidays… I tend to really love them, from both the 3D and the higher consciousness levels.

However, unexpectedly, this holiday season has been pretty challenging for me, and for awhile, I hadn’t received the conscious understanding as to why that was. It made no sense; overall; this year has been stupendous, lots of fun, lots of flow, lots of growth… and I figured I would just transition easily and effortlessly into an enjoyable holiday season.

For awhile, I couldn’t figure out why that wasn’t so.

I’ve done all of this energetic healing around abundance, around letting go of the past we tend to hold on to during the end-of-year holidays, since we tend to abide so tightly to tradition, ceremony, and rituals. We’ve culled our holiday decorations in our house, we’ve gotten new ones… and started some new traditions. The last several years have been phenomenal! However… from the beginning, I just couldn’t get myself to engage in the season this year.

Simultaneously, we’ve just been going through bigger and bigger metaphysical doorways of transition, growth, and HUGE expansion. That’s been GREAT… and yet, it started to trip me up around the end of November. I realize that my situations are far from being as challenging as many others, and I also realize I do a lot of energetic work at the “infrastructure” levels – oversouls/collectives/etc. that sometimes cause a “heavier flow” energetically, if only very temporarily.

doorwayWhile continuously releasing, expanding, and evolving on that front, I noticed more and more friction and irritation inside of me around the holidays, around some of the most minute things: so much I was observing in the interactions of others felt contrived; I noticed I had very little patience for holiday music, noticing that the entire season is generally built off of about 20 songs (and their hundreds of renditions); even unhappiness with the beautiful and simple tree we chose to bring home and decorate. During a season when I typically feel SO in the flow of it… I felt nothing, and actually, a little bit lost! And I pondered about that…  while also noticing that the flow had slowed down quite a bit. In fact, there were many unusual “stop and go” moments throughout that felt like I was riding in a stick shift car with a screwed up clutch! I was having a challenging time synching up my spiritual self and my 3D self… and that alone frustrated me.

The realization came together for me early this week (just in time LOL)… and now, looking back on the eve of the season, I do remember hearing Jeshua’s voice when I first noticed this, telling me all that matters is simply the way that I LIVE now. I sort of brushed that comment aside. I should’ve known better (being that it’s Jeshua LOL) and looked at it from this perspective earlier!

In the past years, I’ve shifted to a place far more centered from a place of love… all year round. I connect with others from the heart, and those with whom I’m drawn to connect are those I feel guided to have in my life. Whether I speak with someone once during the year or daily, whether I interact with them on social media or in person… if they’re there, it’s because my HEART knows they belong there; we serve a purpose in each other’s realities in some way. If we’re not… then we’re not. There’s no regrets; there are many with whom I have a connection that doesn’t necessitate our regular connection here in the 3D… though they’re just as important as others, just in a different way. There are others with whom I’ve fulfilled our interaction “agreements”… and we are free to go along our separate individual journeys. Again… I still have a huge amount of gratitude and love I have for them…this includes friends and biological family alike!! I also allow relationships to exist outside of any predetermined box, vs. based on 3D’s societal expectations – whatever they look like, and however it serves us as the involved parties is PERFECT as we choose for our journeys.

It’s SO freeing and pure to be able to live this way!

However, this year, I’ve noticed the feeling, which I realize now has been largely from the collective level – which exacerbated the volume of it in my consciousness  – that though there are many who do truly love the holidays for the connection to others, there’s far more of the collective creating the constant energy of frenetic obligation. So often, we spend so much time focusing on – and often fretting over – who we “have to” get gifts for, how much money we have (or don’t have) to spend, who we “have to” see, what we “have to” do… that on a larger level, so many speed through the holidays to finish off the checklist and get to the finish line! We’ve forgotten the real reason for the season, which is love in the highest vibration… Divine, unconditional love.

With Divine love, it just IS. We just ARE. This is all that is needed, except that remembrance, and that PRACTICE!

Often, even when we profess to be the MOST focused on that via our practices (often within a belief system) we tend to be held up in rituals and ceremony of obligation… vs. acting from the heart. There are many, many lessons for releasing the ego embedded in all of this! So often, one does a “good deed” largely for the purpose of telling others about the good deed (thus, proving value as a “good person”), vs. just because of guidance from the heart, without needing external validation. So many activities, so many practices are carried out because that’s what’s been passed down or influenced by others… without the individual considering if it’s truly heart felt, or just going through the moves. So many turn the season into a “keeping up with the Joneses” or making someone else happy for the sake of proving “what a good person they are” vs. just doing what feels right.

Time to change all of that!

What I realize I was feeling was a great incongruency between who I am now and what I do from the heart, without the additional need to “package it in a box” the way the season tends to be dictated in our 3D world. Though I’ve changed much of that, and have been living it this year more purely than ever before, at some level I felt like I needed to fit myself back into “the box” – no matter how subtly – to fulfill a certain role and practice during the season. It was THAT feeling – the collective reflecting back to me the amplification of whatever crumbs were left of that box within – that was causing such a disconnection (and in some cases, outright friction/resistance).

When we remember how to exist from that place of Divine love, for the Self and all around us, we simply hold our relationships and our Earth experience in the utmost gratitude and acceptance of the perfection of everything… regardless of what it “looks like” to others. When we start living that way day to day, a feeling of joviality and happiness is an everyday occurrence… and we incorporate that into all parts of our lives, all the time, all year round. We become more open and free about our love and joy, and therefore, the need to package it in a box simply goes away… because it becomes Christmas (or fill in the blank with your related holiday) EVERY day. And it just gets better and better! So, start today… honor yourself and those you love with the truest, purist you that you can be, and make EVERY day a holiday!  😉

Much, much love to you and yours this season and ALWAYS… and namaste,







Angela Coulter
Originator, Trinity Energy Progression

A NEW “Christmas”… for ALL

Today, on Christmas Eve, I had the most beautiful meditation.

I consciously sat in the doorway between worlds… between the “old Earth” and the “new Earth.” I was simultaneously in both… and I was simultaneously in all of my timelines, celebrating today with the same feeling, the same expansion of Universal love, regardless of where I was, regardless of my circumstances via that timeline.

Beyond that, I could feel the love emanating throughout Earth, throughout the Universe at this time of unity… while we’re also passing through a huge doorway into the “next phase” of our evolution, and in remembering our Oneness. So much love… at such a “new” level!

Of course, we set it up that way… this is the time of year when we naturally come together more easily in love… we remember our connectedness, regardless of our personal belief systems and individual celebrations. Therefore, we can so much more easily “take it to the next level” while we’re here!

Forget about the commercialization, forget about the individual belief systems… it’s time to celebrate the symphony, that we’re here at the party, and it’s so overwhelmingly beautiful!

Technically, we CAN still call it Christmas, without any direct connection to Jesus. Here’s why:

The term “Christ” was around long before Jesus/Yeshua. In fact, the reason he was given the name “Christ” had to do with realization of full Divine Consciousness (aka “Christed Consciousness) while incarnate. His actual lesson to us all: That we are ALL the Divine; that we are one in Divine Consciousness, and that we are all him… and can all achieve what he did. There are others who have achieved full Divine Consciousness while incarnate, and it’s time for all of us to do the same. That’s what we’re here to do!

As we remember to tap in directly to Divine Consciousness (as we do via Trinity), we more and more remember to live our Divinity in all ways. This is regardless of our individual paths, our individual beliefs, our individual purposes. We ALL become Christed! Thus, we’re in the age of Christed Consciousness… what better way to celebrate?

Though many don’t realize it, the celebration of these holidays have many overlapping traditions… and regardless, most of us connect during this season in was we don’t normally throughout the rest of the year.

When we let go of the “old” – as we’re naturally doing, whether the ego wants to or not – we realize how much space and expansion we allow for the new, in a better, more unified way!

So, here’s your task moving forward: Remember this feeling of love every moment of every day. Recognize and let go of that which doesn’t serve you.  Laugh. Love freely and openly. Enjoy the moment; enjoy where you are, right now… regardless of the challenges you’re facing. Know that all is absolutely magnificently perfect in the bigger, interwoven and interconnected picture… and that you – that all of us – have a singularly important part of this symphony that we planned together.

Know that you are loved. Unconditionally. And that you are worthy of such… as are all of us (yes, ALL of us).

And that we are all, in essence, simply different facets of the Divine, expressed as who we are… and thus, absolutely in the here and now, doing and experiencing what we are doing and experiencing here and now PERFECTLY.

I have such huge, HUGE gratitude to be where I am spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically… and to feel the new levels of remembrance and love that are flowing through us collectively. So much gratitude that we’re all here now, in this way… and that we are remembering that IT’S TIME. My heart is open wide, and it is HUGE.

Yes, Virginia… there IS a Santa Claus… who has come to personify the coming together of everything, of allowing everything to work out PERFECTLY, and in miracles happening moment by moment, day by day. When we remember to let go, to surrender to our Higher Self, to live in the moment, and to know that EVERYTHING is possible, and that we are limitless… we allow it all to be.

I believe.

I also allow all the magnificence into my life, into my world… into our world. How about you? Can you see the beauty in every moment of our lives? Can you allow such awe and gratitude and celebration into every moment of your existence? THAT is what I wish for you… now and always!

Best wishes, much love, and infinite magic, miracles, and magnificence to you…

Angela Coulter
OriginatorTrinity Energy Progression™